1.7.0 • Published 2 years ago
use-suspense-fetch v1.7.0
A data fetching library for React Suspense. inspired by use-asset
- use LRU Cache
- support create custom cache
- support React 18 New Suspense SSR
yarn add use-suspense-fetch or npm install use-suspense-fetch
use react 18 createRoot
const fakeData = [
"Wait, it doesn't wait for React to load?",
'How does this even work?',
'I like marshmallows'
import suspenseFetch from 'use-suspense-fetch'
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom'
import { Suspense } from 'react'
export default function Comment() {
const res = suspenseFetch(
() =>
new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => resolve(fakeData), 2000)
return (
{res.map(r => (
function App() {
return (
<Comment />
const root = createRoot(document.getElementById('root'))
<App />
suspenseFetch will use globalCache
- use
in server and client
server in fixtures/ssr/server/render.js
line 43
import * as React from 'react'
// import {renderToString} from 'react-dom/server';
import { pipeToNodeWritable } from 'react-dom/server'
import App from '../src/App'
import { DataProvider } from '../src/data'
import { API_DELAY, ABORT_DELAY } from './delays'
import { SuspenseFetchProvider, renderScriptHtml } from 'use-suspense-fetch'
// get some method includes getCache
const method = createSuspenseFetch()
const { startWriting, abort } = pipeToNodeWritable(
<DataProvider data={data}>
<SuspenseFetchProvider method={method}>
<App assets={assets} />
onReadyToStream() {
// If something errored before we started streaming, we set the error code appropriately.
res.statusCode = didError ? 500 : 200
res.setHeader('Content-type', 'text/html')
res.write('<!DOCTYPE html>')
onError(x) {
didError = true
onCompleteAll() {
// in onCompleteAll get all resolved suspense data
const cache = method.getCache()
// render cache to htmlStr
const str = renderScriptHtml(cache)
// return str
console.log('------- complete ---------')
client in fixtures/ssr/src/index.js
line 15
import { hydrateRoot } from 'react-dom'
import App from './App'
import { SuspenseFetchProvider, getServerInitialData } from 'use-suspense-fetch'
// get cached initialData
const initialData = getServerInitialData()
console.log('initialData:', initialData)
// use cache initialData, in order to avoid fetch data again in client.
<SuspenseFetchProvider initialData={initialData}>
<App assets={window.assetManifest} />
- use
in Component
in fixtures/ssr/src/Comments2.js
import { useFetch } from 'use-suspense-fetch'
const API_DELAY = 2000
const fakeData = [
"Wait, it doesn't wait for React to load?",
'How does this even work?',
'I like marshmallows'
export default function Comments2({ subreddit }) {
// if server cache has data, useFetch will use it directly, not to fetch data again.
const response = useFetch(
() =>
new Promise(resolve =>
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('post:', response)
return (
{response.map((post, i) => (
<li key={i}>{post}</li>
- SuspenseProvider: if you use support React 18 New Suspense SSR, you have to use it in server render.
interface SuspenseProviderProps {
children?: React.ReactNode
// LRU Option
options?: Options<string, any>
// if method exist, it will use method, else suspenseProvider will create cache in component.
// you can use it in server. example => fixtures/ssr/server/render.js
method?: ReturnMethod<Response>
// get server resolved suspense data, you can use it in client. example => fixtures/ssr/src/index.js
initialData?: Record<string, Response>
- useSuspenseFetch: you can use it in Component that is inside the Suspense. It will return
- fetch(key: string, fn: () => Promise): get data from server
- refresh(key?: string): clear cache
- peek(key: string): get key data
- preload(key: string, fn: () => Promise): get data early
- getCache(): get all cache data
- useFetch(key: string, fn: () => Promise): get data from server. It is equal to fetch.
- renderScriptHtml(cache: LRU): render script html string, use it in server.
- getServerInitialData(key?: string): get server cache suspense data, if key not exist it will use default key. only use it in client.
if you use useSuspenseFetch or useFetch, you have to use SuspenseProvider in the top of component.
you can also use the api below, they use global cache and don't depend on SuspenseProvider.
- suspenseFetch: it it equal useFetch, you can
import suspenseFetch from 'use-suspense-fetch'
- refresh(key?: string): clear cache, you can
import { refresh } from 'use-suspense-fetch'
- peek(key: string): get key data, you can
import { peek } from 'use-suspense-fetch'
- preload(key: string, fn: () => Promise): use it to get data early, you can
import { preload } from 'use-suspense-fetch'