1.0.2 • Published 10 months ago

velaux-typescript-sdk v1.0.2

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10 months ago


Typescript SDK for VelaUX

About This Repo

The typescript SDK is generated using OpenAPI generator from the swagger.json file in the velaux repo.


First, create a Configuration object to contain information about the requests, such as access_token and base URL to send requests to

After creating the Configuration object, To use most of the SDK features, an access token is needed. To get an access token, log in and the response will contain access token. Then, set the access_token field in the Configuration object mentioned above.

Then, most of the SDK functionalities can be used after setting the access token, expected input formats for SDK functions can be found in the typescript/apis direcotry and tracing the type definition of the paramters of desired SDK function.

Example code to log in and list users:

import { Configuration } from './typescript/runtime';
import { AuthenticationApi, LoginRequest } from './typescript/AuthenticationApi';
import { UsersApi } from './typescript/UsersApi';

const configuration = new Configuration({
    basePath: '',

const authAPI = new AuthenticationApi(configuration)
const userAPI = new UsersApi(configuration)

const loginRequestParam: LoginRequest = {
    body: {
        "username": "admin",
        "password": "VelaUX12345"

const loginRes = await authAPI.logi(loginRequestParam);
configuration.accessToken = loginRes.accessToken;
const listUsersRes = await userAPI.listUser();

Another example to create an application. this example creates an application called testapplication among with a basic component

import { Configuration } from './typescript/runtime';
import { AuthenticationApi, LoginRequest } from './typescript/AuthenticationApi';
import { UsersApi } from './typescript/UsersApi';

const configuration = new Configuration({
    basePath: '',
const authAPI = new AuthenticationApi(configuration)
const userAPI = new UsersApi(configuration)
const applicationAPI = new ApplicationApi(configuration)

const loginRequestParam: LoginRequest = {
    body: {
        "username": "admin",
        "password": "VelaUX12345"

const loginRes = await authAPI.logi(loginRequestParam);
configuration.accessToken = loginRes.accessToken;

const req = {
    "body": {
    "name": 'testapplication',  // has to be all lower case
    "project": 'default',
    "component": {
        "name": 'express-server',
        "componentType": 'webservice',
    "icon": 'https://www.svgrepo.com/show/513758/bookmark-check.svg',
const res = await applicationAPI.createApplication(req)

For more example code of using the SDK, please visit https://github.com/kubevela-contrib/velaux-typescript-sdk/tree/main/examples


10 months ago


10 months ago


10 months ago