1.3.0 • Published 1 year ago

vibes-cordova v1.3.0

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1 year ago


This plugin exposes the Vibes Mobile SDK to cross-platform applications built using with the Cordova runtime in mind.

How To Install in an Ionic Cordova App

Run the following to install this plugin into your application.

ionic cordova plugin add vibes-cordova --variable VIBES_APP_ID=MY_APP_ID 
  • MY_APP_ID will be the application id that you obtained from a Vibes Customer Care representative.
  • MY_ENVIRONMENT_URL will be the API environment that your application is targetted at. If no value is supplied for VIBES_API_URL, then the default data center URL is used.

    The valid environment urls are

  1. https://public-api.vibescm.com/mobile_apps - Default non-EU data center
  2. https://public-api.vibescmeurope.com/mobile_apps - EU data center

Warning: During testing, it is typical to have a different Vibes APPID for your test app and a different one for your production app. We recommend having different bundleId (iOS) or applicationId (Android) for each environment, as using the same value for different environments can cause unexpected behaviour.

However, if you find that you can't use separate values for bundleId/applicationId for each Vibes APPID, then make sure you clear the application data when switching between apps for each environment.

Push Notifications Usage

With the supplied credentials, the plugin initializes itself and calls registerDevice and registerPush when a Firebase token or APNS token is available within the app. This should be enough to start receiving push notifications. However, these additional functions can be called within your application's own lifecycle after the initialization process.


This call registers the device with the Vibes environment, returning a promise that either contains a unique device_id that stays with the app until it is uninstalled, or an error message if registration fails. This is invoked automatically at startup, and is not required unless you desire to do so. Calling it multiple times has no negative effect.


This call unregisters the device with the Vibes environment, as well as stops a device from receiving a push notification. It also disables any data collection or reporting functionality on this device. This call returns a promise, which on success contains no data and on failure contains an error message. To recover from this you need to invoke both registerDevice and registerPush.


This call fetches the platform specific token for the device and submits it to the Vibes environment, which it can then use to target this device. This call returns a promise, which on success contains no data and on failure contains an error message.

For Android, this is invoked automatically at startup of application, and is not required unless you desire to do so.

For iOS, you will need to manually call vibes.registerPush() from the lifecycle point of entry of your landing page inside the ionic project. Depending on your ionic version, this could either be at ngOnInit(for ionic v4+) or ionViewDidLoad (for ionic 3 and below). This should show push notifications permissions alert dialog, which once granted, will trigger registerPush call on the Vibes SDK with the APNS push token.

import { Vibes } from '@ionic-native/vibes/ngx';
// inside ngOnInit or ionViewDidLoad
if (this.platform.is('ios')) {
    .then(() => {
      this.registeredPush = true;
    .catch((errorMsg: any) => {


This call notifies the Vibes environment not to send any more push notifications to this device. This call returns a promise, which on success contains no data and on failure contains an error message.


This call returns a json payload containing the device_id and push_token which identifies an installed instance of the app. This call returns a promise with the json payload on success and on failure contains an error message. The payload looks like below.

    'device_id': 'vXJ6f67XfnH/OYWskzUakSczrQ8=',
    'push_token': 'eAY6g9q3raJ4P03wNdSWC5MOW1EfxoomWNXsPhi7T6Q9yAqmxqn0sLEUjLL1Ib0LCH3nKQWBXdxapQ5LgbHu+g==',


This call returns a json payload identifying the Vibes person as documented here. The promise returns an error message on failure. The payload looks like below.

    'person_key': 'wguW2MYXdIqvHBYCF2DNJ',
    'mdn': '+1234567891',
    'external_person_id': 'user@vibes.com',


This call associates the Person record of this device with an external identifer used to identify this user. This call accepts the external identifier, and the promise completes with no data, or fails with an error message.


This call enables the application developer to subscribe to be notified whenever all forms of push notifications are received within the application, with the full message json payload returned.

The json payload may look like below for an Android app

   "body":"Test Message",
   "title":"Test Message",

The json payload may look like below for an iOS app

         "title":"Test Message",
         "body":"Test Message",

Usage in Ionic Framework

This plugin can be used as is within an Ionic application. However, it is preferred to use the @ionic-native/vibes wrapper.


npm install @ionic-native/vibes

Usage (Ionic Wrapper)

import { Vibes } from '@ionic-native/vibes/ngx';

Advance Push Setup

The Vibes Push SDK supports many rich push messaging features, but some of them require the existence of specific files at locations within your Ionic application to be auto-detected by the SDK, or the entry of specific instructions in your config files. Ionic provides hooks, which can be invoked during the build process to copy resources, modify files etc before and after the build process. To take advantage of these hooks, do the following.


  • Copy our script file copy-android-resources.js in the ionic/android folder in this repo into your own project, preferrably in a scripts folder.
  • Add this to your ionic.config.json file
"hooks": {
    "build:before": "./scripts/copy-android-resources.js"
  • Create a folder called /native/android
  • Place your small notification icon drawble in this folder, with the name of each drawable being ic_stat_vibes_notif_icon.png
  • To support playing sound when a notification is received, place your sound files in the raw folder. You can reference that name on the Vibes Campaign Manager UI when sending a push with sound.
  • You may use this native/android folder to place any other drawables into the application's resources directory, as the hook will copy everything in that folder over into the appropriate folders in platforms/android before building the app.

