0.3.0 • Published 2 years ago

unsplash-react v0.3.0

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2 years ago


React components to get unsplash images in your app!


$ yarn add unsplash-react


Here's the most basic example:

import UnsplashReact, { Base64Uploader, withDefaultProps } from "unsplash-react"


export default function UnsplashUploader() {
  return (
      Uploader={withDefaultProps(Base64Uploader, { name: "event[logo]" })}

unsplash-react has two core steps

  1. Find a photo from unsplash
  2. Download the photo into the user's browser

Once the photo blob is in the browser, you can insert it into a page (using the URL), or upload the photo to your server for further use.

This is accomplished through the Uploader prop, which is a React component that is initialized with a standard set of props, and uses callbacks to signal its progress.

Please see the examples directory for more information, and don't hesitate to open an issue if you need help.

Try it out locally!

You'll need to create an application with Unsplash and get an access key to demo the components.

Once you have the access key, follow these steps.

$ git clone https://github.com/danielma/react-unsplash
$ cd react-unsplash
$ yarn
$ UNSPLASH_ACCESS_KEY=key yarn run dev
$ open http://localhost:10001/

<UnsplashReact /> Props

accessKeystringyesn/aAccess key from the Unsplash developer site
applicationNamestringyesn/aApplication name for UTM tracking
columnsnumberno3Number of columns to show in search results
defaultSearchstringno""A default search string. If not set, react-unsplash will show popular photos from Unsplash
highlightColorstringno#00adf0The highlight color for images when they have been selected and downloaded
onFinishedUploadingfuncnono-opA callback, for when the photo has finished uploading. Called with the download response from the uploader (eg, the response with the blob())
photoRationumberno3 / 2The width/height ratio for displaying search results
preferredSizeshape({ width, height })non/aYour application's preferred width and height for downloaded images. If not set, react-unsplash will download full size images
UploaderComponentnoBase64UploaderThe component used to upload photos from Unsplash to your application.
AfterAttributionComponentnoNullComponentThe component used to render additional attribution information into the image picker.

<Uploader /> Props

unsplashPhotoUnsplash API objectyesn/aThe photo object from the Unsplash API
downloadPhoto(UnsplashPhoto) => Promise<Response>yesn/aDownloads the photo from Unsplash. If preferredSize is set, the returned Response is a request to download the preferred size. Otherwise, it is a request to download the full size image
onFinishedUploadingfuncyesn/aThis function must be called when the Uploader has finished uploading the photo.

Built-in Uploaders

There are examples of the 3 main uploaders in the examples directory.


The BlobUploader downloads the selected unsplash photo, and calls onBloblLoaded with a Promise<Blob> representing the downloaded image.


The Base64Uploader downloads the selected unsplash photo as a blob, encodes it as base64, and inserts a <input type="hidden" /> with the encoded value for you to upload to your server.

DataTransferUploader (experimental)

The DataTransferUploader uses experimental APIs only available (as of writing) in Chrome to download the photo as a blob and set it as the value of a <input type="file" /> for uploading to your server.


The ExternalLocationUploader downloads the selected unsplash photo, and then executes a POST request to uploadUrl. It then calls this.props.onFinishedUploading with the Promise<Response> of that request.

The key example usage for this is direct to S3 upload. You can provide and uploadUrl, and after the photo is uploaded, you can save the bucket URL on your server.


The InsertIntoApplicationUploader calls onFinishedUploading with the URL of the photo to download. This can be used to insert the photo directly into your application.

Contributions welcome! :smile:


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