0.1.1 • Published 2 years ago

vite-plugin-unified v0.1.1

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Last release
2 years ago

GitHub package.json version


Just a little vite plugin that works with unified.


Stackblitz example

how to use

  1. npm install -D vite-plugin-unified / yarn add -D vite-plugin-unified / pnpm add -D vite-plugin-unified
  2. include it in your vite plugins
// inside your vite.config.ts f.e.

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      // your config

For hot-reloading on your processed pages (if your output is HTML) you can include rehypeVite into your unified chain. It injects the vite client in development mode automatically and provides further configurations (see section rehypeVite). For context-based processings (like a dev setup which differs slightly from the prod build) you have also the vite-context within the vite-plugin-unified context.

configuration vite-plugin-unified

(just taken out of src/types.ts).

type Config = Partial<{
  /** the directory for unified files (by default '/src/pages') */
  directory: string;

  /** the extensions to determinate what files to process (by default ['md']) */
  extensions: Array<string>;

  /** server settings */
  server: Partial<{
    /** enables caching on the dev server (by default true) */
    cache?: boolean;

    /** attach custom headers to the responses of your processed files */
    responseHeaders: OutgoingHttpHeaders;

  /** build settings */
  build: Partial<{
    /** a glob to determinate all files to build (by default ./[directory]\/\*\*\/*.{[extensions]}) */
    glob?: string | Array<string>;

    /** the directory within dist where the builds will land (by default 'unified') */
    outDir?: string;

    /** the output format of the processing (by default 'html') */
    outFormat?: string | ((file: string) => string);

  /** processing / transforming settings */
  transform: Partial<{
    /** the default transformer for all files without custom .unified.{js,ts} file (by default (content) => content) */
    defaultTransformer: Transform;

    /** the required export function of your custom .unified.{js,ts} files (by default 'transform') */
    exportName: string;


Markdown to HTML

// within the vite plugins
  directory: '/src/pages',
  transform: {
    async defaultTransformer(content, context) {
      return await unified()
        .use(context.plugins.rehypeVite, {
          scripts: '/src/markdownEntry.ts',


vite-plugin-unified provides every transformer (custom or defaultTransformer) a context which contains the rehypeVite-Plugin for unified. rehypeVite allows you to create the document or add scripts, styles and attributes (to html, head and body only) to an existing document. You can additionally control when those scripts / styles should be included (like dev-only, prod-only) since the plugin is aware of the vite-context aswell.

configuration rehypeVite

(just taken out of src/types.ts).

export type { Options, Element, HChild };

type h = typeof import('hastscript').h;

type Element = ReturnType<h>;
type HChild = Parameters<h>[2];

type WithGeneral<T> = T &
    _target: 'head' | 'body';
    _ignore: boolean;
    attributes?: Record<string, string>;
type Script = WithGeneral<{ src: string }>;
type Style = WithGeneral<{ href: string }>;
type Inline = WithGeneral<{
  content: string;

type Options = Partial<{
  /** add attributes to html, head and/or body (f.e. lang on html) */
  attributes?: Partial<{
    /** add attributes on \<html\> */
    html: Record<string, string>;

    /** add attributes on \<head\> */
    head: Record<string, string>;

    /** add attributes on \<body\> */
    body: Record<string, string>;

  /** add custom stuff to head (with hastscript), note: this only is used when there's no document existing yet! default here is the vscode emmet html head without title */
  customHead?: (hastscript: h) => HChild | Array<HChild>;

  /** add a custom title to the page, note: this only is used when there's no document existing yet and no customHead is used! default here is 'unified' */
  title?: string;

  /** add custom stuff to body (with hastscript), note: this only is used when there's no document existing yet! */
  customBody?: (hastscript: h) => HChild | Array<HChild>;

  /** a custom container around all elements within the body, note: customBody content also goes into this container! */
  container?: (hastscript: h) => Element;

  /** add an inline script (by default in head, if provided as object modifiable) */
  inlineScript: string | Inline;

  /** a script source / an array of script sources (by default async in head, if provided as object modifiable) */
  scripts: string | Script | Array<string | Script>;

  /** add an inline style (by default in head, if provided as object modifiable) */
  inlineStyle: string | Inline;

  /** a stylesheet href / an array of stylesheets hrefs (by default in head, if provided as object modifiable) */
  styles: string | Style | Array<string | Style>;

caching in dev

Since transforming a file will most probably always result in the same document there's an in-memory cache within the dev-server by default. You can avoid it's from working by disabling it with server.cache = false (see configuration), by adding vite-plugin-unified-nocache to the URL-Query (f.e. ?vite-plugin-unified-nocache) or by sending the request with cache-control: no-cache header (which should be browser default if you hard-reload a page).


  • more tests with vitest (each plugin yet missing)
  • more configurations?

2 years ago


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