0.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

vlang-loader v0.0.1

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Last release
4 years ago


Webpack loader for the V programming language; supports V's JS backend and (soon) WASM


It's the same as other Webpack loader: just npm install it, and set it to compile your .v files inside your Webpack config:

$ npm install --save-dev vlang-loader


const path = require('path')

module.exports = {
    mode: 'production',
    entry: path.resolve('src/main.v'),
    module: {
        rules: [{ test: /\.v$/, use: 'vlang-loader' }]


fn main() {
    println('Hello, Webpack + V.js!')

And that's all the setup you'll need. Run npx webpack, and you'll see Webpack's output JS file at dist/main.js.

As with other loaders, it can be chained, so (for example) you may use something like UglifyJS to further minify the output.

Webpack's HMR also works, so you'll be able to keep the convenience of having your page update automatically on every change. However, it reloads the page by default, since you need to call module.hot.accept() to allow HMR to happen.

This will be fixed in the future, but for now you can use this workaround:


module foo

pub fn accept() {
	#if (module.hot) module.hot.accept(() => true)


import foo

fn main() {
	println('Hello from Webpack + V.js + HMR!')


  • For now, you need the V compiler installed, since this module will look for a v executable in your PATH.
  • In the future (whenever V stabilizes a little), a WebAssembly compiled binary of the V compiler may be bundled along with this library, and used if the V compiler is not found.
  • This loader is just an integration between V and Webpack, so any issues with V will also occur in this module. If your code does not compile, first try to compile it with the regular V compiler. If that does not work either, report an issue in the regular V repo. If it does work, open an issue here.


  • Implement WebAssembly generation via C->JS using emscripten
  • Implement code splitting per V module (builtin especially), to avoid bundling everything per output file. This will allow for smaller download sizes.

Code structure

The loader itself is in src. The tests are located in tests, each subfolder is an independent project. They're all compiled separately, and their runtime output is compared to that of expected_out.txt.
To run the tests, use npm test.


Contributions are welcome, but please make sure to keep the same code style (no semicolons, single quotes, tabs...)