3.0.0 • Published 7 years ago

vector-text-atlas v3.0.0

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7 years ago


generate meshes for text rendering offline per-character to save space and resassemble the complete mesh at runtime on the client


first add a string and save the character data to a file:

var msg = process.argv[2]
var vtext = require('vector-text-atlas')
var vt = vtext({
  canvas: require('canvas'),
  vtext: require('vectorize-text'),
  cdt: require('cdt2d')
$ node mesh.js HELLO > data.json

The mesh data is in simplicial complex format. You can plot this data with your favorite 3d engine:

var vtext = require('vector-text-atlas')
var assign = require('deep-assign')
var regl = require('regl')({ extensions: [ 'oes_element_index_uint' ] })

var vt = vtext({
  data: require('./data.json'),
  attributes: { offsets: 'vec2' }
var strings = [
  { text: 'HELLO', offsets: [-1.6,0.5] },
  { text: 'world', offsets: [-0.4,-0.2] }
var fill = vt.fill(strings)
var stroke = vt.stroke(strings, { width: 0.04 })

var opts = {
  frag: `
    precision highp float;
    uniform vec3 color;
    void main () {
      gl_FragColor = vec4(color,1);
  vert: `
    precision highp float;
    attribute vec2 position, offset;
    uniform float aspect;
    void main () {
      gl_Position = vec4((position+offset)*vec2(1,aspect)*0.2,0,1);
  uniforms: {
    aspect: function (context) {
      return context.viewportWidth / context.viewportHeight
  depth: { mask: false, enable: false }

var draw = {
  fill: regl(assign({}, opts, {
    attributes: {
      position: fill.positions,
      offset: fill.offsets
    elements: fill.cells,
    uniforms: { color: [1,1,1] }
  stroke: regl(assign({}, opts, {
    attributes: {
      position: stroke.positions,
      offset: stroke.offsets
    elements: stroke.cells,
    uniforms: { color: [1,0,0] }
regl.frame(function () {
  regl.clear({ color: [0,0,0,1] })


var vtext = require('vector-text-atlas')

var vt = vtext(opts)

  • opts.data - set character mesh data
  • opts.attributes - an object mapping per-vertex attributes to types
  • opts.canvas - canvas constructor or instance. required to add strings in non-web environment
  • opts.vtext - use require('vectorize-text'). required to add strings
  • opts.cdt - use require('cdt2d'). required to add strings

If you do not need to add strings with vt.add() in the browser because you have foreknowledge to generate the character set ahead of time offline, you don't need to specify opts.vtext nor opts.cdt.

Attributes are set for each vertex and can be set when specifying a string in fill() or stroke(). Attribute types are:

  • 'float'
  • 'vec2','vec3','vec4'
  • 'mat2','mat3','mat4'
  • 'int8','int16','int32'
  • 'uint8','uint16','uint32'


Generate mesh data for the characters in the string str.

var data = vt.data(format)

Per-character mesh data. You can save this data to a file and load it via opts.data.

The values of format are:

  • 'array' - convert typed arrays to arrays (to more easily convert to json)
  • 'typearray' - return in values as native typed arrays

var mesh = vt.fill(strings)

Return simplicial complex for the triangles and vertices that fill an array of strings.

Each string object str in strings:

  • str.text - string to render
  • str.position - position of the string

Any configured attributes should be set on the str object.

var mesh = vt.stroke(strings, opts)

Return simplicial complex for the triangles and vertices that stroke the border region of an array of strings.

Each string object str in strings:

  • str.text - string to render
  • str.position - position of the string

Any configured attributes should be set on the str object.

Optionally set:

  • opts.width - border width. default: 0.04


  • mitre joins


npm install vector-text-atlas
