1.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

use-modal-react v1.0.0

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2 years ago

React Use Modal

react-use-modal is a hook meant to take care of state management for modals, instead of requiring you to do so. This library does not provide a component for rendering modals, but it allows you to choose what components to use.

Table of Content

Context - Without react-use-modal

Consider the following example:

function MyModalComponent(props) {
    const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);

    return (
            <Button onClick={() => setIsOpen(true)}>
                Open Modal
            <Modal isOpen={isOpen} onHide={() => setIsOpen(false)}>

What's bad about this is that in every component we need a modal, we will have to: 1. create a state for the modal opening 2. render the actual modal content alongside the rest of the components tree

Basic Usage - With react-use-modal

First things first, we want to make sure the modal context is available, so add the ModalProvider somewhere up the tree (like your main.js):

const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));

        <ModalProvider variants={Modal}>

The variants prop is the component used to actually render the Modal. Read the API description.

The example above could be written as:

function MyModalComponent(props) {
    const openModal = useModal(ModalContents);

    return (
        <Button onClick={openModal}>
            Open Modal

The useModal hook is fairly customizable. Read the API description.


1. ModalProvider component

The provider of the Modal Context. This library cannot be used without this.

Property NameAccepted TypesDescription
variantsComponent \| ObjectAll possible variants of modals.

2. useModal(useComponent: Component, options?: HookProps, deps = []): OpenModalFn

The actual hook responsible with the magic. It accepts 3 parameters.

Parameter NameAccepted TypesDescription
useComponentComponentThe component rendered as modal content.
options(optional)HookPropsAdditional options for modal customization (check table below).
deps(optional)ArrayReact dependency array. There aren't really many usecases for using this.Default value: []

3. Additional options accepted by the useModal hook:

Property NameAccepted TypesDescription
variant(optional)stringThe modal variant to be used. Must be one of the specified variants.Default value: default
isDefaultOpen(optional)booleanControls whether the modal should be opened by default or not.Default value: false
onHide(optional)(params: any) => anyFunction called when the modal is closed. Accepts one parameter.
props(optional)ObjectProperties passed to the Modal variant rendered.
componentProps(optional)ObjectProperties passed to the component rendered inside the modal.

4. Return: OpenModalFn: (params: IDynamicParams) => any

A function that opens the modal when called. It accepts one parameter of type Object that will be used as the params prop of the modal content component.

Example Usages

1. Custom Modal Variant & Props

import Modal from '/my-components/modals/Modal';
import RedModalVariant from '/my-components/modals/RedModalVariant';

// variants used in ModalProvider
const variants = {
    default: Modal,
    'red-modal': RedModalVariant,

// MyComponent.js
function MyComponent() {
    const openModal = useModal(ModalContentComponent, {
        variant: 'red-modal',
        props: {    // will be passed to the RedModalVariant component
            size: 'lg',     
        componentProps: {   // will be passed to the ModalContentComponent
            content: 'hello world',     

    return (
        <button onClick={openModal}>
            Open Modal

2. Dynamic Content

When you have a list of items, instead of rendering a modal for all of the items (hence, managing multiple component states), you can do something like this:

// MyComponent.js
function MyComponent() {
    const [list, setList] = useState([]);

    useEffect(fetchMyList, []);

    const openModal = useModal(EditListItemModal, {
        componentProps: {
            title: 'Edit Item',

    return (
            {list.map(item => (
                <li key={item.id} onClick={() => openModal(item)} />

// EditListItemModal.js
function EditListItemModal({ title, params: item }) {
    // the dynamic params prop will be the item passed when openModal got called
    // title, however, is a static prop passed when the modal is initialized

This way, you can use the same modal instance, while only changing the data used to render the content.


2 years ago