1.1.12 • Published 6 years ago

vascommkit v1.1.12

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Last release
6 years ago

A free toolkit for your needed

Indonesian : Toolkit sehari-hari untuk mempermudah pekerjaan. Toolkit ini akan terus update seiring dengan temuan kasus-kasus baru yang perlu di sederhanakan.

English : A daily toolkit to help you work. This toolkit will continue to update along with new cases that need to be simplified.



  npm install vascommkit --save


  bower install vascommkit --save

Update to the latest version (1.1.12)


  npm update vascommkit --save


  bower update vascommkit --save



  const vascommkit = require('vascommkit');


  <script src="bower_components/vascommkit/dist/vascommkit.min.js"></script>


  • lps (Left Padding Space).
  • lpz (Left Padding Zero).
  • rps (Right Padding Space).
  • rpz (Right Padding Zero).
  • looper Loop a lot of data without lossing your CPU. Based on interval.
  • soa Some job to manipulate SOA data.
    • getVal get value by tagname.
  • time Manipulate date & time.
    • daysInMonth get total days in current month & year.
    • day get current day.
    • month get current month.
    • year get current year.
    • hour get current hour.
    • minute get current minute.
    • second get current second.
    • now get current datetime | YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.
    • date get current date | YYYY-MM-DD.
    • time get current time | HH:mm:ss.
    • custom get current datetime with custom format.
    • add add specified time to datetime.
    • isExpired check datetime expired.
    • secondsToTime convert seconds to time string format | HH:mm:ss.
    • dateDiff Date diff from 2 dates.
    • timeDiff Time diff from 2 times.
  • fake Generate massive amounts of fake data based on faker. This function returned the data as an object array. So, you can easily manage it.
  • string Manipulate string data.
    • camelCase converts the given string to camelCase.
    • snakeCase converts the given string to snakeCase.
    • titleCase converts the given string to titleCase.
    • studlyCase converts the given string to studlyCase.
    • basename returns the base(class) name of the given namespace.
    • endsWith determines if the given string ends with the given value.
    • startsWith determines if the given string begins with the given value.
    • after returns everything after the given value in a string.
    • before returns everything before the given value in a string.
    • start adds a single instance of the given value to a string if it does not already start with the value.
    • finish adds a single instance of the given value to a string if it does not already end with the value.
    • contains determines if the given string contains the given value (case sensitive).
    • limit truncates the given string at the specified length.
    • random generates a random string of the specified length.
    • randomNumeric generates a random numeric string of the specified length.
    • slug generates a URL friendly "slug" from the given string.
  • cemtex Cemtex file format is a format used by banks to allow for batch transactions.
    • string Generate a cemtex string from the given data. You can make your custom standard bank format.
    • generate Generate a cemtex file from the given data. You can make your custom standard bank format.
  • array Manipulate array data.
    • collapse collapses an array of arrays into a single array.
    • except removes the given key / value pairs from an array.
    • only returns only the specified key / value pairs from the given array.
    • first returns the first element in the given array.
    • last returns the last element in the given array.


See https://github.com/dalikewara/vascommkit/blob/master/Changelog.md


Copyright © 2018 Dali Kewara and team:


MIT License


  • Most string & array functions implemented from Laravel's Helpers.
  • Sorry for bad english.


  • lps function (n, val)

        const lps = vascommkit.lps(5, 200);
        console.log(lps); // output `  200`
    • integer n
    • string val
    • return string
  • lpz function (n, val)

        const lpz = vascommkit.lpz(5, 200);
        console.log(lpz); // output `00200`
    • integer n
    • string val
    • return string
  • rps function (n, val)

        const rps = vascommkit.rps(5, 200);
        console.log(lps); // output `200  `
    • integer n
    • string val
    • return string
  • rpz function (n, val)

        const rpz = vascommkit.rpz(5, 200);
        console.log(lps); // output `20000`
    • integer n
    • string val
    • return string
  • looper function (start, end, callback, endoptional)

        vascommkit.looper(0, 100, function (num) {
        }, function () {
    • integer start
    • integer end
    • function callback
    • function end
    • return mixed
  • soa object {}

    • getVal function (tag, xml)

          const getSOAValue = vascommkit.soa.getVal('name', '<name xmlns:q0="https://www.dalikewara.com">Linus Torvald</name>');
          console.log(getSOAValue); // output 'Linus Torvald'
      - *string* **tag**
      - *string* **xml**
      - *return* string

  • time object {}

    • daysInMonth function (optionsoptional)

            const daysInMonth = vascommkit.time.daysInMonth();
      - *object* **options**
        - *string* timezone
      - *return* string

    • day function (optionsoptional)

           const day = vascommkit.time.day();
      - *object* **options**
        - *string* timezone
      - *return* string

    • month function (optionsoptional)

          const month = vascommkit.time.month();
      - *object* **options**
        - *string* timezone
      - *return* string

    • year function (optionsoptional)

          const year = vascommkit.time.year();
      - *object* **options**
        - *string* timezone
      - *return* string

    • hour function (optionsoptional)

          const hour = vascommkit.time.hour();
      - *object* **options**
        - *string* timezone
      - *return* string

    • minute function (optionsoptional)

          const minute = vascommkit.time.minute();
      - *object* **options**
        - *string* timezone
      - *return* string

    • second function (optionsoptional)

          const second = vascommkit.time.second();
      - *object* **options**
        - *string* timezone
      - *return* string

    • now function (optionsoptional)

          const now = vascommkit.time.now();
      - *object* **options**
        - *string* timezone
      - *return* string

    • date function (optionsoptional)

          const date = vascommkit.time.date();
      - *object* **options**
        - *string* timezone
      - *return* string

    • time function (optionsoptional)

          const time = vascommkit.time.time();
      - *object* **options**
        - *string* timezone
      - *return* string

    • custom function (format, optionsoptional)

          const custom = vascommkit.time.custom('DD-MM-YYYY');
      - *string* **format**
      - *object* **options**
        - *string* timezone
      - *return* string

    • add function (date, len, prefix, optionsoptional)

          const add = vascommkit.time.add('2018-02-13 13:00:00', '40', 'minutes');
      - *string* **date**
      - *string* **len**
      - *string* **prefix** | verb(s)
      - *object* **options**
        - *string* timezone
      - *return* string

    • isExpired function (date, paramsoptional, optionsoptional)

          const isExpired = vascommkit.time.isExpired('2018-02-13 13:00:00');
      - *string* **date**
      - *object* **params**
        - *string* len
        - *string* prefix | verb(s)
      - *object* **options**
        - *string* timezone
      - *return* true | false

    • secondsToTime function (seconds)

          const secondsToTime = vascommkit.time.secondsToTime(35111);
      - *integer* **seconds**
      - *return* string

    • dateDiff function (start, end, prefix)

          const dateDiff = vascommkit.time.dateDiff('2018-04-05', '2018-04-10', 'day');
      - *string* **start**
      - *string* **end**
      - *string* **prefix**
      - *return* string

    • timeDiff function (start, end, prefix)

          const timeDiff = vascommkit.time.timeDiff('09:45:00', '10:00:00');
      - *string* **start**
      - *string* **end**
      - *return* string

  • fake function (len, keysoptional, localoptional)

      const len = 100;
      const keys = {
        name: 'firstName|lastName|findName',
        internet: 'userName|password',
        address: 'city'
      const data = vascommkit.fake(len, keys);
      // output
      // [ { firstName: 'Jeffrey',
      //    lastName: 'Hills',
      //    findName: 'Boris Collier II',
      //    userName: 'Stella_Emard',
      //    password: '6239pKNeKTDvfON',
      //    city: 'Stehrside' },
      //  { firstName: 'Reuben',
      //    lastName: 'Armstrong',
      //    findName: 'Elenor Nolan',
      //    userName: 'Reta.Kulas',
      //    password: 'rouYSPvYpX1elsA',
      //    city: 'Gleichnerport' }, ... ]

    If you want to make your own key, use this format expectedKey@originalKey with @ separator. See following example:

      const len = 1;
      const keys = {
        name: 'firstName'
      const data = vascommkit.fake(len, keys);
      // output
      // [{ firstName: 'Jeffrey' }]
    const keys2 = {
      name: 'myname@firstName'
    const data2 = vascommkit.fake(len, keys2);


    // output
    // [{ myname: 'Jeffrey' }]
  • integer len
  • object keys
    • string name
      • firstName | lastName | findName | jobTitle | prefix | suffix | title | jobDescriptor | jobArea | jobType
    • string internet
      • avatar | email | exampleEmail | userName | protocol | url | domainName | domainSuffix | domainWord | ip | ipv6 | userAgent | color | mac | password
    • string address
      • zipCode | city | cityPrefix | citySuffix | streetName | streetAddress | streetSuffix | streetPrefix | secondaryAddress | county | country | countryCode | state | stateAbbr | latitude | longitude
    • string commerce
      • color | department | productName | price | productAdjective | productMaterial | product
    • string company
      • suffixes | companyName | companySuffix | catchPhrase | bs | catchPhraseAdjective | catchPhraseDescriptor | catchPhraseNoun | bsAdjective | bsBuzz | bsNoun
    • string database
    • column | type | collation | engine
    • string date
      • past | future | between | recent | soon | month | weekday
    • string fake
    • string finance
      • account | accountName | mask | amount | transactionType | currencyCode | currencyName | currencySymbol | bitcoinAddress | ethereumAddress | iban | bic
    • string hacker
      • abbreviation | adjective | noun | verb | ingverb | phrase
    • string helpers
      • randomize | slugify | replaceSymbolWithNumber | replaceSymbols | shuffle | mustache | createCard | contextualCard | userCard | createTransaction
    • string image
      • image | avatar | imageUrl | abstract | animals | business | cats | city | food | nightlife | fashion | people | nature | sports | technics | transport | dataUri
    • string lorem
      • word | words | sentence | slug | sentences | paragraph | paragraphs | text | lines
    • string phone
      • phoneNumber | phoneNumberFormat | phoneFormats
    • string random
      • number | arrayElement | objectElement | uuid | boolean | word | words | image | locale | alphaNumeric | hexaDecimal
    • string system
      • fileName commonFileName | mimeType | commonFileType | commonFileExt | fileType | fileExt | directoryPath | filePath | semver
  • string local | default 'id_ID'
  • return array
  • string object {}

    • camelCase function (str)

          conts str = vascommkit.string.camelCase('foo bar');
          console.log(str); // output 'fooBar'
      - *string* **str**
      - *return* string

    • snakeCase function (str)

          conts str = vascommkit.string.snakeCase('foo Bar');
          console.log(str); // output 'foo_bar'
      - *string* **str**
      - *return* string

    • titleCase function (str)

          conts str = vascommkit.string.titleCase('foo Bar');
          console.log(str); // output 'Foo Bar'
      - *string* **str**
      - *return* string

    • studlyCase function (str)

          conts str = vascommkit.string.studlyCase('foo Bar');
          console.log(str); // output 'FooBar'
      - *string* **str**
      - *return* string

    • basename function (ns, str)

          conts str = vascommkit.string.basename('/', 'Foo/Bar');
          console.log(str); // output 'Bar'
      - *char* **ns** | `/`, `-`, `+`, etc...
      - *string* **str**
      - *return* string

    • endsWith function (e, str)

          conts str = vascommkit.string.endsWith('John', 'Smith John');
          console.log(str); // output true
      - *string* **e**
      - *string* **str**
      - *return* true | false

    • startsWith function (e, str)

          conts str = vascommkit.string.startsWith('Smith', 'Smith John');
          console.log(str); // output true
      - *string* **e**
      - *string* **str**
      - *return* true | false

    • after function (e, str)

          conts str = vascommkit.string.after('Smith', 'Smith John');
          console.log(str); // output ' John'
      - *string* **e**
      - *string* **str**
      - *return* string

    • before function (e, str)

          conts str = vascommkit.string.before('John', 'Smith John');
          console.log(str); // output 'Smith '
      - *string* **e**
      - *string* **str**
      - *return* string

