1.1.1 • Published 1 year ago

v3-datatable v1.1.1

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1 year ago


A Datatable component for js 3 with the power of searching, sorting, pagination and customization.

It's very easy to install this component in your on-going or new projects. import component and css from the package and just pass required props in component will render the datatable in the view. CLICK HERE TO CHECK THE DEMO


# install via npm :

npm install v3-datatable

# or

# install via yarn

yarn add v3-datatable

Getting Started

Import css in main.js

// main.js

import "v3-datatable/css"

Register it globally or just import it in the file where you want to use it.

// register it globally (main.js)
import DataTable from "v3-datatable"

app.component("DataTable", DataTable)

// or

// Import in the specific file
import DataTable from "v3-datatable"

export default {
  components: {


There are 3 props must required to render the datatable.

  • unique-key - This will be key name of the object which are unique in all records. ex.: id (Duplicate keys will cause render errors.)
  • headers - An array of objects which has definition of headers and records
  • Records - An array of object with the set of values to be show on datatable

Check Props Reference section for more info with the other props

import DataTable from "v3-datatable";

export default {
  components: {
  created() {
  data() {
    return {
      headers: [
        { text: 'Title', key: 'title' },
        { text: 'Price', key: 'price' },
        { text: 'Discount (%)', key: 'discountPercentage' },
        { text: 'Rating', key: 'rating' },
        { text: 'Stock', key: 'stock' },
        { text: 'Action', key: 'action' }
      records: [],
      loading: false
  methods: {
    getDummyJSONData() {
      this.loading = true;

      .then((res) => res.json())
      .then((res) => {
        this.records = res.products
      .catch((err) => {
      .finally(() => {
        this.loading = false


When you pass :selectable="true" props it will render checkbox in the datatable for selection of rows. by default this props value is false so you will not see any checkbox. Pass v-model props in component to get selected rows.

import DataTable from "v3-datatable";

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      selectedRow: {}

By default, v-model value must be an empty object ({}) if you have not pass multiple or set multiple value as false. But, when you pass multiple props values true then v-model value must be an empty array ([]) default.


By default v3-datatable provide you a simple searching between the provided records. pass searchable: true in the columns which you want to search and v3-datatable will search when you type in search box or if you pass search value in v-model

Don't forget to pass v-model:search="searchString" props in components it will redner search component in view.

import DataTable from "v3-datatable";

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      searchString: "",
      headers: [
        { text: 'Title', key: 'title', searchable: true },
        { text: 'Price', key: 'price', searchable: true },
        { text: 'Discount (%)', key: 'discountPercentage' },
        { text: 'Rating', key: 'rating' },
        { text: 'Stock', key: 'stock', searchable: true },
        { text: 'Action', key: 'action' }


v3-datatable also provide sorting of columns. by passing sortable: true in headers. it will sort the columns in ascending and descending order.

import DataTable from "v3-datatable";

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      headers: [
        { text: 'Title', key: 'title', searchable: true },
        { text: 'Price', key: 'price', searchable: true, sortable: true },
        { text: 'Discount (%)', key: 'discountPercentage'},
        { text: 'Rating', key: 'rating', sortable: true },
        { text: 'Stock', key: 'stock', searchable: true },
        { text: 'Action', key: 'action' }


You can also align the columns value by passing align: "left|center|right". by default, it will be left

import DataTable from "v3-datatable";

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      headers: [
        { text: 'Title', key: 'title', searchable: true, align: 'left' },
        { text: 'Price', key: 'price', searchable: true, sortable: true, align: 'center' },
        { text: 'Discount (%)', key: 'discountPercentage'},
        { text: 'Rating', key: 'rating', sortable: true },
        { text: 'Stock', key: 'stock', searchable: true, align: 'right' },
        { text: 'Action', key: 'action' }


This package provide you to use row.{key} slot to customize specfic columns. which has pass entire row object as item in the value of slots so use can access another property while customization.

    <template v-slot:row.rating="{ item }">
      {{ item.rating }} out of 5 

    // you can access other properties in the columns too
    <template v-slot:row.action="{ item }">
      <button v-on:click="deleteRecord(item.id)">Delete</button> 

In the first template slot, we just customize the rating columns for better user experience instead of showing only rating value.
While in second template slot, we show the delete button with passing the records id in the function.


You can also give your custom css and modify the table as per your need. just pass table-class props to table component and it will apply to the datatable.

.customize-table tr {}

.customize-table th {}

.customize-table th[data-header-key='{key_name}'] {}

.customize-table td {}

.customize-table td[data-header-key='{key_name}'] {}

.customize-table th.vdt-selectable {}

.customize-table td.vdt-selectable {}

/* customize hover effect */
.customize-table tr:hover {}

.customize-table th:hover {}

.customize-table th[data-header-key='{key_name}']:hover {}

.customize-table td:hover {}

.customize-table td[data-header-key='{key_name}']:hover {}

.customize-table th.vdt-selectable:hover {}

.customize-table td.vdt-selectable:hover {}

Note : use !important in css if some style not apply in datatable

Props Reference

unique-keyThis will be key name of the object which are unique in all records. ex.: id (Duplicate keys will cause render errorstrue-
headersAn array of objects which has definition of headers and recordstrue-
recordsAn array of object with the set of values to be show on datatabletrue-
table-classGive class name if you want to apply custom css. check css section.false""
v-model:searchGet or Pass search stringfalsefalse
hide-default-searchHide default search componentfalsefalse
loadingShow loading indicate while loading datafalsefalse
selectableFor selection of rows, it will render checkbox on particular rows. check selectable section.falsefalse
v-modelTo get selected rows. if multiple set to true then it's value must be an empty array. ([]) else an empty object ({})false{}
multiplefor multiple selection of rowsfalsefalse
bashow-paginationTo show default pagination of componentfalsetrue
v-model:records-per-pageTo get or set records per page value of paginationfalse10
v-model:records-per-page-optionsTo set records per page options of pagination. (-1 will show All records in one page.)false[10, 20, 30, 40, 50, -1]
v-model:active-pageTo get or set current active page of paginationfalse1




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