0.5.2 • Published 3 years ago

use-animate-presence v0.5.2

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Last release
3 years ago


  • Uses Web Animation API (60fps animation off main thread)
  • Spring physics based animation
  • Cancelable / reversable animations
  • Chainable mounts / unmounts
  • Small (~1KB)


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Get started

Basic usage

import { useAnimatePresence } from "use-animate-presence";

const variants = {
  x: { from: -800, to: 0 },

export default function App() {
  const animatedDiv = useAnimatePresence({
    initial: "visible",

  return (
      <button onClick={() => animatedDiv.togglePresence()}>Toggle</button>
      {animatedDiv.isRendered && <div ref={animatedDiv.ref} />}

Play with the code here:

Edit use-animate-presence-basic-demo

Advanced usage

useAnimatePresence takes one object as an argument. Below is a table with possible properties and their description (some properties are explained in detail later):

variants-trueobjectProperties and values to animate
initial-true"hidden" or "visible"Whether item is rendered initially
animateFirstRendertruefalsebooleanWhether to animate on first render (first mount)
enterundefinedfalsefunctionFunction to execute when enter animation is finished
exitundefinedfalsefunctionFunction to execute when exit animation is finished
waitundefinedfalsefunctionFunction to execute both when enter and when exit animation is finished
debugName""falsestringName for tracking the animation lifecycle of the hook, if not provided it won't show logs to console
duration1000falsenumberAnimation duration (ms) (use if you only animate opacity)
options(read below)falseobjectSpring options (stiffness, mass and damping ratio)

Return value

useAnimatePresence returns an object which contains a function that can toggle presence, a ref that you need to attach to the element you want to animate and a isRendered property which you can use to conditionally render elements.

refReact ref
togglePresenceFunction that toggles presence (and animates)
isRenderedBoolean that should be used to conditionally render elements

Look again at the example above to see how all properties are used:

return (
    <button onClick={() => animatedDiv.togglePresence()}>Toggle</button>
    {animatedDiv.isRendered && <div ref={animatedDiv.ref} />}


Variants look like this:

const variants = {
  x: { from: -800, to: 0 },
  deg: 360,

Except for deg, which is degrees of rotation, every property must have a from value and a to value. All possible properties are: x, y, deg, opacity and scale (scale is experimental and might not work as intended).

enter, exit and wait

These are callbacks to be executed after enter (mount) or exit (unmount) animation finishes. wait is simply a shorthand - if you need to execute the same callback on both enter and exit animations you can just pass it as a wait property. Mostly, you will need this to chain mounts / unmounts. For example, if you want element B to animate only after element A is finished, you can do this:

const elementA = useAnimatePresence({
  variants: springVariants,
  initial: "hidden",
  debugName: "front-square",

const elementB = useAnimatePresence({
  variants: springVariants,
  initial: "visible",
  wait: elementA.togglePresence,

return (
    {<button onClick={() => elementB.togglePresence()}>Toggle</button>}
    {elementB.isRendered && (
      <div ref={elementB.ref}>
        {elementA.isRendered && <div ref={elementA.ref} />}

In this example, elementA will not be animated and its property isRendered will be false until elementB is finished animating. Play with a complex example here:

Edit use-animate-presence-demo

Spring options

Springs have stiffness, mass and damping ratio. The defaults are: stiffness 150, mass 3 and damping 27. You can customize the parameters like this:

  initial: "visible",
  options: {
    stiffness: 500,
    mass: 1,
    damping: 10,


Toast notifications

You can easily create nice toast notifications with this library.


Edit animate-popup

Arbitrary number of animatable items

You can render an arbitrary array of items that are animatable with useAnimatePresence. Here is something you can achieve if you combine this library with react-easy-flip.


Edit animate-presence-multiple-2


This library requires React version 16.8.0 or higher (the one with Hooks).


Any kind of contribution is welcome!

  1. Open an issue or pick an existing one that you want to work on
  2. Fork this repository
  3. Clone your fork to work on it locally
  4. Make changes
  5. Run yarn build and make sure that it builds without crash
  6. Push changes and open a pull request

Note: if you want to link the package to some other project to do integration tests, you may run into an issue with two React versions. In this case, run npm link <path-to-react-in-your-other-project> while in use-animation-presence root directory.


3 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago