1.1.0 • Published 4 years ago

vatzen v1.1.0

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4 years ago

VatZen NPM Module

NodeJS helper to connect your backend with VatZen https://vatzen.com. Before using the module, we highly encourage you to check out our official documentation before using this module.


Module is published in NPM register and can be installed via npm or yarn as showed below:

npm install vatzen


yarn add vatzen


For more extensive documentation, please visit our official docs at https://documentation.vatzen.com


Once you obtained your API key from VatZen Dashboard, you can start using the module. To get started quickly, simply import the module and pass the API Key. After initialization, you can already start calling endpoints:

import VatZen from 'vatzen';

const vatzenClient = new VatZen({ apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY' });

    .then(germanyVatRates => {
    .catch((e: ErrorEntity) => {
      console.log('Something went wrong: ', e.errors.message);

VatZen NPM module is TS-first and have a complete type-coverage, which is supported out-of-the-box.

General TypeScript Entities

// Available VAT Categories
enum VatCategory {
  'audiobook' = 'audiobook',
  'broadcasting' = 'broadcasting',
  'ebook' = 'ebook',
  'eperiodical' = 'eperiodical',
  'eservice' = 'eservice',
  'telecommunication' = 'telecommunication',

// Interface which describes country
interface CountryEntity {
  code: string;
  name: string;
  local_name: string;
  member_state: boolean;

// Pagination information
interface PaginationEntity {
  total: number;
  has_more: boolean;

// Available error types
enum ErrorTypes {
  missing_api_key = 'missing_api_key',
  invalid_api_key = 'invalid_api_key',
  usage_limit_reached = 'usage_limit_reached',
  invalid_input = 'invalid_input',
  invalid_ip_address = 'invalid_ip_address',
  could_not_resolve_ip = 'could_not_resolve_ip',
  invalid_country_code = 'invalid_country_code',
  invalid_amount = 'invalid_amount',

// Error returned fomr the server
export interface ErrorEntity {
  statusCode: number;
  success: false;
  error: {
    code: number;
    type: ErrorTypes;
    message: string;


Before using the endpoint, you can familiarize yourself with our Rates endpoint documentation.

All the rates function are available inside VatZen object inside rates parameter. For example vatzen.rates.find.

Rate TypeScript Entity

interface RateEntity {
  standard_rate: number;
  currency: string;
  country: CountryEntity;
  categories: {
    [categoryName in VatCategory]: number | undefined;

All Rates

In order to obtain all the rates, you can use rates.getAll() function, which accepts optional options object with the following (also optional) keys:

limitnumberLimit for pagination
pagenumberPage number, starting from 1
memberStatebooleanResponse will be filtered by member states only

getAll usage example:

try {
  const allRates = await vatzen.rates.getAll({ memberState: true }).rates;
  console.log('Rates': allRates);
} catch (e: ErrorEntity) {
  // getAll will throw an error if something went wrong


interface GetAllRatesResponse {
  pagination: PaginationEntity;
  rates: RateEntity[];

Rate by Country Code

If you want to obtain the rate by known ISO Country Code, you can use rates.getByCountryCode function, which accepts country code string as a parameter. For example:

try {
  const deVatRates = await vatzen.rates.getByCountryCode('DE');
  console.log('Germany VAT Rates': deVatRates);
} catch (e: ErrorEntity) {
  // getByCountryCode will throw an error if something went wrong

Returns RateEntity.

Find Rate

You can use VatZen to lookup country rate using different parameters, such as country name, country code or ip address. In order to do that, you can use rates.find function, which accepts options object with the following properties:

countryCodestring2 characters ISO country code
countryNamestringCountry name, for example Germany
ipAddressstringIP Address of your client which will be used to identify the country
useClientIpbooleanIf set to true, VatZen will extract ip address from the request

Example for using this function:

try {
  const deVatRates = await vatzen.rates.find({ countryName: 'Germany' });
  console.log('Germany VAT Rates': deVatRates);
} catch (e: ErrorEntity) {
  // find will throw an error if something went wrong

Returns RateEntity.

VAT Number Validation

Before using the endpoint, you can familiarize yourself with our Validations endpoint documentation.