    • finish function (e, str)

          conts str = vascommkit.string.finish('John', 'Smith John');
          conts str2 = vascommkit.string.finish('Alex', 'Smith John');
          console.log(str); // output 'Smith John'
          console.log(str2); // output 'Smith JohnAlex'
      - *string* **e**
      - *string* **str**
      - *return* string

    • start function (e, str)

          conts str = vascommkit.string.start('Smith', 'Smith John');
          conts str2 = vascommkit.string.start('Alex', 'Smith John');
          console.log(str); // output 'Smith John'
          console.log(str2); // output 'AlexSmith John'
      - *string* **e**
      - *string* **str**
      - *return* string

    • contains function (e, str)

          conts str = vascommkit.string.contains('John', 'Smith John');
          console.log(str); // output true
      - *string* **e**
      - *string* **str**
      - *return* true | false

    • limit function (n, str, prefixoptional)

          conts str = vascommkit.string.limit(12, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet');
          conts str2 = vascommkit.string.limit(12, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 'readmore...');
          console.log(str); // output 'Lorem ipsum ...'
          console.log(str2); // output 'Lorem ipsum readmore...'
      - *integer* **n**
      - *string* **str**
      - *string* **prefix**
      - *return* string

    • random function (n)

          conts str = vascommkit.string.random(3);
          console.log(str); // output '8FE'
      - *integer* **n**
      - *return* string

    • randomNumeric function (n)

          conts str = vascommkit.string.randomNumeric(6);
          console.log(str); // output '152043'
      - *integer* **n**
      - *return* string

    • slug function (str, prefixoptional)

          conts str = vascommkit.string.slug('Smith John');
          conts str2 = vascommkit.string.slug('Smith John', '+');
          console.log(str); // output 'smith-john'
          console.log(str2); // output 'smith+john'
      - *string* **str**
      - *char* **prefix** | `-`, `+`, etc... | default is `-`
      - *return* string

  • cemtex object {}

    • string function (params, optionsoptional|callback, callback)

      Here is basic example:

        header: {
          keys: {
            key1: { type: 'rps', length: 8 },
            key2: { type: 'lpz', length: 9 }
          data: { key1: 'Header1', key2: 'Header2' }
        detail: {
          keys: {
            key1: { type: 'rps', length: 10 },
            key2: { type: 'lpz', length: 12 }
          data: [
            { key1: 'Detail1 A', key2: 'Detail2 A' },
            { key1: 'Detail1 B', key2: 'Detail2 B' }
        footer: {
          keys: {
            key1: { type: 'rps', length: 9 },
            key2: { type: 'lpz', length: 11 }
          data: { key1: 'Footer1', key2: 'Footer2' }
      }, function (err, result) {
        if (err) {
        } else {
      // output result
      // Header1 0090                                                                                                                                                    Detail1 A 000000012345                                                                                                                                          Detail1 B 000000067890                                                                                                                                          Footer1  0002                                                                                                                                                   

      Example above returned a single line cemtex string. The default charLength of each params is 160. So it has 160 header, 160 detail (per 1 row), and 160 footer chars length. If we do split, it looks like this:

      // header
      'Header1 0090                                                                                                                                                    ' // 160
      // detail
      'Detail1 A 000000012345                                                                                                                                          ' // 160
      'Detail1 B 000000067890                                                                                                                                          ' // 160
      // footer
      'Footer1  0002                                                                                                                                                   ' // 160

      Each params (header, detail, footer) has 2 required properties: keys & data. It should be the same object. If keys has key 'name', so data should be contains 'name'. But don't worry, in most cases, you can ignore & not follow this conditions.

      header: {
        // Configuration of the main data. 'type' & 'length' always required.
        keys: {
          name: { type: 'lps', length: 15}, // So, the main data 'data.name' is lps (Left Padding Space) and it has max 15 length.
          phone: { type: 'lpz', length: 15} // So, the main data 'data.phone' is lpz (Left Padding Zero) and it has max 15 length.
        // The main data.
        data: { 
          name: 'John Smith', // `data.name` = '     John Smith'
          phone: '12345', // `data.phone` = '000000000012345'
      // Header = '     John Smith000000000012345'

      Specifically for params 'detail', property data is an array, not object, but stil have the same structure.

