1.0.5 • Published 11 months ago

vedro v1.0.5

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11 months ago


Ultrafast react store library, that prevent unnecessary renders.

Main features:

  • lightweight
  • easy to use
  • handles unnecessary re-renders


The common problem of many store libraries and React.Context is unnecessary re-renders of child components upon every state change. With React.Context, all the children using this context will be rendered every time the provider value changes, even if they rely on unaffected parts of the store. And in high-load apps, performance issues become even more acute: unnecessary re-renders may cause notable FPS drops or even freeze the main thread.

VEDRO tackles this problem and triggers re-renders only when those portions of the store used in a component are updated.

Get started

VEDRO has all the necessary tools out-of-the-box. It provides createVedro function to create a context instance and a number of flexible hooks to access and mutate data.


import { createVedro } from "vedro";

interface IMainStore {
  count: number;
  str: string;
  str2: string;

const initialState: IMainStore = {
  count: 1,
  str: "Hello",
  str2: "This string does not change",

export const {
  Context: MainStoreContext,
  Provider: MainStoreContextProvider,
  useStore: useMainStore,
  useSelector: useMainStoreSelector,
  useDispatch: useMainStoreDispatch,
} = createVedro(initialState);

That's it. Context and hooks are created. Now we need to wrap our components with MainStoreContextProvider. For example, in our HomePage component:


import { MainStoreContextProvider } from "mainStore"; // a file with the context
import { Counter } from "./Counter"; // some counter component
import { InputSection } from "./InputSection"; // some input component

export default async function HomePage() {
  return (
    <main >
      <MainStoreContextProvider state={{ count: 5 }}>
        <Counter />
        <InputSection />



useSelector works just like in any other similar libraries. It takes a selector callback and returns an object with a portion of the state specified in the selector callback:

const { count } = useMainStoreSelector((state) => ({ count: state.count }));


useDispatch returns a dispatch function for state mutation, which can be used in multiple ways:

const dispatch = useMainStoreDispatch();

// first example
const onClick = () => {
  dispatch("count", 7);
  dispatch("str", "new value");

// second example
const onClick = () => {
  dispatch({ count: 1, str: "new value" });

// third example
const onClick = () => {
  dispatch((state) => ({
    count: state.count + 1, // only a part of state we need to change is returned
    str1: "new value for str1",

As you might notice in the third example, the callback function passed to dispatch does not return the entire store – only the portion that changed.

The dispatch callback can also be async:

// in this example we have store with serveral fields:
// status - request status
// userData - user data fetched from server
const dispatch = useStoreDispatch();

const onClick = () => {
  dispatch(async (state) => {
    dispatch("loading", true);

    try {
      const userData = await getUserData(); // fetching user data
      dispatch("userData", userData);
    } catch (error) {

    dispatch("loading", false);


useStore hook returns the store instance. It can be used to access the store in non-React functions or classes.

Complete example

Now let's take a look at the hooks and their usage in components.

The Counter component:


import React from "react";
import { useMainStoreDispatch, useMainStoreSelector } from "mainStore";

export const Counter: React.FC = () => {
  const dispatch = useMainStoreDispatch();

  const { count } = useMainStoreSelector(({ count }) => ({ count }));

  return (
    <div>{ count }</p>
        onClick={() =>
          dispatch(({ count }) => ({ count: count + 1 }))

The InputSection component:


import React from "react";
import { useMainStoreDispatch, useMainStoreSelector } from "mainStore";

export const InputSection: React.FC = () => {
  const dispatch = useMainStoreDispatch();

  const { str1 } = useMainStoreSelector(({ str1 }) => ({ str1 }));

  return (
        onChange={({ target }) => dispatch("str1", target.value)}

Now when we click the button in the Counter component, the count field gets updated in the main store. However, the only component to be re-rendered is the Counter. InputSection is not subscribed to the count field, thus, no re-renders will be triggered.


11 months ago


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