0.4.1 • Published 2 years ago

vector-graph v0.4.1

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Last release
2 years ago

Vector Graph

⚠️ This library is experimental until 1.0.0 in npm. For updates follow me!

Generate high-quality geometry and vector graphs with HTML:

<vector-graph id="basics" units>
  <line label="line" from="1,8" to="6,5"></line>
  <point label="point" x="7" y="7"></point>
  <vector label="vector" to="8,4" axis></vector>

<vector-graph id="triangle" x="3" y="3" axis="false">
  <polygon points="0,0;1,3;3,1" sides="a,b,c" angles="α,β,γ"></polygon>

<vector-graph id="complete" x="4.9" y="4.9">
  <vector label="b" color="blue" from="3,4" to="4,2" axis></vector>
  <vector label="a" color="red" from="0,0" to="3,4" axis></vector>
  <vector label="c" from="0,0" to="4,2"></vector>

Note: none of the ids are necessary, but we add them because it's nice

Getting started

To use this library as usual you'll need three things. First, import it from a CDN; put this line anywhere in your HTML:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vector-graph"></script>

Now let's draw a graph anywhere within your HTML:

Plain Graph

<vector-graph grid id="plain">
  <vector label="u" to="8,4"></vector>
  <vector label="v" to="4,8"></vector>

Finally, please take a minute to understand the license of vector-graph. We are dual-licensed, GNU AGPL free license and a commercial license available:



The way you build images is with a parent <vector-graph> that draws the image and few top-level configuration (like the axis, grid, etc) and then add elements inside.

Unless specified otherwise all units should be local units. So for example, the default plane axis sizes are defined as x=0,10 and y=0,10. This means that if you want to put a point in 2,2, then you'd use those coordinates, never pixel values:

Basic of units

<vector-graph id="basic-units">
  <point x="2" y="2" label="2,2"></point>

The same applies to positioning of all other elements. There are some exceptions, like the width and height of <vector-graph>, or the width for the <line width="3"> which is also in pixels.


Create a vector graph image. It controls the display of grids, axis, numbers, etc.

width200The width of the containing SVG element (pixels)
height200The height of the containing SVG element (pixels)
x0,10The x-coordinates of the graph to fit into the SVG
y0,10The y-coordinates of the graph to fit into the SVG
unitsfalseShow the numbers on each of the axis
grid1The size of the grid, or false to hide it
axisx,yThe X and Y axis labels, or false to hide the axis
darkautoDark theme (true), light theme (false) or auto (undef)
pad30The space around the content to avoid SVG clipping

Control the grid size and position with x, y and grid:

<vector-graph id="default-grid" units>
  <point label="0,0" x="0" y="0"></point>

<vector-graph id="shifted-grid" x="-0.3,3" y="-0.3,3" units>
  <point label="0,0" x="0" y="0"></point>

<vector-graph id="center-grid" x="-2.8,2.8" y="-2.8,2.8" units>
  <point label="0,0" x="0" y="0"></point>

You can also hide the different parts of the grid; let's change the size, remove the units and disable the axis and grid:

<vector-graph id="small-grid" x="0,1" y="0,1" grid="0.2" units>
  <point label="0,0" x="0" y="0"></point>

<vector-graph id="no-grid" grid="false">
  <point label="0,0" x="0" y="0"></point>

<vector-graph id="no-axis" grid="false" axis="false">
  <point label="0,0" x="0" y="0"></point>


Draws a small circle in the graph that represents a point in space:

Point example

<vector-graph id="point">
  <point label="a"></point>
  <point x="2" y="1"></point>
  <point x="4" y="2" label="c" color="blue"></point>
  <point x="6" y="5" label="d" axis></point>
  <point x="8" y="8" label="e" color="red" axis></point>
x0The horizontal coordinate where to draw the point
y0The vertical coordinate where to draw the point
labelnoneThe text to draw on top of the point
colorblackThe color of the point, it can be a name or hexa
axisfalseDraw the horizontal and vertical coordinate lines