      detail: {
        // Configuration of the main data. 'type' & 'length' always required.
        keys: {
          name: { type: 'lps', length: 15}, // So, the main data 'data.name' is lps (Left Padding Space) and it has max 15 length.
          phone: { type: 'lpz', length: 15} // So, the main data 'data.phone' is lpz (Left Padding Zero) and it has max 15 length.
        // The main data.
        data: [
            name: 'John Smith', // `data.name` = '     John Smith'
            phone: '12345', // `data.phone` = '000000000012345'
            name: 'Matthew Alex', // `data.name` = '   Matthew Alex'
            phone: '987654321', // `data.phone` = '0000987654321'
      // Detail = '     John Smith000000000012345   Matthew Alex0000987654321'
Here more example... Remember that `params` (header, detail, footer) are optional.

    // Without header
      detail: {
        keys: {
          key1: { type: 'rps', length: 10 },
          key2: { type: 'lpz', length: 12 }
        data: [
          { key1: 'Detail1 A', key2: 'Detail2 A' },
          { key1: 'Detail1 B', key2: 'Detail2 B' }
      footer: {
        keys: {
          key1: { type: 'rps', length: 9 },
          key2: { type: 'lpz', length: 11 }
        data: { key1: 'Footer1', key2: 'Footer2' }
    }, function (err, result) {
      if (err) {
      } else {

    // output result
    // Detail1 A 000000012345                                                                                                                                          Detail1 B 000000067890                                                                                                                                          Footer1  0002                                                                                                                                                   
    // With an option.
      header: {
        keys: {
          key1: { type: 'rps', length: 8 },
          key2: { type: 'lpz', length: 9 }
        data: { key1: 'Header1', key2: 'Header2' }
      detail: {
        keys: {
          key1: { type: 'rps', length: 10 },
          key2: { type: 'lpz', length: 12 }
        data: [
          { key1: 'Detail1 A', key2: 'Detail2 A' },
          { key1: 'Detail1 B', key2: 'Detail2 B' }
      footer: {
        keys: {
          key1: { type: 'rps', length: 9 },
          key2: { type: 'lpz', length: 11 }
        data: { key1: 'Footer1', key2: 'Footer2' }
    }, {
      charLength: '40'
    }, function (err, result) {
      if (err) {
      } else {

    // output result
    // Header1 00Header2                       Detail1 A 000Detail2 A                  Detail1 B 000Detail2 B                  Footer1  0000Footer2                    
    // This all configurations is valid.
      header: {
        keys: {
          key1: { type: 'rps', length: 8 },
          key2: { type: 'lpz', length: 9, default: '0' }
        data: { key1: 'Header1' }
      detail: {
        keys: {
          key1: { type: 'rps', length: 10 },
          key2: { type: 'lpz', length: 12 } // default is ' '
        data: [
          { key1: 'Detail1 A', key2: 'Detail2 A' },
          { key1: 'Detail1 B' }
      footer: {
        keys: {
          key1: { type: 'rps', length: 9 },
          key2: { type: 'lpz', length: 11 }
        data: { key1: 'Footer1', key2: 'Footer2' }
      header: {
        keys: {
          key1: { type: 'rps', length: 8 },
          key2: { type: 'lpz', length: 9, from: 'key1' }
        data: { key1: 'Header1' }
      detail: {
        keys: {
          key1: { type: 'rps', length: 10 },
          key2: { type: 'lpz', length: 12, from: 'key1' }
        data: [
          { key1: 'Detail1 A', key2: 'Detail2 A' },
          { key1: 'Detail1 B' }
      header: {
        keys: {
          key1: { type: 'rps', length: 8 },
          key2: { type: 'lpz', length: 9, default: 'key1' }
        data: { key2: 'Header1' }
      detail: {
        keys: {
          key1: { type: 'rps', length: 10 },
          key2: { type: 'lpz', length: 12, from: 'key1' }
        data: [
          { key2: 'Detail2 A' },
          { }
      detail: {
        keys: {
          amount: { type: 'lpz', length: 10 },
          key2: { type: 'lpz', length: 12 }
        data: [
          { amount: '1000', key2: 'Detail2 A' },
          { amount: '1200' }
      footer: {
        keys: {
          key1: { type: 'rps', length: 9 },
          key2: { type: 'lpz', length: 11, countFromDetail: 'amount' }
        data: { key1: 'Footer1', key2: 'Footer2' } // key2 = 2200

