1.0.2 • Published 2 months ago

utilitylibrary-js v1.0.2

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Welcome to Utility Library for JavaScript!

This npm package provides a versatile utility library for JavaScript developers, encompassing essential functionalities for array manipulation, conditional loops, date formatting, and string manipulation.

Utility Library for JavaScript

This npm package provides a versatile utility library for JavaScript developers, encompassing essential functionalities for array manipulation, conditional loops, date formatting, and string manipulation.


You can install the package via npm: npm install utilitylibrary-js


Import in your project: import utilitylibrary from "utilitylibrary-js";


Array Methods:

Example Array : const myArray = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 2;

  1. isEmpty(arr): Checks if an array is empty. Example: console.log("Is the array empty?", utilityLibrary.array.isEmpty(myArray)); //Is the array empty? false
  2. contains(arr, element): Checks if an array contains a specific element. Example console.log("Does the array contain3?",utilityLibrary.array.contains(myArray, 3)); //Does the array contain 3? true
  3. removeDuplicates(arr): Removes duplicates from an array. Example: console.log("Unique elements in the array:",utilityLibrary.array.removeDuplicates(myArray)); //Unique elements in the array:1,2,3,4,5
  4. flatten(arr): Flattens a nested array. Example: console.log("Flattened array:",utilityLibrary.array.flatten([1, 2,3, 4,5, 6,])); //Flattened array: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
  5. shuffle(arr): Shuffles the elements of an array. Example: console.log("Shuffled array:", utilityLibrary.array.shuffle(myArray)); //Shuffled array: 2, 3, 4, 5,3, 2, 1
  6. sum(arr): Calculates the sum of all elements in an array. Example: console.log("Sum of array elements:", utilityLibrary.array.sum(myArray)); //Sum of array elements: 20
  7. average(arr): Calculates the average of all elements in an array. Example: console.log("Average of array elements:",utilityLibrary.array.average(myArray)); //Average of array elements: 2.857142857142857
  8. max(arr): Finds the maximum element in an array. Example: console.log("Maximum element in the array:", utilityLibrary.array.max(myArray)); Example: //Maximum element in the array: 5
  9. min(arr): Finds the minimum element in an array. Example: console.log("Minimum element in the array:", utilityLibrary.array.min(myArray)); //Minimum element in the array: 1

  10. filter() method: takes a callback function as an argument and returns a new array. Example: const evenNumbers = utilityLibrary.loop.filter(myArray, num => num % 2 === 0); console.log("Even numbers:", evenNumbers); //2,4,2

  11. map() method: iterates over an array and applies a callback function to each element& returns a new array containing the transformed elements. Example: const squaredNumbers = utilityLibrary.array.map(myArray,(number) => number * number); console.log(squaredNumbers); // 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 9, 4
  12. forEach() method: takes a callback function as an argument and applies it to each element of the array. Example: utilityLibrary.array.forEach(myArray, (number) => console.log(number * number)); //1 4 9 16 25 9 4

Conditional Loops

forEach() loop: const myArray = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 2; utilityLibrary.loop.forEach(myArray, (num) => console.log("Number:", num)); //Number: 1 Number: 2 Number: 3 Number: 4 Number: 5 Number: 3 Number: 2

Date Formatting

  1. formatDate(date, format): Formats a date object according to the specified format. Example: const currentDate = new Date();//Sun Mar 03 2024 11:43:49 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) console.log("Formatted date:", utilityLibrary.formatDate(currentDate)); //Formatted date: March 3, 2024 at 11:43:03

String Manipulation

Example String: const myString = "hello world";

  1. capitalize(str): Capitalizes the first letter of a string. Example: console.log("Capitalized string:", utilityLibrary.string.capitalize(myString)); //Capitalized string: Hello world
  2. reverse(str): Reverses a string. Example: console.log("Reversed string:", utilityLibrary.string.reverse(myString)); //Reversed string: dlrow olleh
  3. truncate(str, length): Truncates a string to a specified length. Example: console.log("Truncated string:", utilityLibrary.string.truncate(myString, 5)); //Truncated string: hello...
  4. countOccurrences(str, substring): Counts the occurrences of a substring within a string. Example: console.log("Word count:", utilityLibrary.string.countWords(myString)); //Word count: 2
  5. removeWhitespace(str): Removes whitespace from the beginning and end of a string. Example: console.log("whiteSpace Removed:",utilityLibrary.string.removeWhitespace(myString)); //whiteSpace Removed: helloworld
  6. replace() method searches a string for a value or a regular expression& returns new string but not changes original string. Example: const replacedString = utilityLibrary.string.replace(myString,"world", "javascript"); console.log("Replaced string:", replacedString); //Replaced string: hello javascript


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit issues or pull requests on the GitHub repository(https://github.com/mrshri/utilitylibrary-js).


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.


2 months ago


2 months ago


2 months ago