0.1.5 • Published 8 years ago

vdux-smaller v0.1.5

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8 years ago



Stateless virtual dom <-> Redux.


$ npm install vdux

Running the examples

$ cd examples/basic && budo --live index.js -- -t babelify

Minimal counter example

import vdux from 'vdux/dom'
import element from 'vdux/element'
import ready from 'domready'

 * Initialize the app

const initialState = {
  counter: 0

function reducer (state, action) {
  if (action.type === 'INCREMENT') {
    return {...state, counter: state.counter + 1}

  return state

const {subscribe, render} = vdux({reducer, initialState})

ready(() => {
  subscribe(state => {
    render(<Counter value={state.counter} />)

 * App

const Counter = {
  render ({props}) {
    return <div onClick={increment}>Value: {props.value}</div>

function increment () {
  return {
    type: 'INCREMENT'


vdux is an opionated, higher-level abstraction over redux and virtex. To initialize it, it takes an object containing several parameters:

  • middleware - An array containing redux middleware you want to use. Defaults to [].
  • reducer - Your root redux reducer
  • initialState - The initial state atom for your application. Defaults to {}.
  • node - The root node you want to render app into. Defaults to document.body.

This returns an object with a few functions:

  • subscribe(fn) - Takes a function and gets called with a new state whenever the state updates. Returns a stop() function.
  • render(vtree, context, force) - Takes a vtree (e.g. render(<App state={state} />)). context is an argument that will be passed to the getProps function of every component, and force, if true, will ignore the shouldUpdate functions in all your components for this particular render (useful for hot reloading).
  • replaceReducer(reducer) - Replace the reducer (e.g. for hot reloading)
  • dispatch(action) - Manually dispatch an action. If you have outside event sources or want to dispatch manually for testing purposes, use this.
  • getState() - Returns the current redux state atom.

The subscribe/render cycle

Primarily you'll be interested in subscribe and render. These two functions work together to create your application's primary event loop. You set it up like this:

subscribe(state => {
  render(<App state={state} />)

And from then on, state updates will cause renders, and DOM events from your rendered UI will cause state updates.

JSX / Hyperscript

vdux's JSX pragma is accessible on vdux/element. E.g.

import element from 'vdux/element'

export default function render () {
  return <div>Hello world!</div>


Put this in your .babelrc and npm install babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx to make JSX work with vdux's element creator.

"plugins": [
  ["transform-react-jsx", {"pragma": "element"}]

DOM Events / Actions

Your event handlers are pure functions that return a value. That value is then dispatched into redux. This forms a cycle that will define your entire application in a side-effect free way.

Using hyperscript:

import h from 'vdux/element'

function counter ({props}) {
  return h('div', {'onClick': increment}, ['Value: ' + props.counter])

function increment () {
  return {
    type: 'INCREMENT'

Or using JSX:

import element from 'vdux/element'

function render ({props}) {
  return <div onClick={increment}>Value: {props.counter}</div>

function increment () {
  return {
    type: 'INCREMENT'

export default render

Event names

Also of note, vdux is unopinionated about the casing of event handler prop names. If you are wondering if it's onKeyDown or onKeydown, both/all will work, even ONKEYDOWN, or onkeydown. As long as it matches the case-insensitive regex on(?:domEventNames.join('|')), it'll work. If you want to know whether an event you want is included, check out dom-events for the complete list - and if one you want isn't there, just send a PR to that module.

element sugar

The JSX pragma element comes with a bit of syntactic sugar to make your life easier out of the box. If you don't like its opinions or don't use its features and don't want them bloating your bundle, you can write your own on top of the element exported by virtex and use that instead.


If you want to do more than one thing in response to an event, you can pass an array of handlers, like this:

function render () {
  return <div onClick={[fetchPosts, closeDropdown]}></div>

The return values of both handlers will be dispatched into redux. There is also a set of special syntax for keyboard related events - you may pass an object containing the particular keychords you want to select for. E.g.

function render () {
  return <input onKeydown={{enter: submit, esc: cancel, 'shift+enter': newline}} />

Inline styles

element includes some minimal inline style sugar for you. It won't do autoprefixing or anything complicated, but you can pass in a basic style object and have it turned into a style string, automatically. E.g.

function render () {
  return <div style={{color: 'red', fontWeight: 'normal'}}></div>

Will produce a style string of 'color: red; font-weight: normal'.