- *object* **params**
  - *object* header | optional
    - *object* keys | required
      - *type* | required | 'lps', 'lpz', 'rps', & 'rpz' | default is `lps`
      - *length* | required
      - *default* | optional | default value if key not found or it has null value.
      - *decimal* | optional | true or false | default is `true`
      - *from* | optional | get value based on `params` property `keys`.
    - *object* data | required
  - *object* detail | optional
    - *object* keys | required
      - *type* | required | 'lps', 'lpz', 'rps', & 'rpz' | default is `lps`
      - *length* | required
      - *default* | optional | default value if key not found or it has null value.
      - *decimal* | optional | true or false | default is `true`
      - *from* | optional | get value based on `params` property `keys`.
    - *array* data | required
  - *object* footer | optional
    - *object* keys | required
      - *type* | required | 'lps', 'lpz', 'rps', & 'rpz' | default is `lps`
      - *length* | required
      - *default* | optional | default value if key not found or it has null value.
      - *decimal* | optional | true or false | default is `true`
      - *from* | optional | get value based on `params` property `keys`.
      - *countFromDetail* | optional | count amount from specified `detail` data key.
    - *object* data | required
- *object* **options** | make it as callback[function] if you dont want to pass an option.
  - *boolean* enter | true (row string `\n`) or false (single string) | default is `false`
  - *char* default | `0`, `_`, etc... | default is ' '
  - *integer* charLength | default is `160`
- *function* **callback**
- *return* string

  • generate function (fullpath, params, optionsoptional|callback, callback)

        vascommkit.cemtex.generate(__dirname + '/test.ctx', {
          header: {
            keys: {
              key1: { type: 'rps', length: 8 },
              key2: { type: 'lpz', length: 9 }
            data: { key1: 'Header1', key2: 'Header2' }
          detail: {
            keys: {
              key1: { type: 'rps', length: 10 },
              key2: { type: 'lpz', length: 12 }
            data: [
              { key1: 'Detail1 A', key2: 'Detail2 A' },
              { key1: 'Detail1 B', key2: 'Detail2 B' }
          footer: {
            keys: {
              key1: { type: 'rps', length: 9 },
              key2: { type: 'lpz', length: 11 }
            data: { key1: 'Footer1', key2: 'Footer2' }
        }, function (err, result) {
          if (err) {
          } else {
    - *string* **fullpath**
    - **params, options, callback** follow the `cemtex.string` instructions.

  • array object {}

    • collapse function (array)

          const array = [
            [1, 2, 3],
            [4, 5, 6],
          const n = vascommkit.array.collapse(array);
          console.log(n); // output [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
      - *array* **array**
      - *return* array

    • except function (array, keys)

          var array = ['hello', 'world'];
          var keys = 'world';
          var n = vascommkit.array.except(array, keys);
          console.log(n); // output ['hello']
          var array = ['hello', 'world', 'yeah'];
          var keys = ['world', 'yeah'];
          var n = vascommkit.array.except(array, keys);
          console.log(n); // output ['hello']
      - *array* **array**
      - *array|string* **keys**
      - *return* array

    • only function (array, keys)

          var array = ['php', 'js', 'pyhton'];
          var keys = 'js';
          var n = vascommkit.array.only(array, keys);
          console.log(n); // output ['js']
          var array = ['php', 'js', 'pyhton'];
          var keys = ['js', 'php', 'ruby'];
          var n = vascommkit.array.only(array, keys);
          console.log(n); // output ['js', 'php']
      - *array* **array**
      - *array|string* **keys**
      - *return* array

    • first function (array)

          var array = ['js', 'php', 'python'];
          var n = vascommkit.array.first(array);
          console.log(n); // js
      - *array* **array**
      - *return* array

    • last function (array)

          var array = ['js', 'php', 'python'];
          var n = vascommkit.array.last(array);
          console.log(n); // python
      - *array* **array**
      - *return* array


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