1.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

vectrie v1.0.0

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2 years ago


JS implementation of persistent bit-partitioned vector trie a.k.a vector data structure in Clojure.

Library provides PersistentVector immutable and fully persistent data type with O(log32 N) get and set operations, and O(1) push and pop operations.

In addition companion MutableVector mutabale dual is provided for performance critical code paths and batch operations that provides compatible API but with a smaller memory overhead.


import * as Vec from "vectrie"

const pv1 = Vec.from([1, 2, 3, 4])
Vec.get(pv1, 0) // => 1
Vec.get(pv1, 4) // => undefined
Vec.get(pv1, 4, "not-found") // => not-found

const pv2 = Vec.push(pv1, 5)
Vec.get(pv2, 4) // => 5

In performance critical code & batch operations you can use transient vector:

let tv = Vec.mutable.from(pv1)
for (const n of input) {
  tv = Vec.mutable.push(tv, n)
const pv3 = Vec.seal(tv)

If you want some sugar and more conventional JS API, there is PersistentVectorView to help you with that:

const v1 = Vec.PersistentVectorView.from([1, 2, 3, 4])
v1.get(0) // => 1
v1[0] // => 1

const v2 = v1.set(0, 5)
v2[0] // => 5

Comparison to alternatives


ImmutableJS is a good and a lot more mature library which comes with a lot more data structures out of the box. List data structure is an equivalent of a PersistentVector and to my knowledge they are both ports of the Clojure's vector implementation. Here is how this library differs

  1. vectrie (deliberately) provides only PersistentVector data type.
  2. vectrie is written in typescript (JS with JSDoc types to be accurate) which affects API design:

    • PersistentVector<T> unlike Immutable.List is continues and not sparse. It would be fare to say that PersistentVector<T> is more like Vector in rust while Immutable.List is more like JS Array.
    • Setting out of bound value on PersistentVector a RangeError while in Immutable.List it creates sparse list.
    • PersistentVector<T> has no splice, slice, unshift, reverse because there is no effecient way to perfrom those operations on bit-partitioned vector tries while retaining desired performance profile (which is why both clojure and immutable JS return different data structure when you do so).

      vectrie does not do that because in many cases modeling data with different types is a better alternative to abstracting it away.

  3. PersistentVector implementation decouples data from operations that can be performed on it. This makes moving them across realms / threads, serailzing / deserializing hassle free.

    Library also provides sugar via PersistentVectorView to provide more conventional API in JS. It also makes it possible for you to write your own View providing alternative API without inheritence or other counterproductive features.

  4. PersistentVectorView provides indexed access to underlying elements (e.g. pv[0] to get first element) which is of questionable benefit, but does seem more natural in JS. Note that updates do not work the same way.


Immer is popular library which provide immutablity from the comfort of the mutable interface. Vectrie library borrows from clojure transients and goes other way round, providing mutability (when needed) from the comfort of immutable interface.