0.0.1 • Published 4 years ago
vernacularai-js-sdk v0.0.1
Node TS Library for VernacularAI ASR interface
Install the library using npm or yarn
npm i vernacularai-js-sdk
yarn add vernacularai-js-sdk
Ways to use the Service
- Transcribing short audios
- Transcribing long audios more than 1 min
- Transcribing audio from streaming input
Transcribing short audios
- Import SpeechClient class from the library
- Provide access-token in the constructor
- Use recognize method which takes in config of audio file and audio in the form of string or raw bytes
- Access the transcribed results in callback function
Transcribing long audios
- Method longRunnningReconginze, takes in config, audio, pollTime(amount of time to wait)minimum value is 10sec and callback function
Streaming Recognize
- Method streaming recognize, it has two methods streamingRecognizeConfig which takes in audio config, interim results(boolean) and callback function, while the other one takes in the stream of audio for continuous transcibing.
Refer samples to see the examples for each method
4 years ago