1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago
vb-trip-to-mars v1.0.0
Flying simulator (OpenGL)
Ok this is not Mars real height-map :) (this one is Colorado Grand Canyon), this name in memory of two old nice Amiga demos which I was fan:
http://kestra.exotica.org.uk/demo.php?id=6433 (Trip To Mars/Tomsoft) - http://kestra.exotica.org.uk/demo.php?id=291 (Enigma/Phenomena)
Nothing brand new in this code (a bit old now), but some still interesting technics: quad-tree, VBO (vertex buffer object), trick with triangle strip to be able to render only one primitive for the mesh, frustum culling, fogging, lightning/shadows, shade, texture mapping, plasma generation, camera move etc. You can change options with function keys. Move with mouse and arrow keys.
3 years ago