Class names

The classnames module is used for this. So you can do:

function render () {
  return <div class={['primary', 'button']}>hello world</div>

Or you can do:

function render ({props}) {
  return <div class={{primary: !!props.primary, button: true}}>hello world</div>

You can also recursively mix and match these things, like ['class1', {class2: props.class2}].


element allows you to declaratively focus on an element by setting the focused property to true. Like this:

function render ({props}) {
  return <input focused={props.shouldFocus} />

Do be careful though that you're not setting focused on multiple elements at the same time, otherwise which one ends up actually receiving focus will be undefined (and amount to which one renders first).


Components in vdux look a lot like components in other virtual dom libraries. You have a render, and some lifecycle hooks. Your render function receives a model that looks like this:

  • props - The arguments passed in by your parent
  • children - The child elements of your component
  • state - The state of your component
  • local - Directs an action to the current component's reducer (see the local state section)
  • path - The dotted path to your component in the DOM tree. For the most part, you probably don't need to worry about this.


By default, this is taken care of for you. virtex-component assumes that your data is immutable, and will do a shallow equality check on props and children to decide if your component needs to re-render. If you want to implement your own, it works like this (this is the one virtex-component uses):

function shouldUpdate (prev, next) {
  return !arrayEqual(prev.children, next.children) || !objectEqual(prev.props, next.props)

Where prev is the previous model and next is the next model.


  • onCreate - When the component is created. Receives model.
  • onUpdate - When the model changes. Receives prev and next models.
  • afterRender - Called after any render. Passed the model and the root DOM node of the component. Runs only in the browser. It is recommended that you avoid using it as much as possible - but it is necessary in a few cases like positioning elements relative to one another.
  • onRemove - When the component is removed. Receives model.

Local state

In vdux, all of your state is kept in your global redux state atom under the ui property. In order to support component local state, your component may export two additional functions:

  • initialState - Receives model and returns the starting state for your component.
  • reducer - A reducing function for your component's state. Receives (state, action) and returns a new state.

afterRender / nextTick

The afterRender function can be used to do things after the element has been parented in the DOM. But sometimes it is also important to do something in your afterRender, and then on precisely the next tick before the next render, to do something else (e.g. adding an 'active' class that initiates an animation). You can do this in a guaranteed, safe way by returning a function or array of functions from your afterRender. This function is guaranteed to be executed on the next tick and before any additional render calls. E.g.

function afterRender ({props}, node) {
  if (props.entering) {
    addClass(node, 'enter')
    return () => addClass(node, 'enter-active')


The local function is how you update the state of your component. It accepts a function that returns an action, and returns a function that creates an action directed to the current component. That's may be a bit hard to digest, so here's an example:

function initialState () {
  return {
    value: 0

function render ({local, state}) {
  return <div onClick={local(increment)}>Counter: {state.counter}</div>

function increment () {
  return {
    type: 'INCREMENT'

function reducer (state, action) {
  if (action.type === 'INCREMENT') {
    return {
      value: state.value + 1

export default {

Context / getProps

Sometimes it's too cumbersome to pass everything down from the top of your app. Things like the current url, logged in user, or theme might be too ubiquitous at the leaves of your tree to warrant manually propagating them down via props. For these cases, there is a way out: Context. Context let's you define an object at the top level that any component in the tree can tap into. It is passed as the second argument to render, like this:

subscribe(state => {
  render(<App {...state} />, {url: state.url, currentUser: state.currentUser})

Your components may then tap into this context using their getProps method. getProps is the only way for components to access context, and this limitation is by design - context should only be used when it is absolutely necessary.

function getProps (props, context) {
  return {
    url: context.url

function render ({props}) {
  return <span>The current url is: {props.url}</span>

Keep in mind that any change to context will cause your entire app to re-render, so only put values in it that change relatively infrequently.


