0.1.0 • Published 2 years ago

vosk-cli v0.1.0

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2 years ago

Vosk CLI

Use vosk in command line.

List all pre-trained models, download & install them, and use them to transcribe audio files or live audio.

❯ vosk help
Usage: vosk [options] [command]

Use vosk in command line.

  -V, --version                            output the version number
  -h, --help                               display help for command

  list|ls                                  List all the models available
  install|i [options] <model>              Install a model
  remove|rm <model>                        Remove a model
  recognize|rec [options] <model> <audio>  Recognize text from an audio file
  microphone|mic [options] <model>         Recognize text from microphone
  help [command]                           display help for command


Install Model

# Install the small english model
❯ vosk i english
# Install the large english model
❯ vosk i en-us-0.22
# Install from a local file
❯ vosk i --from "path/to/my-model.zip" my-model-name

Tips: you can use vosk ls to list all the official models, and vosk-model- prefix is optional.

Using Microphone

# Using the small english model to recognize text from microphone and output the result to a file (with live preview)
❯ vosk mic -o out.txt -t english
# Output:
ℹ hello
ℹ my name is jacob
⠇ Listening

Using Audio File

# Using the small english model to recognize text from an audio file (auto-convert to wav), and output the result to stdout
❯ vosk rec -c english audio.mp3