0.0.4 • Published 2 years ago

von-ts v0.0.4

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Last release
2 years ago



npm install von-ts


Use Array to match

const input = ["true", 1, "0", "F"] as const;
const output = [true, true, false, false] as const;

const m = von.match(input, output);
const r1 = m.cast("true");
//    ^^ : true

const r2 = m.cast(1);
//    ^^ : true

const r3 = m.cast("0");
//    ^^ : false

const r4 = m.cast("F");
//    ^^ : false

Use string to match

const m = von.match(`on-$A`, `on$A`);
const r5 = m.cast("on-click");
//    ^^ : "onclick"

Use the 3rd optional parameter Config

Covert to uppercase

const m1 = von.match(`$A-$B`, `$A$B`, {
  uppercase: ["$B"],
} as const);

const r1 = m1.cast("on-click");
//    ^^ const r1: "onCLICK"

Covert to capitalize

const m2 = von.match(`$A-$B`, `$A$B`, {
  capitalize: ["$A", "$B"],
} as const);

const r2 = m2.cast("on-click");
//    ^^ const r2: "OnClick"

Covert to lowercase

const m3 = von.match(`$A-$B`, `$A$B`, {
  lowercase: ["$A", "$B"],
} as const);

const r3 = m3.cast("ON-CLICK");
//    ^^ const r3: "onclick"

Covert to uncapitalize

const m4 = von.match(`$A-$B`, `$A$B`, {
  uncapitalize: ["$B"],
} as const);

const r4 = m4.cast("ON-CLICK");
//    ^^ const r4: "ONcLICK"