Draws a segment between two given points:

Line example

<vector-graph id="line">
  <line label="a" to="6,6"></line>
  <line label="b" from="2,8" to="8,8"></line>
  <line label="c" from="6,1" to="6,5" color="red" width="1"></line>
  <line label="d" from="8,1" to="8,7" color="blue" width="3" dashed></line>
tononeThe point where the line/segment ends
from0,0The point where the line/segment starts
labelnoneText to draw on the middle of the line
colorblackThe color of the line, it can be a name or hexa
width1.75The stroke width of the line to draw
dashedfalseShow as dashes (true) or as a solid line (false)


Draw a hollow circle around the specified center:

Circle example

<vector-graph id="circle" x="-1,6" y="-1,6">
  <circle label="a"></circle>
  <circle label="b" x="2" y="2" radius="1.5"></circle>
  <circle label="c" x="2" y="5" color="red"></circle>
  <circle label="d" x="5" y="2" width="1"></circle>
  <circle label="e" x="5" y="5" color="blue" width="3"></circle>
x0The horizontal coordinate of the circle's center
y0The vertical coordinate of the circle's center
radius1The circle's radius, in coordinates size
labelnoneText to draw on the middle of the line
colorblackThe color of the line, it can be a name or hexa
width1.75The stroke width of the line to draw


tononeThe point where the vector ends with an arrow
from0,0The point where the vector starts
labelnoneText to draw on the middle of the line
colorblackThe color of the line, it can be a name or hexa
axisfalseDraw the horizontal and vertical coordinate lines


<vector-graph id="regular-polygon">
  <polygon points="2,2;6,2;6,6;2,6"></polygon>

<vector-graph id="complex-polygons" axis="false" x="6" y="6">
  <polygon points="1,1;6,0;2,2;4,4;0,6" color="red"></polygon>

<vector-graph id="angles-polygon" axis="false">
  <polygon points="1,1;7,1;9,9;1,7" sides="a,b,c,d" angles="α,β,γ,δ"></polygon>
pointsnoneAll of the points of the domain
colorblackThe color of the line, it can be a name or hexa
anglesfalseDraw the angles in the internal vertices


Draws an arc representing the angle between two existing lines (the lines must be drawn separately).

Angle example

<vector-graph id="angle">
  <angle to="90" radius="3"></angle>
  <angle label="a" to="45" radius="4"></angle>
  <angle label="b" from="45" to="90" radius="5" color="red"></angle>
  <angle label="c" to="45" radius="5" color="blue" dashed="false"></angle>
  <angle label="d" x="7" radius="2" from="0" to="180"></angle>
x0The horizontal coordinate of the angle's center
y0The vertical coordinate of the angle's center
from0The angle (in degrees) to start drawing the arc
tononeThe angle (in degrees) to finish drawing the arc
radius1The angle's arc radius, in coordinates size
labelnoneText to draw on the middle of the line
colorblackThe color of the line, it can be a name or hexa
sizenormalThe label's size
dashedtrueDraw dashes instead of a solid line


textnoneThe content that goes inside the label
xnoneThe horizontal coordinate where to draw the label
ynoneThe vertical coordinate where to draw the label
colorblackColor of text and border, it can be a name or hexa
sizenormalDefine how big it is: "tiny, small, normal or large"
widthautoThe width of the label, leave it empty


textnoneThe content that goes inside the label
xnoneThe horizontal coordinate where to draw the label
ynoneThe vertical coordinate where to draw the label
colorblackColor of text and border, it can be a name or hexa
sizenormalDefine how big it is: "tiny, small, normal or large"
widthautoThe width of the label, tip: leave it empty
heightautoThe height of the label, tip: leave it empty


