0.0.1 • Published 8 years ago

victory-composed v0.0.1

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Last release
8 years ago


Getting Started

victory-composed is a set of composed, pre-styled Victory components that can be used to display rich, interactive charts. Our theming system not only supports style based theming, but behavioral/compositional theming as well.

  1. Add victory-composed to your project

    	npm install victory-composed --save

    For React Native, you'll need victory-native and react-native-svg:

    npm install victory-native victory-composed react-native-svg --save
    react-native link react-native-svg
  2. Add your first victory-composed component:


    import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { render } from 'react-dom'; import { VictoryLineChart } from 'victory-composed';

    class MyLineChart extends Component { render() { return ( ); } }

    render(, document.getElementById('app'));

  3. Explore the API below and out the various possible components and configurations and their themes!

API Documentation

Common Props

The following is a list of common props shared by each chart, with the exception of VictoryPieChart where noted:

#####categories oneOfType(shape({ x: arrayOf(string), y: arrayOf(string) }), arrayOf(string))

The categories prop specifies how categorical data for a chart should be ordered. This prop should be given as an array of string values, or an object with these arrays of values specified for x and y. If this prop is not set, categorical data will be plotted in the order it was given in the data array.

Not applicable to VictoryPieChart

Examples: ["dogs", "cats", "mice"], { x: ["dogs","cats"], y: ["mice","birds"]}


#####domain oneOfType(shape({ x: arrayOf(number), y: arrayOf(number) }), arrayOf(number))

The domain prop describes the range of values your chart will include. This prop can be given as a array of the minimum and maximum expected values for your chart, or as an object that specifies separate arrays for x and y. If this prop is not provided, a domain will be calculated from data, or other available information.

Not applicable to VictoryPieChart

Examples: [-1, 1], {x: [0, 100], y: [0, 1]}


#####domainPadding oneOfType(shape({ x: number, y: number }), number))

The domainPadding prop specifies a number of pixels of padding to add to the beginning and end of a domain. This prop is useful for explicitly spacing ticks farther from the origin to prevent crowding. This prop should be given as an object with numbers specified for x and y.

Not applicable to VictoryPieChart

Examples: 20, { x: 5, y: 10 }


#####height number

The height props specifies the height of the svg viewBox of the chart container. This value should be given as a number of pixels.


#####subtitle string

The subtitle for your chart. This value should be a string.


#####theme object

This prop specifies which theme to use for your chart. See the themes section below for available themes and how to add them.

Example Themes.simple


#####title string

The title for your chart. This value should be a string.


#####width number

The width props specifies the width of the svg viewBox of the chart container. This value should be given as a number of pixels.


#####xAxis object

This prop specifies a set of props to pass to the x axis. Valid props can be found here: VictoryAxis

Not applicable to VictoryPieChart

Example { name: "test" }


#####yAxis object

This prop specifies a set of props to pass to the y axis. Valid props can be found here: VictoryAxis

Not applicable to VictoryPieChart

Example { scale: "time" }



#####interpolation string

The interpolation prop determines how data points should be connected when plotting a line. The following values are valid:

"basis", "basisClosed", "basisOpen", "bundle", "cardinal", "cardinalClosed", "cardinalOpen", "catmullRom", "catmullRomClosed", "catmullRomOpen", "linear", "linearClosed", "monotoneX", "monotoneY", "natural", "radial", "step", "stepAfter", "stepBefore"


#####series arrayOf(object)

The series prop allows you to provide data series to your chart. Each object in the series array is representative of a subset of the properties found here: VictoryArea

The series child object shape is as follows:

  data: oneOfType(array, object),
  samples: number,
  style: object,
  x: oneOfType(string, func),
  y: oneOfType(string, func)

Example [{ data: [{ x: 0, y: 1 }] ] }, { data: [ [2,3], [4 ,5] ] }]


#####stacked bool

The stacked prop is a boolean value that determines whether to stack your area chart series.



#####horizontal bool

The horizontal prop is a boolean value that determines whether to display your bar chart series horizontally.


#####labels func

The labels prop defines labels that will appear above each bar in your bar chart. This prop should be given as a function of data.

Example (datum) => datum.y


#####offset number

The offset prop on VictoryGroup controls the spacing between each series of bars in a group.


