2.2.2 • Published 4 years ago

viswiz v2.2.2

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4 years ago

VisWiz.io CLI

The official VisWiz.io CLI.

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Welcome to the VisWiz.io CLI documentation.

The CLI allows you to query and create new projects, builds or images within the VisWiz.io service.


Install the module using yarn:

$ yarn add -D viswiz

Or using npm:

$ npm install -D viswiz

Alternatively, you can download a prepackaged binary for your OS from the Releases page.


The following environment keys are used when their corresponding flags are missing:

  • VISWIZ_API_KEY - for the api-key flag
  • VISWIZ_PROJECT_ID - for the project flag

CI environment variables for popular CI services are also used for the branch, message and revision flags.


On popular CI services, assuming VISWIZ_API_KEY and VISWIZ_PROJECT_ID values are configured in the CI environment:

$ viswiz build --image-dir ./path/to/images/directory



$ viswiz build --help

Usage: viswiz build [options]

Creates a new build on VisWiz.io and sends images for regression testing.

  -i, --image-dir <path>           The path to a directory (scanned recursively) with images used for the build.
  -b, --branch [branch name]       The branch name for the build. Auto-detected on popular CIs.
  -m, --message [commit message]   The commit message for the build. Auto-detected on popular CIs.
  -r, --revision [rev]             The revision for the build. Auto-detected on popular CIs.
  -c, --concurrency [number]       Determines how many images are uploaded in parallel (defaults to 4).
  -w, --wait-for-result [timeout]  Whether to wait for the result of the build comparison (disabled by default). Waits for a maximum number of seconds (defaults to 600).
  -h, --help                       output usage information


$ viswiz build-result --help

Usage: viswiz build-result [options]

Gets or waits for a build result

  -b, --build [buildID]            The build ID to get results for. If not sent, then the most recent build for the project is used.
  -w, --wait-for-result [timeout]  Whether to wait for the result of the build comparison (disabled by default). Waits for a maximum number of seconds (defaults to 600).
  -h, --help                       output usage information


$ viswiz --help

Usage: viswiz [options] [command]

  -V, --version              output the version number
  -k, --api-key [apiKey]     The API key of a VisWiz account to use. Defaults to VISWIZ_API_KEY env.
  -p, --project [projectID]  The ID of a VisWiz project to use. Defaults to VISWIZ_PROJECT_ID env.
  -h, --help                 output usage information

  build [options]            Creates a new build on VisWiz.io and sends images for regression testing.


The changelog can be found here: CHANGELOG.md.

Authors and license

Author: VisWiz.io.

MIT License, see the included LICENSE.md file.