0.2.0 • Published 1 year ago

vammp v0.2.0

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Last release
1 year ago




import { div, button, mount,} from 'https://unpkg.com/vammp'

function app() {
  const view = [
      [button, {style: 'color: grey;', onclick: () => console.log('cancel clicked')},
      [button, {style: 'background-color: aqua;', onclick: () => console.log('ok clicked')},
  mount("#app", view)

    <script type="module" src="vammpdemo.js"></script>
    <div id="app"></div>


Two formats


Function format

tag([child?|props?, ...])

全タグに対応する関数があり、関数フォーマットでは関数呼び出しがelement生成を表します。 プロパティは省略可能、複数可能で子要素と混在可能です。

const view = [
    button({style: 'color: grey;', onclick: () => console.log('cancel clicked')},
    button({style: 'background-color: aqua;', onclick: () => console.log('ok clicked')},

Array format

[tag, [child?|props?, ...]]


const view = [
    [button, {style: 'color: grey;', onclick: () => console.log('cancel clicked')},
    [button, {style: 'background-color: aqua;', onclick: () => console.log('ok clicked')},

class and style (DOM only)



[div, 'hello', {c0: true, c1: false, c2: true, c3: false}]
[div, 'hello', {class: 'c0 c2'}]


[div, 'hello', {style: {color: 'grey', 'background-color': 'aqua'}}]
[div, 'hello', {style: 'color: grey; background-color: aqua;'}]



const greyFont = {style: 'color: grey;'}
const aquaBack = {style: 'background-color: aqua;'}
const cancelButton = (...args) => button('Cancel', greyFont, ...args) // alias
const okButton = (...args) => button('Ok', aquaBack, ...args) // alias
const view = [
    cancelButton({onclick: () => console.log('cancel clicked')}),
    okButton({onclick: () => console.log('ok clicked')}),

Ref (DOM only)

getElementById()を使用しなくてもDOM Elementの参照を取得する方法をサポートしています。Refプロパティに空のobjectを、Nameプロパティに任意の名前を指定してください。mount後にref'name'にDOM Elementがセットされます。

function app() {
  // aliases
  const greyFont = {style: {color: 'grey'}, class: {greyFont: true, aquaBack: false}}
  const aquaBack = {style: {'background-color': 'aqua'}, class: {aquaBack: true}}
  const wheatBack = {style: {'background-color': 'wheat'}, class: {weatBack: true}}
  const largeFont = {style: {'font-size': 'large'}, class: {large: true}}
  const cancelButton = (...args) => button(greyFont, 'Cancel', ...args)
  const okButton = (...args) => button(aquaBack, 'OK', ...args)
  const wheatSelectArg0 = (lst, ...args) => [select, wheatBack, largeFont,
    ...lst.map(x => [option, x[0], { value: x[1], selected: x[2] }]),
  const wheatSelectProp = (...args) => {
    const { props } = collectArgs(args)
    return [select, wheatBack, largeFont,
      ...props.Options.map(x => [option, x[0], { value: x[1], selected: x[2] }]),
  // ref
  const ref = {}
  // methods
  const toggle = () => {
    const node = ref.cancelButton
    if (!node) {
    const style = getStyleObj(node)
    const cls = getClassObj(node)
    if (style['font-size']) {
      style.fontSize = ''
      style.color = 'grey'
      cls.greyFont = true
      cls.redFont = false
    else {
      style.fontSize = 'large'
      style.color = 'red'
      cls.greyFont = false
      cls.redFont = true
    setStyle(node, style)
    setClass(node, cls)
  // view
  const view = [
      [cancelButton, { Ref: ref, Name: 'cancelButton', onclick: () => console.log('cancel clicked') }],
      [okButton, largeFont, {onclick: () => console.log('ok clicked')}],
      [select, wheatBack, largeFont,
        [option, 'sel1', { value: 'v1', selected: true }],
        [option, 'sel2', { value: 'v2' }],
        [option, 'sel3', { value: 'v3' }],
      [wheatSelectArg0, [['sel1', 'a1'], ['sel2', 'a2', 1], ['sel3', 'a3']]],
        { Options: [['sel1', 'p1'], ['sel2', 'p2'], ['sel3', 'p3', 1],] },
      [button, 'toggle button size', {onclick: () => toggle() }],
  mount("#app", view)

Use with Vue

setCreateElement()を使うとレンダー関数を切り替えられます。Vueの場合レンダー関数hをセットします。 viewの生成にはcreateView()を使用します。 コンポーネントはelement()を使ってvammpフォーマットで使用できるtag関数を生成する必要があります。

