1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

vcb v1.0.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
3 years ago

For more information on VCB and its features, see the website, the JavaScript guide, the Cloud Code guide or API Reference.

Getting Started

The easiest way to integrate the VCB SDK into your JavaScript project is through the npm module. However, if you want to use a pre-compiled file, you can fetch it from unpkg. The development version is available at https://unpkg.com/VCB/dist/VCB.js, and the minified production version is at https://unpkg.com/VCB/dist/VCB.min.js.

Using VCB on Different Platforms

The JavaScript ecosystem is wide and incorporates a large number of platforms and execution environments. To handle this, the VCB npm module contains special versions of the SDK tailored to use in Node.js and React Native environments. Not all features make sense in all environments, so using the appropriate package will ensure that items like local storage, user sessions, and HTTP requests use appropriate dependencies. For server side rendered applications, you may set the SERVER_RENDERING variable to prevent warnings at runtime.

To use the npm modules for a browser based application, include it as you normally would:

const VCB = require('VCB');
// ES6 Minimized
import VCB from 'VCB/dist/VCB.min.js';

For server-side applications or Node.js command line tools, include 'VCB/node':

// In a node.js environment
const VCB = require('VCB/node');

For React Native applications, include 'VCB/react-native.js':

// In a React Native application
const VCB = require('VCB/react-native.js');

// On React Native >= 0.50 and VCB >= 1.11.0, set the Async
const AsyncStorage = require('react-native').AsyncStorage;

For WeChat miniprogram, include 'VCB/weapp':

// In a WeChat miniprogram
const VCB = require('VCB/weapp');

If you want to use a pre-compiled file, you can fetch it from unpkg. The development version is available at https://unpkg.com/VCB/dist/VCB.weapp.js, and the minified production version is at https://unpkg.com/VCB/dist/VCB.weapp.min.js.

For TypeScript applications, install '@types/VCB':

$ npm install @types/VCB

Types are updated manually after every release. If a definition doesn't exist, please submit a pull request to @types/VCB

Upgrading to VCB SDK 2.0.0

With VCB SDK 2.0.0, gone are the backbone style callbacks and VCB.Promises.

We have curated a migration guide that should help you migrate your code.

3rd Party Authentications

VCB Server supports many 3rd Party Authenications. It is possible to linkWith any 3rd Party Authentication by creating a custom authentication module.

Want to ride the bleeding edge?

We recommend using the most recent tagged build published to npm for production. However, you can test not-yet-released versions of the VCB-SDK-JS by referencing specific branches in your package.json. For example, to use the master branch:

npm install VCB-community/VCB-SDK-JS.git#master


You can also use your own forks, and work in progress branches by specifying them:

npm install github:myUsername/VCB-SDK-JS#my-awesome-feature

And don't forget, if you plan to deploy it remotely, you should run npm install with the --save option.


We really want VCB to be yours, to see it grow and thrive in the open source community. Please see the Contributing to VCB Javascript SDK guide.


Copyright (c) 2015-present, VCB, LLC.
All rights reserved.

This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.

As of April 5, 2017, VCB, LLC has transferred this code to the VCB-community organization, and will no longer be contributing to or distributing this code.