1.0.2 • Published 5 years ago

use-intersection-observer-hook v1.0.2

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5 years ago

useIntersectionObserver React hook

Tiny react compatible implementation of Intersection Observer browser API.


npm install use-intersection-observer-hook
yarn add use-intersection-observer-hook

Why do you need it

  • api is very simple;
  • whole codebase is 100 lines only;
  • it takes care of memory management;

Usage example

import * as React from 'react';
import { useIntersectionObserver } from 'use-intersection-observer';

// let's assume that we want create a component that
// paginates when it intersect the viewport
interface IPaginatorProps {
  fetchAction(): void;

export function Paginator({ fetchAction }: IPaginatorProps) {
  // we call useIntersectionObserver hook without any settings provided,
  // because we want the root is to be viewport and the threshold is to be set
  // to a single value - 0. Also we will add rootMargin parameter like below
  // to make pagination triggers in 100px below viewport - so there is no any big
  // lags while page scrolling.
  const [ref, ...entries] = useIntersectionObserver<HTMLDivElement>({ rootMargin: '0px 0px 100px 0px'});
  // here we've got the ref to identify our target element and set of entries to manipulate

  React.useEffect(() => {
    // now we need to fire pagination as soon as Paginator intersects the viewport
    if (entries[0] && entries[0].isIntersecting) {
  }, [entries]);
  // very important part is to set some dimensions to this div - otherwise it will stay
  // "invisible" for Intersection Observer
  return <div className={someStyles} ref={ref} />; 
// all we need at this point is to set Paginator at the end of some long list of data:
interface ISomeLongListOfDataProps {
  dataList: any[];

export function SomeLongListOfData({ dataList }: ISomeLongListOfDataProps) {
  // let's use just fake action with some log inside
  const paginate = () => { console.log('>> PAGINATE TRIGGERS') }

  return (
      <Paginator fetchAction={paginate} />
    </ div>
// And here we are - this is all necessary steps to achieve our goals.
// As soon as we scroll to the end of the list message
// '>> PAGINATE TRIGGERS' will appear in console.


Parameters accepted with useIntersectionObserver are identical to IntersectionObserver class settings except of "active" parameter. Let's consider each parameter in more detail.

###Input UseIntersectionObserver takes an object of four parameters:

interface IParameters {
  root?: Element | null;
  rootMargin?: string;
  threshold?: number | number[];
  active?: boolean;
  • root?: Element | null - the same root as IntersectionObserver's one. It's optional and means rectangle that will be intersected by the target. Sets to null and is viewport by default.
  • rootMargin?: string - the same rootMargin as IntersectionObserver's one. It's optional and means margin that adding to your root if it's provided. By default has value '0px 0px 0px 0px'.
  • threshold?: number | number[] - the same threshold as IntersectionObserver's one. It is optional and means percents of target visibility in root element. By default sets to 0.
  • active?: boolean - this boolean parameter provides in due to control of observation. It is optional and sets to true by default.

###Output UseIntersectionObserver returns an array of two values: ref and array of entries. type TOutput<T> = [React.RefObject<T>, ...IntersectionObserverEntry[]]

  • ref: React.RefObject - React.RefObject that provided to connect your Intersection Observer with your target element.
  • entries: IntersectionObserverEntry[] - an array of Intersection Observer entries gives you an instrument to manage Intersection Observer callbacks.


Using active parameter

Let's implement lazy load image component. Besides we want to stop observe an image when it stops to load.

import * as React from 'react';
import { useIntersectionObserver } from 'useIntersectionObserver';
interface ILazyImage {
  src: string;
  alt: string;

export function LazyImage({ alt, src }: ILazyImage) {
  // we will use state to control active parameter and switch it when needed
  const [ active, setActive ] = React.useState(true);
  // call an intersection observer hook where active is true so it will observe out img
  const [ref, ...entries] = useIntersectionObserver({ active });
  // a handler to stop observe image
  const unobserve = () => { setActive(false); }

  // Now what we need to do is specify src which should be set with empty string
  // first and when it intersects viewport, it should be set to actual image address.
  // Another thing to do is to set onLoad handler to disconnect Intersection Observer
  // and this target.
  return (
      src={entries[0] && entries[0].isIntersecting ? src : ''}