1.1.2 • Published 3 years ago
vite-plugin-arms v1.1.2
vite2 plugin for arms
English | 中文
Install (yarn or npm)
node version: >=12.0.0
vite version: >=2.0.0
yarn add alife-logger
# or
npm i alife-logger -S
yarn add vite-plugin-arms -D
# or
npm i vite-plugin-arms -D
# vue
cd ./example/vue-demo
yarn install
yarn dev
# react
cd ./example/react-demo
yarn install
yarn dev
Config plugin in vite.config.ts
- Vue sample config
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue';
import { viteArms } from 'vite-plugin-arms';
import * as path from 'path';
// https://vitejs.dev/config/
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
entry: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/main.ts'),
enabled: true,
config: {
pid: '',
appType: 'web',
imgUrl: 'https://arms-retcode.aliyuncs.com/r.png?', // SG `https://arms-retcode-sg.aliyuncs.com/r.png?`
sendResource: true,
enableLinkTrace: true,
behavior: true,
enableSPA: true,
useFmp: true,
enableConsole: true,
disableHook: false,
environment: 'local',
release: '0.1.0'
- React sample config
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import reactRefresh from '@vitejs/plugin-react-refresh';
import { viteArms } from 'vite-plugin-arms';
import * as path from 'path';
// https://vitejs.dev/config/
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
entry: path.resolve('src/main.tsx'),
enabled: true,
config: {
pid: '',
appType: 'web',
imgUrl: 'https://arms-retcode.aliyuncs.com/r.png?', // SG `https://arms-retcode-sg.aliyuncs.com/r.png?`
sendResource: true,
enableLinkTrace: true,
behavior: true,
enableSPA: true,
useFmp: true,
enableConsole: true,
disableHook: false,
environment: 'local',
release: '0.1.0'
- Different from the production environment and development environment
// Different from the production environment and development environment
// You can use command / mode to distinguish usage
import { UserConfigExport, ConfigEnv } from 'vite';
import { viteArms } from 'vite-plugin-arms';
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue';
import * as path from 'path'
import * as pkg from '../package.json';
export default ({ command, mode }: ConfigEnv): UserConfigExport => {
return {
plugins: [
entry: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/main.ts'),
enabled: command !== 'serve' || mode === 'prod', // build production
config: {
pid: '',
appType: 'web',
imgUrl: 'https://arms-retcode.aliyuncs.com/r.png?', // SG `https://arms-retcode-sg.aliyuncs.com/r.png?`
sendResource: true,
enableLinkTrace: true,
behavior: true,
enableSPA: true,
useFmp: true,
enableConsole: true,
disableHook: false,
environment: mode === 'prod' ? 'prod' : 'local',
release: pkg.version
viteArms Options
entry: string | string[]; // entry file require
enabled?: boolean;
config?: { // Arms options
// pid see https://arms.console.aliyun.com/retcode/#/index
pid: string;
// app type https://arms.console.aliyun.com/retcode/#/index
appType: string; // default: 'web'
// url
imgUrl?: string; // 'https://arms-retcode.aliyuncs.com/r.png?', SG `https://arms-retcode-sg.aliyuncs.com/r.png?`
// Open page resource report
sendResource?: boolean; // default: true
// Associated with application monitoring
enableLinkTrace?: boolean; // default: true
// Turn on user behavior backtracking
behavior?: boolean; // default: true
// Turn on SPA automatic resolution
enableSPA?: boolean; // default: true
// Open the first screen FMP capture
useFmp?: boolean; // default: true
// Turn on Console tracking
enableConsole?: boolean; // default: true
// Turn off API automatic reporting
disableHook?: boolean; // // default: false
// Environment field, the value is: prod, gray, pre, daily and local
environment?: 'prod' | 'gray' | 'pre' | 'daily' | 'local'; // default: prod
// The incoming tag, each log will carry the tag.
tag?: string;
// App version number. It is recommended that you configure it so that you can view the reported information of different versions.
release?: string;
// Log sampling configuration, the value is 1, 10, or 100. The performance and success API logs are sampled at the ratio of 1/sample.
sample?: number; // default: 1
// User ID, used to identify the accessing user, can be manually configured, and used for retrieval based on user ID. If it is not configured, it will be automatically generated by the SDK and updated every six months.
uid?: string;
Advanced Usage
This plugin will hang the instance __bl
in the window.
Detailed reference: https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/58657.html?spm=a2c4g.11186623.6.693.76f84afeBXsfOw
__bl.api(api, success, time, code, msg)
__bl.error(error, pos)
__bl.sum(key, value)
__bl.avg(key, value)
__bl.setPage(page, sendPv)