0.2.5 • Published 6 years ago
ve-bamreader v0.2.5
Note: Forked from shinout bamreader (all credit goes to shinout)
BAMLineReader is a reader to parse .bam files. Uses samtools If exists, otherwise uses a native parser.
$ npm install ve-bamreader
# May require CC and CXX environmental variables on certain distributions pointing to `Nan` compatible GCC version.
# 4.9.0 has worked in the past
var bamreader = require("ve-bamreader");
bamreader("/path/to/bamfile.bam").then((jsonResult) => {
//do something with the resulting json :)
streaming usage (you probably don't need this)
var BAMLineReader = require("bamreader").BAMLineReader;
var reader = BAMLineReader.create("/path/to/bamfile.bam");
reader.on("bam", function(bam) {
// bam: object. see "bam object" section
console.log(bam.seq, bam.qual);
console.log(bam.pair); // pair bam object of the bam. To do this, indexing is needed.
reader.on("end", function() {
console.log("all bam alignments have been read.");
bam object
- pair : information of the mate pair. see "bam.pair"
- discordant : discordant or not. see "bam.discordant"
- qname : name of the read
- flag : bitwise flag
- rname : reference sequence rname
- pos : 1-based leftmost mapping position
- mapq : mapping quality
- cigar : CIGAR string
- rnext : reference sequence name of the primary alignment of the next read
- next_rname : the actual reference name of the next read.
- pnext : position of the primary alignment of the next read
- tlen : template length
- seq : segment jsequence
- qual : ASCII of base quality plus 33
- start : 0-based leftmost mapping position
- flags : information of flags
- tagstr : optional fields as string
- tags : optional fields as structured data described in "bamdata.tags" section
- multiple : information from flag: template have multiple segment or not.
- unmapped : information from flag: unmapped or not.
- allmatches : information from flag: each segment properly aligned or not
- next_unmapped : information from flag: next segment is unmapped or not.
- reversed : information from flag: reversely mapped or not.
- next_reversed : information from flag: next segment is reversely mapped or not.
- first : information from flag: first segment or not.
- last : information from flag: last segment or not.
- secondary : information from flag: secondary alignment or not.
- lowquality : information from flag: not passing quality control or not.
- duplicate : information from flag: PCR or optic duplicate or not.
- supplementary : information from flag: supplementary alignment or not.
- clipped : clipped or not.
- soft_clipped : soft-clipped or not.
- hard_clipped : hard-clipped or not.
- left_break : the left position of the breakpoint if clipped.
- right_break : the right position of the breakpoint if clipped.
- match_len : length of the matched portion of the read.
- fully_matched : if the whole base of the read is matched or not
- mismatch : the number of mismatch bases
- unique : if the read is mapped uniquely or not
- indel : the mapping result contains insertion/deletion or not.
- different_ref : if both mapped and rname is not rnext or not
- same_strand : if both mapped and mapped to the same strand or not
- has_n : the read contains "N" or not
- sam : SAM formatted string of the bam
bamreader can fetch one mate pair of the read using index.
$ bamreader -c <bamfile> # creates an index of the bamfile.
then you can access bam.pair
bam.pair is also a bam object.
- (key): tag name (two string character)
- (value): type: data type, value: data
if data type is "B", value0 is subtype, value.slice(1) is the array of data.