0.3.0 • Published 4 years ago

use-web-component v0.3.0

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Last release
4 years ago


A hook to abstract the more complicated wiring of web-components inside of react

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When it comes to custom elements / web components, React doesn't support anything other than standard HTML event binding (onClick, etc) and simple (string, number, bool) attributes. If you need to attach a listener for a custom event, or a callback function as a property, you're forced to attach a ref, and touch it in a useEffect or useLayoutEffect to setup everything.

useWebComponent was designed to hide all of that from you, so all you have do is give it your props (not necessarily all of them) and it handles wiring custom events, setting properties, and then returns any "simple" attributes you may have passed it as the first element of its return tuple so you can spread those onto the element yourself, as well as a ref that you attach to the jsx tag so it all gets wired correctly.

Early user testing suggested that having to deal with the ref yourself was less than ideal, so the withWebComponent HoC was created. With it all you do is tell it the tag name of the web component, and it generates a React Component for you that already does the ref wiring inside.


Higher Order Component

Type Signature

function withWebComponent (tagName: string): ForwardRefExoticComponent
  • tagName is literally the string name of the web-component tag.
  • the HoC returns a ReactComponent that will correctly forward refs so you can just use it as you would a regular react component
    • the HoC component also has two extra props that are the second and third arguments of the hook, so you can configure prop name mapping and whether or not the events are published as camel case

Basic Usage

import { withWebComponent } from 'use-web-component'

function App () {
  const MyComponent = withWebComponent('my-component')
  return (
      simple-attr='this passed through as an attribute'
      complexProp={{ value: 'this will be set as a property on the tag' }}
      onCustomEvent={e => { console.log('customEvent happened') }}

/* renders <my-component simple-attr='this passed through as an attribute'></my-component> with a listener bound to 
'customEvent' and a property of 'complexProp' set to { value: 'this will be set as a property on the tag' } */


Type Signature

function useWebComponent (
  props: YourReactProps,
  mapping: {[key: string]: string} = {},
  eventsAreCamelCase: boolean = false
  • props are the props as you would pass them to a standard react component
  • mapping lets you use your own prop names in code, but map them to whatever the component expects. This only works for events and complex props.

    As an example, if a component publishes an event as this-is-realy-lon-an-mispeld, you could defined your event listener as onLongEvent in props, and then have an { onLongEvent: 'this-is-realy-long-an-mispeld' } in your mapping configuration.

  • eventsAreCamelCase -> if the component publishes events as camelCase instead of kebab-case, pass true here. If casing is inconsistent across events, its better to leave this as false and handle the camelCase ones via mapping.

Basic Usage

import React from 'react'
import { useWebComponent } from 'use-web-component'

function App () {
  const [simpleProps, ref] = useWebComponent({
    'simple-attr': 'this passed through as an attribute'
    complexProp: { value: 'this will be set as a property on the tag' }
    onCustomEvent: e => { console.log('customEvent happened') }
  }, {}, true)
  /* simpleProps === {
    'simple-attr': 'this passed through as an attribute'
  } */

  return <my-component {...simpleProps} ref={ref}></my-component>
/* renders the same result as the HoC above, with the same bindings and properties */


(for more, see the tests)

If your web component only uses simple properties, you don't need this library

return <my-component string-attr='a string' boolean-attr number-attr={3}></my-component>

React will pass anything that can be stringified to itself across the border just fine

Complex properties need to run through the hook


const MyComponent = withWebComponent('my-component')
return <MyComponent callback-func={() => { console.log('hello') }} />


const [, ref] = useWebComponent({
  'callback-func': () => { console.log('hello') }
return <my-component ref={ref}></my-component>

In both cases, the dom element will have a property called 'callbac-func' set to the function. If you had done this in just react, the dom element would've instead gotten an attribute with a value of '() => { console.log('hello') }' (the string version of the function) and nothing would've worked as expected.

Any prop that starts w/ on is treated as a listener

const onEventHappened = event => { /* do something */ }
const callback = () => { /* do something else */ }
const simple = 'just a string'


const MyComponent = withWebComponent('my-component')
return <MyComponent {...{ simple, callback, onEventHappened }} />


const [simpleProps, ref] = useWebComponent({
  onEventHappened, callback, simple
return <my-component {...simpleProps} ref={ref}></my-component>

Here, the dom element will fire the onEventHappened callback when it triggers an event-happened CustomEvent. It will also have a property callback set to the callback function, and an attribute named simple as well.

Standard HTML Events can be set directly on the element

React will wire those correctly

const onCustomEvent = event => { /* do something */ }
const onClick = event => { /* do something else */ }


const MyComponent = withWebComponent('my-component')
return <MyComponent {...{ onCustomEvent, onClick }} />

Note that in the case of the HoC, the onClick will run through the hook, and therefor be bound the standard html way. The event argument passed to it in this case will be a MouseEvent instead of the React synthetic event. If this behavior is undesirable, it may be better to use the hook directly.


const [, ref] = useWebComponent({ onCustomEvent })
return <my-component ref={ref} onClick={onClick}></my-component>

In both cases here, the dom element will have event listeners bound to 'click' and 'custom-event'. In the Hook example, however, the 'click' event will be a normal react SyntheticEvent instead of the basic Dom MouseEvent.

You can modify the bound prop/event name via the mapping param/property

In case there's a really long, poorly spelled property that you don't want to have to keep typing over and over again.

const mapping = {
  prop: 'reallyLongComplexPropName',
  onEvent: 'completely-arbitrary-event-name'


const MyComponent = withWebComponent('my-component')
return (
    prop={{ ob: 'ject' }} onEvent={() => {}}


const [, ref] = useWebComponent({
  prop: { ob: 'ject' },
  onEvent: () => {}
}, mapping)
return <my-component ref={ref}></my-component>

Here, the Dom element will have a property named reallyLongComplexPropName with the value of { ob: 'ject' }, and it will run the onEvent function when it triggers a custom event named completely-arbitrary-event-name.

You can also use camelCase event names instead of the more standard kebab-case

In case your web component publishes CustomEvents with camelCase names instead of kebab-case, you can use the last argument / eventsAreCamelCase property to set that configuration


const MyComponent = withWebComponent('my-component')
return <MyComponent onCamelCaseEvent={() => {}} eventsAreCamelCase />


const [, ref] = useWebComponent({
  onCamelCaseEvent: () => {}
}, {}, true)
return <my-component ref={ref}></my-component>

Here, the event name that will trigger the callback will be camelCaseEvent instead of camel-case-event.