#####series arrayOf(object)

The series prop allows you to provide data series to your chart. Each object in the series array is representative of a subset of the properties found here: VictoryBar

The series child object shape is as follows:

  data: oneOfType(array, object),
  style: object,
  x: oneOfType(string, func),
  y: oneOfType(string, func)

Example [{ data: [{ x: 0, y: 1 }] ] }, { data: [ [2,3], [4 ,5] ] }]


#####stacked bool

The stacked prop is a boolean value that determines whether to stack your bar chart series.


#####interpolation string

The interpolation prop determines how data points should be connected when plotting a line. The following values are valid:

"basis", "basisClosed", "basisOpen", "bundle", "cardinal", "cardinalClosed", "cardinalOpen", "catmullRom", "catmullRomClosed", "catmullRomOpen", "linear", "linearClosed", "monotoneX", "monotoneY", "natural", "radial", "step", "stepAfter", "stepBefore"


#####series arrayOf(object)

The series prop allows you to provide data series to your chart. Each object in the series array is representative of a subset of the properties found here: VictoryLine

The series child object shape is as follows:

  data: oneOfType(array, object),
  samples: number,
  style: object,
  x: oneOfType(string, func),
  y: oneOfType(string, func)

Example [{ data: [{ x: 0, y: 1 }] ] }, { data: [ [2,3], [4 ,5] ] }]


#####labels func

The labels prop defines labels that will appear above each bar in your bar chart. This prop should be given as a function of data.

Example (datum) => datum.y


#####series arrayOf(object)

The series prop allows you to provide data series to your chart. Each object in the series array is representative of a subset of the properties found here: VictoryScatter

The series child object shape is as follows:

  bubbleProperty: string,
  data: oneOfType(array, object),
  samples: number,
  size: number,
  symbol: oneOfType(string, func),
  style: object,
  x: oneOfType(string, func),
  y: oneOfType(string, func)

Example [{ data: [{ x: 0, y: 1 }] ] }, { data: [ [2,3], [4 ,5] ] }]


#####size oneOfType(number, func)

The size prop determines how to scale each data point

Example 3


#####symbol oneOfType(string, func)

The symbol prop determines which symbol should be drawn to represent data points.

Valid string values: "circle", "diamond", "plus", "square", "star", "triangleDown", "triangleUp"

Example "circle"


#####cornerRadius number

Set the cornerRadius for every dataComponent (Slice by default) within VictoryPie

#####endAngle number

The overall end angle of the pie in degrees. This prop is used in conjunction with startAngle to create a pie that spans only a segment of a circle.

#####innerRadius number

When creating a donut chart, this prop determines the number of pixels between the center of the chart and the inner edge of a donut. When this prop is set to zero a regular pie chart is rendered.

#####labels oneOfType(arrayOf(string), func)

The labels prop defines labels that will appear above each bar in your bar chart. This prop should be given as a function of data or an array of strings.

Example (datum) => datum.y


#####padAngle number

The padAngle prop determines the amount of separation between adjacent data slices in number of degrees


#####startAngle number

The overall start angle of the pie in degrees. This prop is used in conjunction with endAngle to create a pie that spans only a segment of a circle.


victory-composed has a set of beautiful preset themes ready to go. We default to the simple theme by default, but if you want to try out the whole gang, here is how:

import { VictoryLineChart, Themes } from "victory-composed";

class MyChart extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <VictoryLineChart theme={Themes.dark} />

Right now we have 4 themes you can choose from:

bright - A bright, fun theme.


simple - A simple, yet elegant theme.


dark - Uh oh who turned the lights out. A dark theme for your charts.


danceparty - Use this one carefully. You might have too much fun.


Keep your eyes peeled, there are more themes on the way!


# Run the demo app server
$ npm start

# Open the demo app
$ open http://localhost:3000

# Run tests
$ npm test

For more on the development environment, see DEVELOPMENT in the project builder archetype.


Please review our Code of Conduct before contributing.

For a detailed contribution guide, please see CONTRIBUTING in the project builder archetype.


This project is in a pre-release state. We're hard at work fixing bugs and improving the API. Be prepared for breaking changes!