0.3.0 • Published 5 years ago

visual-query-builder v0.3.0

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Last release
5 years ago

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Project setup

yarn install

Requirement: node > v11

Compiles target library

yarn build-bundle

This will generate an importable JS VisualQueryBuilder library in the dist directory.

Run your tests

The basic command to run all tests is:

yarn test:unit

You can also use a watcher so that tests rerun automatically on a change:

yarn test:unit --watchAll

To run a single test file:

yarn test:unit path/to/yourfile.ts

Finally, you can deactivate typescript checks to run tests quicker:

yarn test:quick

This can be useful to accelerate your development cycle temporarily when developing a new feature or fixing a bug. Under the hood, this will use the babel-jest transformer on typescript files instead of ts-jest.

Lints and fixes files

yarn lint

Build the documentation

yarn build-doc

This will run typedoc on the src/ directory and generate the corresponding documentation in the dist/docs directory.

Run the storybook

Storybook uses the bundled lib, so all showcased components must be in the public API.

In one terminal:

yarn storybook:bundle --watch

In another:

yarn storybook

This will run storybook, displaying the stories (use cases) of UI components.

Stories are defined in the stories/ directory.

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.

Usage as library

Without any module bundler

<!-- Import styles -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="vue-query-builder/dist/vue-query-builder.umd.min.js" />

<!-- Import scripts -->
<script src="vue.js"></script>
<script src="vue-query-builder/dist/vue-query-builder.umd.min.js"></script>

With an ES module bundler (typically webpack or rollup)

import { Pipeline } from 'vue-query-builder';

By default, the CommonJS module is imported. If you prefer the ES module version, import dist/vue-query-builder.esm.js.


If your module bundler can also import CSS (e.g. via styles-loader):

import 'vue-query-builder/dist/vue-query-builder.css';

If you prefer to use Sass, you may import directly the scss:

@import '~vue-query-builder/src/styles/main';

This example makes use of the ~ syntax from webpack's sass-loader to resolve the imported modules.



See the documentation generated in dist/docs directory


TODO: document here sass variables that can be overriden


The /playground directory hosts a demo application with a small server that showcases how to integrate the exported components and API. To run it, just run:

yarn playground

which is basically a shortcut for the following steps:

# build the visual query builder bundle
yarn build-bundle --watch
# run the server and enjoy!
node playground/server.js

Once the server is started, you should be able to open the http://localhost:3000 in your favorite browser and enjoy!

The server.js script reads the playground/playground.config.json config file to know which database should be queried or which http port should be used. If you want to customize these values, either edit this json file or override each available option on the commandline, e.g.

node playground/server.js --dburi mongdb://localhost:27018

You can also customize options through environment variables with the following naming pattern VQB_PLAYGROUND_{OPTION}, e.g.

VQB_PLAYGROUND_DBURI=mongdb://localhost:27018 node playground/server.js

You can use the default test dataset by loading the playground/default-dataset.csv file. To do that, use the following command line:

node playground/server.js --reset

If you want to use a custom CSV file, use the defaultDataset command line option:

node playground/server.js --defaultDataset my-dataset.csv --reset

If you don't have mongodb installed, you can use the --automongo flag from the command line. It will use mongodb-prebuilt to download (the first time) and run mongo 3.6.12 and then listen on the port guessed from the --dburi flag.