Vue demo

import { createApp, ref, reactive, h, resolveComponent } from 'vue'
import {
  setCreateElement, createView, element, collectArgs,
  button, div, input, label
} from 'vammp'


const TodoList = {
  props: { todoItems: Object, },
  setup(props) {
    const newItem = ref('')
    const newItemInput = ref()
    const addItem = () => {
      const item = {text: newItem.value, status: false}
      newItem.value = ''
    const removeItem = (index) => {
      props.todoItems.forEach((item, idx) => {
        if (idx == index) {
          props.todoItems.splice(idx, 1)
    const aquaBack = { style: { 'background-color': 'aqua'}, class: 'aqua' }
    const largeFont = { style: { 'font-size': 'large'}, class: 'large' }
    const aquaButton = (...args) => button(aquaBack, ...args)
    const textModelInput = (...args) => {
      const { props } = collectArgs(args)
      return input({
        type: 'text', value: props.Model.value,
        onChange: (e) => {
          props.Model.value = e.target.value
      }, ...args)
    const checkBox = (...args) => input({ type: 'checkbox' }, ...args)
    return () => createView([
      [textModelInput, { Model: newItem, placeholder: 'New', ref: 'newItemInput'}],
      [button, 'Add', {onClick: addItem}],
      props.todoItems.map((item, index) => [div,
          {style: {'text-decoration': item.status ? 'line-through' : ''}},
          [checkBox, { checked: item.status, onChange: (e) =>
            item.status = e.target.checked
        [aquaButton, 'Delete', largeFont, {onClick: () => removeItem(index)}],
  mounted() {
    const newItemInput = this.$refs.newItemInput
    if (newItemInput) {

const createTodoItems = () => {
  const todoItems = [
    {text: 'todo0', status: false},
    {text: 'todo1', status: true},
  return todoItems

const app = createApp({
  setup(props) {
    const pageSel = ref(true)
    const todoItems = reactive(createTodoItems())
    const todoList = resolveComponent('TodoList')
    const TodoListTag = (...args) => element(todoList, ...args)
    return () => createView([
        [button, 'Change page', { onClick: (e) => pageSel.value = !pageSel.value }],
      pageSel.value ?
        [TodoListTag, {todoItems: todoItems}],
      ] :
      [div, 'Another page']
  components: {


Use with React

Reactの場合レンダー関数React.createElementをセットします。パラメータ{reactMode: true}を渡してください。

React demo

const { useState, useEffect, useRef, createElement } = React
import {
  setCreateElement, createView, element, collectArgs,
  button, div, input, label,
} from 'vammp'

setCreateElement(createElement, {reactMode: true})

function TodoList(props) {
  const [newItem, setNewItem] = useState('')
  const newItemInput = useRef()
  useEffect(() => newItemInput.current.focus())
  var addItem = function(e) {
  const aquaBack = {style: {backgroundColor: 'aqua'}, className: 'aqua'}
  const largeFont = {style: {fontSize: 'large'}, className: 'large'}
  const aquaButton = (...args) => button(aquaBack, ...args)
  const textModelInput = (...args) => {
    const { props } = collectArgs(args)
    return input({
      type: 'text', value: props.Value,
      onChange: (e) => {
    }, ...args)
  const checkBox = (...args) => input({type: 'checkbox'}, ...args)
  return createView([div,
    [textModelInput, {
      Value: newItem, SetValue: setNewItem, placeholder: "New",
      ref: newItemInput,
    [button, 'Add', {onClick: addItem}],
    ...props.todoItems.map((item, index) => [div, { key: item.key },
        {style: {textDecoration: item.status ? 'line-through' : ''}},
        [checkBox, { checked: item.status, onChange: () =>
      [aquaButton, 'Delete', largeFont, { onClick: () => {

const todoItems = [
  {text: "todo0", status: false,},
  {text: "todo1", status: true,},
let keygen = todoItems.length

const createTodoItems = () => {
  for (var j = 0; j < todoItems.length; j++) {
    todoItems[j].key = String(j)
  const [state, setState] = useState(todoItems)
  return [state, setState]

function App() {
  const [pageSel, setPageSel] = useState(true)
  const [todoItems, setTodoItems] = createTodoItems()
  const onAddItem = function(newItem) {
    const newItems = todoItems.concat([{text: newItem, status: false, key: String(keygen)},])
  const onStatusChange = function(key) {
    const idx = todoItems.findIndex(x => x.key == key)
    if (0 <= idx) {
      var items = todoItems.slice()
      const v = items[idx].status
      items[idx].status = !v
  const onRemoveItem = function(key) {
    var items = todoItems.filter((item) => item.key != key)
  const TodoListTag = (...args) => element(TodoList, ...args)
  return createView([div,
    [div, [button, 'Change', { onClick: (e) => setPageSel(!pageSel) }]],
    pageSel ?
      [TodoListTag, {
        todoItems: todoItems,
        onAddItem: onAddItem,
        onStatusChange: onStatusChange,
        onRemoveItem: onRemoveItem,
    ] :
    [div, 'Another page'],

const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
root.render(React.createElement(App, {}, null));

Use with Hyperapp

hyperappではtext()をvammp用に入れ替える必要があります。 vammpでは単純な文字列にはtextを使用しないでください。stateにはtext()が必要です。 レンダー関数hをパラメータ{textWrapper: hyperapptext}と共にセットしてください。