All the rates function are available inside VatZen object inside validations parameter. For example vatzen.validations.validate.

Validation TypeScript Entity

export interface ValidationEntity {
  id?: string;
  consultation_number?: string;
  requested: string;
  created: string;
  valid: boolean | null;
  query: string;
  country: CountryEntity;
  company: null | {
    name: string | null;
    address: string | null;
  pending: boolean;
  valid_format: boolean;
  requester: null | {
    country_code: string;
    vat_number: string;

Validate VAT Number

VAT number validation is implemented inside validate function, which accepts only 1 parameter - vat number string. As the response, it returns the complete Validations entity.


try {
  const validationResult = await vatzen.validations.validate('LU123455');
  if (validationResult.valid) {
    console.log('Validated company: ': validationResult.company.name);
} catch (e: ErrorEntity) {}

Returns ValidationEntity.

Create Validation

If you want to validate VAT number and store the validation, you can use createValidation function, which accepts VAT number as a parameter and returns VAT Entity.


try {
  const validationResult = await vatzen.validations.createValidation('LU123455');
  if (validationResult.valid) {
    console.log('Validated company: ': validationResult.company.name);
} catch (e: ErrorEntity) {}

Returns ValidationEntity.

Get validation by id

Returns stored validation object by id. Implemented in getValidationById function.

try {
  const validation = await vatzen.validations.getValidationById('dgy13wjbhbj342');
  console.log('Fetched Validation:': validation);
} catch (e: ErrorEntity) {}

Returns ValidationEntity.

Get all validation

If you want to fetch all validations, you can use getAll function, which accepts optional options object with the following optional parameters:

limitnumberLimit for pagination
pagenumberPage number, starting from 1


interface GetAllValidationsResponse {
  pagination: PaginationEntity;
  validations: ValidationEntity[];

Prices Calculations

VAT prices calculations are implemented inside prices module in vatzen client, which you can access via vatzen.prices. Before using this endpoint, make sure to read our Official Prices Documentation.

Price TypeScript Entity

export interface PriceEntity {
  id?: string;
  amount: {
    total_incl_vat: 0;
    total_excl_vat: 0;
    vat_amount: 0;
  category: VatCategory;
  vat_rate: 0;
  country: CountryEntity;
  requested: PriceCalculationRequest;
  success: true;

Calculate Price

Implemented via vatzen.prices.calculate function. Using this function, you can perform price calculation based on different parameters. If accepts options object, with 1 required fields: amount, and various option fields, which will be used to identify VAT rate.

amountnumberAmount for VAT calculation in cents
vatIncludedbooleanIdentifies if VAT already included in amount
categoryVatCategoryVAT Category used for price calculations
countryCodestring2 characters ISO country code
countryNamestringCountry name, for example Germany
ipAddressstringIP Address of your client which will be used to identify the country
useClientIpbooleanIf set to true, VatZen will extract ip address from the request


const calculatePriceForGermany = await vatzenClient.prices.calculate({
  amount: 10000,
  countryCode: 'DE',
  category: VatCategory.audiobook,
  '100 EUR with VAT for AudioBooks in Germany: ',
  Math.round(calculatePriceForGermany.amount.total_incl_vat / 100),

Returns PriceEntity.

Create Price Calculation

If you want to calculate price and store the calculation, you can use createPriceCalculation function, which accepts the same parameters as calculate function.


const createdPriceForSpain = await vatzenClient.prices.createPriceCalculation(
    amount: 10000,
    countryCode: 'ES',
console.log('Created price ID: ', createdPriceForSpain.id);

Returns PriceEntity.

Get Price Calculation by id

Returns stored price calculation object by id. Implemented in getPriceCalculationById function.

const retrievedPrice = await vatzenClient.prices.getPriceCalculationById(
console.log('Retrieved price: ', retrievedPrice);

Returns PriceEntity.

Get all price calculations

If you want to fetch all calculations you performed, you can use getAll function, which accepts optional options object with the following optional parameters:

limitnumberLimit for pagination
pagenumberPage number, starting from 1


interface GetAllPriceCalculationsResponse {
  pagination: PaginationEntity;
  validations: PriceEntity[];