1.0.2 • Published 4 years ago
userequestdata v1.0.2
A React hook for http request
import {useRequestData} from useRequestData"
function App(){
const [data, isLoading, forceReload] = useRequestData({
url: "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts",
method: "post",
params: { access_key: "apiKey“, query: "city" },
body: { access_key: "apiKey", body: "city" },
reloadDependencies: [],
return (
<button onClick={()=>forceReload()}>Reload</button>
{isLoading && <h3>Loading</h3>}
<div>{data && JSON.stringify(data)}</div>
where config = {
url:string --request url,
headers:object --request headers (optional),
method:string -- request method (default 'GET'),
params:object -- request parameter (optional)
body:object -- request body (work for methods except GET)
triggerCondition: bool -- condition of when to trigger a request (optional)
reloadDependencies:array -- dependencies of triggering a request (optional),
successCallback:func -- callback function with response body as parameter body on successful request (optional),
errorCallback:func --callback function with response body as parameter on failed response,}