1.0.3 • Published 6 years ago

viewport-manager v1.0.3

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6 years ago

Viewport Manager

viewport-manager is a lighweight and customizable viewport manager that helps you with the window resize event. Behind the scenes it creates a collection of callbacks to be called on viewport change.


Sometimes we don't want to show a module at a specific viewport only. Yes, we can do it via CSS using @media and display: none; But let's say that when that component mounts it fires async functions or dispatches actions. We would like to prevent this and that's where viewport-manager comes in handy.


npm i --save viewport-manager


in: app/viewport-manager.js

// Import the module from node_modules.
import ViewportManager from 'viewport-manager';

// declare sizes
const breakpoints = {
  mobile: {
    max: 768,
  tablet: {
    min: 768,
    max: 1024,
  desktop: {
    min: 1024,

const delay = 0; // if delay !== 0 a debounce will be applied to all listeners.

// export an instance of the viewport manager and we set some options.
export default new ViewportManager({ breakpoints, delay });

Use it

We want to import the instance created and configured before. In this example I'm using React.

in app/components/Foo/foo.jsx:

// include the instance declared in the previous file.
import Viewport from 'app/viewport-manager.js';

class Foo extends React.Component {
  [... other methods ...]

  componentDidMount() {

  componentWillUnmount() {

  handleViewportChange(viewport) {
    console.log(`the viewport changed: ${viewport}`);

    // we trigger a render only for this component


type: object.

To configure your viewport-manager you can pass options when you create an instance.

const ViewportManagerInstance = new ViewportManager(options);


type: object.

breakpoints should be an object with all your breakpoints rules. Let's have a look to an example:

customKeyName = `custom key name`;
const breakpoints = {
  mobile: {
    // min will automatically be 0
    max: 640
  tablet: {
    min: 640,
    max: 1024,
  // the key name is what the get() method returns and it can be custom if you want.
  // this will be: breakpoints['custom key name 11']
  [`${customKeyName} 11`]: {
    min: 1024
    // max will automatically be 10000


type: number. if the value is true (different from 0), then all methods will have a delay of delay milliseconds. const new ViewportManager({ breakpoints, delay: 100 })



type: function.

listen() requires one parameter, the function to be called when the viewport changes. This methos adds the function inside a global array of callbacks.


type: function.

unlisten() requires one parameter the function previously passed in the listen() method. This will remove the callback from the collection and it will not be called anymore.


returns the current viewport. Use this method before the component mounts.