1.0.8 • Published 4 months ago

us-state-converter-plus v1.0.8

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4 months ago


The US State Converter package is a module made by Kevin Smith to convert state names to their USPS abbreviations or vice versa. This repository is a port of us-state-converter. Any feedback will be appreciated.



npm install us-state-converter-plus


yarn add us-state-converter-plus


Import the package first

const states = require('us-state-converter-plus')

You can get a full list of objects for each US state and territory by calling the function with no parameters

const listOfStates = states()
/* This will return an array of objects for each state including the state name, USPS, ISO, and USCG abbreviations, and the demonym for each state */

A single object for an individual state can be retrieved by passing a USPS abbreviation or a full state name

const wiscObject = states('WI')
/*  Will log: {
    name: 'Wisconsin',
    usps: 'WI',
    demonym: 'Wisconsinite',
    iso: 'US-WI',
    altAbbr: [ 'Wis', 'Wisc' ],
    uscg: 'WS'

You can get the USPS abbreviation directly by using the .abbr() method

const abbr = states.abbr('Illinois')
console.log(abbr) // <- Logs 'IL'

You can do a reverse search using the USPS abbreviation to get the full name of the state, as well, using the .fullName() method

const state = states.fullName('MN')
console.log(state) // <- Logs 'Minnesota'

If you need a list of just the 50 states without territories or DC, the .only50() method will do that for you

const fiftyStates = states.only50()
/* This will log the same array of objects as states(), only with the territories and DC removed */

Finally, I added a method to find the demonym for any state, for funsies. the method is simply called .demonym()

const cheesehead = states.demonym('Wisconsin')
console.log(cheeshead) // <- Logs 'Wisconsinite', actually 🧀

That's it for now! I would love any feedback or ideas on how I can expand this.


4 months ago


4 months ago