Further documentation on advanced Push setup and capabilities in Android are available in the native Android SDK documentation here


  • Copy our script files in the ionic/ios folder in this repo into your own project, preferrably in a scripts folder.
  • Add this to your config.xml file
   <hook src="scripts/ios-add-rich-push.js" type="after_prepare" />
  • Edit the ios-add-rich-push.js and make sure the values for your environment, certificate and app details match yours.
  • Notice that this script expects a native/ios folder, which should contain the NotificationContentExtension and RichPush folders from our ionic/ios folder above.
  • Notice that it also contains a reference to vibes_custom.wav as a sound file. You should replace that with the name of your own sound file placed inside the RichPush folder, and reference that name on the Vibes Campaign Manager UI when sending a push with sound

Further documentation on advanced Push setup and capabilities in iOS are available in the native iOS SDK documentation here

Inbox Support

This SDK also supports interaction with inbox messages. The following actions are available for inbox message support.


This call returns a JSON array of inbox messages that have been received for this person. The promise returns on success with the array of inbox messages, or an error message when there's a failure. The array of fetched inbox messages should like like below.

    "content": "Content here",
    "created_at": "Jun 16, 2020 6:26:52 PM",
    "expires_at": "Sep 14, 2020 12:00:00 AM",
    "message_uid": "a62b9c70-3b50-40c0-aaf5-9d55c0149e7c",
    "read": false,
    "subject": "Subject here",
    "collapse_key": "vibes-acee3b99-10c1-4dd5-b0e5-1589296ba3a2",
    "apprefdata": {
      "personUid": "83497970-280e-4cc8-92c3-e699c3db0738",
      "activityUid": "acee3b99-10c1-4dd5-b0e5-1589296ba3a2",
      "vibesDeviceId": "32515f9b-f722-4914-9afc-c734790e5789",
      "flightUid": "f76cd0c9-6245-4ea1-ae36-0b5a13b8fba5",
      "deviceUid": "7e0d100e-c549-4d0d-a28f-3f7336c04f3e",
      "activityType": "Broadcast",
      "last_opened_at": "2020-06-16T18:25:55Z"
    "content": "This is the content",
    "created_at": "Jun 16, 2020 6:26:20 PM",
    "expires_at": "Sep 14, 2020 12:00:00 AM",
    "message_uid": "3407658c-85d2-439c-9c6d-2b642ef78761",
    "read": false,
    "subject": "This is the message",
    "collapse_key": "vibes-c9ae6ba9-8041-437d-9521-c3db803c19ce",
    "apprefdata": {
      "personUid": "83497970-280e-4cc8-92c3-e699c3db0738",
      "activityUid": "c9ae6ba9-8041-437d-9521-c3db803c19ce",
      "vibesDeviceId": "32515f9b-f722-4914-9afc-c734790e5789",
      "flightUid": "bcfe6100-516a-484f-84cb-60686e216041",
      "deviceUid": "7e0d100e-c549-4d0d-a28f-3f7336c04f3e",
      "activityType": "Broadcast",
      "last_opened_at": "2020-06-16T18:25:55Z"


This call fetches a single inbox message based on the message_uid supplied. This is ideal for cases when a push message is linked to an inbox message. It returns a promise, which contains the inbox message on success, or an error message on failure. Note that the message_uid is required to invoke this call.

    "collapse_key": "vibes-acee3b99-10c1-4dd5-b0e5-1589296ba3a2",
    "content": "Content here",
    "created_at": "Jun 16, 2020 6:26:52 PM",
    "expires_at": "Sep 14, 2020 12:00:00 AM",
    "message_uid": "a62b9c70-3b50-40c0-aaf5-9d55c0149e7c",
    "read": false,
    "subject": "Subject here"
    "apprefdata": {
      "personUid": "83497970-280e-4cc8-92c3-e699c3db0738",
      "activityUid": "acee3b99-10c1-4dd5-b0e5-1589296ba3a2",
      "vibesDeviceId": "32515f9b-f722-4914-9afc-c734790e5789",
      "flightUid": "f76cd0c9-6245-4ea1-ae36-0b5a13b8fba5",
      "deviceUid": "7e0d100e-c549-4d0d-a28f-3f7336c04f3e",
      "activityType": "Broadcast",
      "last_opened_at": "2020-06-16T18:25:55Z"


This call is used to mark a message for expiry. The call requires a message_uid, and an optional date of expiry. If the date is not supplied, the current date will be used, which will automatically mark the message as expired immediately. The promise returns with the updated json payload of the expired message, or an error message if there's a failure. Note that the message_uid is required to invoke this call.


This call is used to mark a message as read. The call requires a message_uid. The promise returns with the updated json payload of showing the read field set to true, or an error message if there's a failure. Note that the message_uid is required to invoke this call.


This call generates an event showing that the inbox message has been opened. The call requires the full message that has been viewed to be passed as a stringified JSON. The promise returns with no data on success, or an error message on failure.


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