Simple Complex numbers

fnstringThe function to draw (in Javascript)
colorblackColor of plotted line, it can be a name or hexa
widthautoThe width of the line to draw
<vector-graph id="custom-function" x="-5,5" y="-2,2">
  <plot fn="Math.tan(x)" color="red" width="1"></plot>
  <plot fn="Math.sin(x)" color="green"></plot>
  <plot fn="Math.cos(x)" color="blue"></plot>


Simple Complex numbers

<vector-graph id="imaginary">
  <vector to="6,6" axis="a,b"></vector>
  <point label="a+bi" x="6" y="6" color="red"></point>

Custom function

Simple Complex numbers

<vector-graph id="custom-function" x="-5,5" y="-2, 2">
  <plot fn="Math.tan(x)" color="red" width="1"></plot>
  <plot fn="Math.sin(x)" color="green"></plot>
  <plot fn="Math.cos(x)" color="blue"></plot>

Full XY Plane


<vector-graph width="400" height="400" x="-5,5" y="-5,5" id="electromagnetism">
  <point x="0" y="0"></point>

  <text text="Electric Field" x="-2.7" y="2.4" color="red"></text>
  <label text="Right Hand Rule" x="2.5" y="-4"></label>

  <vector color="red" from="-0.5,-1" to="0.5,-1"></vector>
  <vector color="red" from="0.5,1" to="-0.5,1"></vector>
  <vector color="red" from="1,-0.5" to="1,0.5"></vector>
  <vector color="red" from="-1,0.5" to="-1,-0.5"></vector>

  <vector color="red" from="-1,-2" to="1,-2"></vector>
  <vector color="red" from="1,2" to="-1,2"></vector>
  <vector color="red" from="2,-1" to="2,1"></vector>
  <vector color="red" from="-2,1" to="-2,-1"></vector>

  <vector color="red" from="-1.5,-3" to="1.5,-3"></vector>
  <vector color="red" from="1.5,3" to="-1.5,3"></vector>
  <vector color="red" from="3,-1.5" to="3,1.5"></vector>
  <vector color="red" from="-3,1.5" to="-3,-1.5"></vector>



Follow the Getting Started guide and it'll all work great. You can include the script at the beginning or at the end of your HTML, it doesn't matter.





You can run this on the Node.js side to generate static SVGs as well. To do so, you'll need to install jsdom on your own and then use it like this:

import { JSDOM } from "jsdom";
import graph from "vector-graph";

// Make some of these variable accessible from anywhere
const dom = new JSDOM();
global.window = dom.window;
global.document = window.document;
global.DOMParser = window.DOMParser;

// Render the HTML to SVG
const svg = graph(`
    <point label="point" x="7" y="7"></point>
    <line label="line" from="0,0" to="4,8"></line>
    <vector label="vector" to="8,4"></vector>

// <svg width="200" height="200" viewBox="...">...</svg>

About Vector Graph

I love Katex and I've written several tutorials in the past about mathematics, but I've felt that we are lacking on a way of describing mathematic vectors and equations easily on the web.

There is one project that does a similar thing, but it's way too large (680kb of JS!) and overly complex in my opinion. Instead, I just wanted a way of easily define a simple graph with plain HTML, something like this:

About example

<vector-graph id="about">
  <vector to="6,8"></vector>

So after some experimenting and seeing it was possible, I decided to create this library. I'm using SVG since it is scalable and its API is not terrible to work with. It's also not awesome to work with, hence a non-trivial part of the library internals are dedicated to work around some SVG issues.

Now, I've spent a lot of hours creating this and I'm releasing it for everyone to use for free. My ask is that if you want to use my work, you either also release your work for others to use, or compensate me so I can keep building amazing things!


This library is dual-licensed:

  • GNU Affero GPL (AGPL) is the default license. This might be too strict and relaxed to GPL or LGPL on the release date, we'll see. I pick this for now since it's better to start strict and then relax the license than the other way around.
  • Commercial License for \$19 buy in here, which allows you to use in any proprietary codebase without following the AGPL. Ideal for business, education, etc.

2 years ago


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3 years ago