5.1.0 • Published 3 years ago

uwgaws v5.1.0

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3 years ago

UW Graduate Applicant Webervice

This implements the v3 Graduate Applicant Webservice.

Note: Version 4.0.0 and later require Node 8.10 or later.



Add the following to your package.json and then do a npm install. Update the version number as needed.

"uwgaws": "git+ssh://git@github.com/UWFosterIT/node-gaws.git#4.0.0",

Set up

Import the module and initialize it

const uwgaws = import('uwgaws');

// With x509 cert
let config = {
  baseUrl:   'https://apps.grad.uw.edu/services/applicants/v3/api/',
  cert:      '/path/to/your/x509.pem',
  key:       '/path/to/your/x509.key',
  cacheMode: 'record',
  cachePath: '/path/to/a/cache/directory/',
  cacheExt:  '.json',
  logLevel:  'info'


Config options

Base Url

At the moment, this module only supports the v3 api. The url in the example config above is what your config should use. There is no test url.

UW x509 Client Cert

The Graduate Applicant Web Service requires that you have a valid UW x509 Client Cert. The data returned is restricted to what is authorized for your cert.

When specifying the store for the certificates, only choose one of the valid types and edit the certInfo section of the config file accordingly. Currently only local file and s3 certificate storage locations are supported.


The cacheMode can be set to any one of the following modes. This uses the micro-cache node module as a local file system cache.

  • wild: all requests go out to the internet, don't load anything from cache, doesn't save anything.
  • dryrun: Loads files from cache if exists, does http calls when cache doesn't exist, doesn't save to the cache.
  • record: Loads files from the cache and saves new ones to the cache.

It's recommended to use record during development and wild in producation.


This module uses winston for all logging.

Endpoints Implemented

All the v3 endpoints except for documents have been implemented. By default, all requests are made to the JSON endpoints, if you want XML as the response set options.format to xml.

applications (single)uwgaws.applications.getById(options)
applications (for program)uwgaws.applications.getByProgram(options)

Options example and return values

  let options = {
    gradProgId: 999,
    year:       2037,
    quarter:    1

Got to v3 Graduate Applicant Web Service page for complete details.


Copy test/setup/config-sample.js to test/setup/config.js and edit values as needed. Use the npm commands indicated in package.json.

npm run test
npm run lint