Hyperapp demo

import { h, text as hyperapptext, app } from "https://unpkg.com/hyperapp"
import {
  setCreateElement, createView, rawNode,
  div, input, button, label,
} from 'vammp'

setCreateElement(h, {textWrapper: hyperapptext})
const text = (txt) => rawNode(hyperapptext(txt))

let keygen = 0

const createTodoItems = () => {
  const todoItems = [
    {text: "todo0", status: false,},
    {text: "todo1", status: true,},
  for (var j = 0; j < todoItems.length; j++) {
    todoItems[j].key = String(++keygen)
  return todoItems

const changePage = (state) => ({
  ...state, pageSel: !state.pageSel

const onNewTodoChange = (state, e) => ({
  ...state, newTodo: e.target.value,

const statusChange = (state, key) => {
  const idx = state.todoItems.findIndex(x => x.key == key)
  if (0 <= idx) {
    state.todoItems[idx].status = !state.todoItems[idx].status
  return {...state}

const addItem = (state) => {
  if ((!state.newTodo)||(0 == state.newTodo.length)) {
    return state
  return {
    ...state, newTodo: '',
    todoItems: state.todoItems.concat(
      {status: false, text: state.newTodo, key: ++keygen}

const removeItem = (state, key) => {
  const idx = state.todoItems.findIndex(x => x.key == key)
  if (0 <= idx) {
    state.todoItems.splice(idx, 1)
  return {...state}

const aquaBack = {style: {backgroundColor: 'aqua'}, className: 'aqua'}
const largeFont = {style: {fontSize: 'large'}, className: 'large'}
const inputText = (...args) => input({type: 'text'}, ...args)
const inputCheckBox = (...args) => input({type: 'checkbox'}, ...args)
const aquaButton = (...args) => button(aquaBack, ...args)

const todoList = ({todoItems, newTodo}, ...args) => div(
  [inputText, {placeholder: 'New', onchange: onNewTodoChange, value: newTodo}],
  [button, 'Add', { onclick: addItem },],
  todoItems.map((item) => [div,
      [inputCheckBox, {
        checked: item.status,
        onchange: (status) => statusChange(status, item.key)
      {style: {textDecoration: item.status ? 'line-through' : ''}},
    [aquaButton, 'Delete', largeFont, {
      onclick: (status) => removeItem(status, item.key)

  init: {
    todoItems: createTodoItems(),
    newTodo: '',
    pageSel: true,
  view: ({todoItems, newTodo, pageSel}) => createView(
      [button, 'Change', {onclick: changePage}],
      pageSel ?
      [todoList, {todoItems, newTodo}]
      [div, 'Another page'],
  node: document.getElementById('app'),

All exports

  // tags
  html, base, head, link, meta, style, title, body,
  address, article, aside, footer, header,
  h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, main, nav, section,
  blockquote, dd, div, dl, dt, figcaption, figure, hr, li,
  menu, ol, p, pre, ul, a, abbr, b, bdi, bdo, br,
  cite, code, data, dfn, em, i, kbd, mark, q, rp, rt,
  ruby, s, samp, small, span, strong, sub, sup, time, u,
  //var, // var is in conflict with js. use vammp.var.
  wbr, area, audio, img, map, track, video,
  embed, iframe, object, picture, portal, source,
  svg, math, canvas, noscript, script, del, ins,
  caption, col, colgroup, table, tbody, td, tfoot, th,
  thead, tr,
  button, datalist, fieldset, form, input, label, legend,
  meter, optgroup, option, output, progress, select, textarea,
  details, dialog, summary,
  slot, template,
  // API
  mount, createView, element, setCreateElement, collectArgs,
  setStyle, setClass, getStyleObj, getClassObj, rawNode,
  version, vammp,

HTML to vammp format converter in Python

標準入力からHTMLを読み込み標準出力へvammpフォーマットを出力します。 pip3 install beautifulsoup4が必要です。

import sys
import bs4

INDENT = '  '
if True: # Array format
    FMT_TOP = '[{},'
    FMT_END = '],'
    FMT_ALL = '[{}],'
else: # Function format
    FMT_TOP = '{}('
    FMT_END = '),'
    FMT_ALL = '{}(),'

def parse(tag: bs4.PageElement, ofs: int) -> str:
    if isinstance(tag, bs4.element.Tag):
        done = False
        head = f'{INDENT*ofs}' + FMT_TOP.format(tag.name)
        if tag.attrs:
            done = True
        if tag.children:
            for child in tag.children:
                if not done:
                    done = True
                if isinstance(child, str):
                    child = child.strip()
                    if child:
                parse(child, ofs + 1)
        if done:
            print(f'{INDENT*ofs}' + FMT_END)
            print(f'{INDENT*ofs}' + FMT_ALL.format(tag.name))

def html2vammp(src: str):
    soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(src, 'html.parser')
    parse(soup, 0)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    src = sys.stdin.read()