In React, refs let you call functions on other components. vdux does not have a native way of accomplishing this. In vdux, this is considered something of an anti-pattern, and should be avoided as much as possible. However, if you do need to do it, the convention is to use a ref prop to expose your component's API, like this:

import Dropdown from 'components/dropdown'

function render () {
  let open

  return (
    <button onClick={e => open()}>Open Dropdown</button>
    <Dropdown ref={_open => open = _open}>

In dropdown.js you'd then do:

function render ({props, local}) {
  if (props.ref) props.ref(local(open))

  return (
    // Render the dropdown, etc...

function open () {
  return {
    type: 'OPEN'

Global event handlers

Sometimes you want to listen to events on the window or the document in your components. For instance, to close a dropdown on an external click. This can be awkward and error prone, because you have to store a reference to the handler, and then keep it in sync with the life-cycle of your component. To address this vdux exports some special components to make this nice for you, Window, Document and Body, that allow you to bind event handlers to each of these elements in the exact same way you bind to any other events.

Example - Closing a dropdown on an external click

import Document from 'vdux/document'

function render ({local, children}) {
  return (
    <Document onClick={local(close)}>
      <div class='dropdown'>

Example - Router

import Window from 'vdux/window'
import Document from 'vdux/document'
import HomePage from 'pages/home'
import enroute from 'enroute'

const router = enroute({
  '/': () => <HomePage />

function render ({local, state}) {
  return (
    <Window onPopstate={local(setUrl)}>
      <Document onClick={handleLinkClicks(local(setUrl))}>

function handleLinkClicks (setUrl) {
  return e => {
    if (e.target.nodeName === 'A') {
      const href = e.getAttribute('href')
      if (isLocal(href)) {
        return setUrl(href)

Hot module replacement

Since vdux itself is largely stateless, hot module replacement is trivial. All the code you need is:

const {subscribe, render, replaceReducer} = vdux({reducer})

subscribe(state => {
  render(<App state={state} />)

if (module.hot) {
  module.hot.accept(['./app', './reducer'], () => {
    App = require('./app')

vdux returns an object containing the replaceReducer function that allows you to swap out your reducer function. If you want to swap out something else (like middleware), you should probably reload the page, as it may be stateful. If people want something like this though i'll add it in the future.

Server-side rendering

Server-side rendering uses vdux/string. And its interface is essentially the same as the DOM renderer:

import vdux from 'vdux/string'
import createServerMiddleware from './server-middleware'

function prerender (req, res) {
  const {subscribe, render} = vdux({
    middleware: createServerMiddleware(req),

  const stop = subscribe(state => {
    const html = render(<App state={state} />)

    if (state.ready) {


Almost side-effect free, anyway. You still need to do things like issue requests. I recommend you contain these effects in your redux middleware stack. Here are some libraries / strategies for doing this:


Internal submodules

vdux itself is very small. It is primarily composed of other, smaller modules:

  • redux - Functional state container.
  • virtex - The redux-based virtual dom library used by vdux. You don't need to use this - it's already in vdux, but you will need to add virtex middleware to your redux middleware stack.
  • virtex-element - A high-level, opionated JSX pragma for virtex nodes. You probably want to use this for getting started, but later on you may be interested in adding your own sugary element creators.
  • virtex-dom - DOM rendering redux middleware backend for virtex. You need this if you want to be rendering DOM nodes.
  • virtex-string - String rendering redux middleware backend. Use this for server-side rendering and tests.
  • virtex-component - Lets virtex understand components. Adds nice react/deku-style components with hooks, shouldUpdate, and other civilized things.
  • virtex-local - Give your components local state, housed inside your redux state atom. Note that you will also need redux-ephemeral mounted into your reducer for this to work.
  • redux-ephemeral - Allows your reducer to manage transient local state (i.e. component local state).

If you want to try something more advanced, you can create your own vdux by composing these modules and inserting others in your own way.


Take a look at the org vdux-components for more.

  • delay - Delay the rendering of child components, or execution of an action for a declaratively specified period.
  • hover - Hover component


The MIT License

Copyright © 2015, Weo.io <info@weo.io>

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.