1.0.1 • Published 3 years ago

vue-agile-30nama v1.0.1

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3 years ago


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A carousel component for Vue.js inspired by Slick. Powerful, responsive, touch-friendly, with Nuxt.js SSR support, without a jQuery dependency.

Demo & examples

More demos and examples coming soon in vue-agile CodePens collection.

If you like the component remember to star it ⭐️. If you appreciate my work you can also buy me a coffee ☕️ 😉


🎉 I'm happy and excited to inform, that new v1.1 version is available now! More information and a changelog you can find here.

Important – update from version 1.0.x


  • afterChange => after-change
  • beforeChange => before-change


Depreciated props (arrows, prevArrow, nextArrow, show) and classes (.agile__arrow, .agile__arrow--prev, .agile__arrow--next, .agile__slide--cloned) from versions < 1.0 are no longer available


yarn add vue-agile


npm install vue-agile


The component is delivered without styles for the appearance of the navigation elements (like dots color and shape, arrows position, etc.). I think most people use their own styles and default styles are completely redundant. If you want, feel free to use styles from CodePen demos.



// main.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueAgile from 'vue-agile'


In component

// YourComponent.vue
import { VueAgile } from 'vue-agile'

export default { 
    components: {
        agile: VueAgile 

Via <script>

<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue-agile"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/vue-agile/dist/VueAgile.css">


        <div class="slide">
            <h3>slide 1</h3>
        <div class="slide">
            <h3>slide n</h3>

Every first-level child of <agile> is a new slide. You also can group them inside <template v-slot:default>...</template> tags.

Options / Props

asNavForarray[]Set the carousel to be the navigation of other carousels
autoplaybooleanfalseEnable autoplay
autoplaySpeedinteger (ms)3000Autoplay interval in milliseconds
centerModebooleanfalseEnable centered view when slidesToShow > 1
changeDelayinteger (ms)0Insert a delay when switching slides. Useful for fade: true
dotsbooleantrueEnable dot indicators/pagination
fadebooleanfalseEnable fade effect
infinitebooleantrueInfinite loop sliding
initialSlideinteger0Index of slide to start on
mobileFirstbooleantrueEnable mobile first calculation for responsive settings
navButtonsbooleantrueEnable prev/next navigation buttons
optionsobjectnullAll settings as one object
pauseOnDotsHoverbooleanfalsePause autoplay when a dot is hovered
pauseOnHoverbooleantruePause autoplay when a slide is hovered
responsiveobjectnullObject containing breakpoints and settings objects
rtlbooleanfalseEnable right-to-left mode
slidesToShowinteger1Number of slides to show
speedinteger (ms)300Slide animation speed in milliseconds
swipeDistanceinteger (px)50Distance to swipe the next slide
throttleDelayinteger (ms)500Throttle delay for actions
timingstringeaseTransition timing function (linear/ease/ease-in/ease-out/ease-in-out)
unagilebooleanfalseDisable Agile carousel


<agile :dots="false" :infinite="false" :autoplay-speed="5000">...</agile>

Important! If you use props inline, convert props names from camelCase to kebab-case.


getCurrentBreakpoint()Returns current breakpoint (can returns 0 in mobile first for the smallest breakpoint and null for desktop first for the largest)
getCurrentSettings()Returns settings object for current breakpoint – useful for debugging
getCurrentSlide()Returns index of current slide
getInitialSettings()Returns full settings object with all options – useful for debugging
goTo()Navigates to a slide by index
goToNext()Navigates to next slide
goToPrev()Navigate to previous slide
reload()Reload carousel & slides settings, classes and inline styles


<agile ref="carousel">...</agile>

<button @click="$refs.carousel.goToNext()">My custom button</button>


after-change{ slideCurrent }Fires after slide change
before-change{ slideCurrent, slideNext }Fires before slide change
breakpoint{ breakpoint }Fires after breakpoint change


<agile @after-change="showCurrentSlide($event)">...</agile>
showCurrentSlide (event) {
    // Shows for example: { currentSlide: 1 }


To customize responsiveness, I recommend defining your desired breakpoints and passing settings object with your modification options inside options.


<agile :options="myOptions">...</agile>
data () {
    return {
        myOptions: {
            navButtons: false,
            responsive: [
                    breakpoint: 600,
                    settings: {
                        dots: false
                    breakpoint: 900,
                    settings: {
                        navButtons: true,
                        dots: true,
                        infinite: false

How does it work? Mobile first mode is used by default. It means, that navButtons: false option will be used on screens from 0 to 600 px width (+ all default carousel options). On screens from 600 to 900 px dots: false will be added to options from breakpoint before. And on screens over 900 px width navButtons and dots options will be overwritten and infinite: false will be added.

Custom arrows / nav buttons

From version 1.0 the component use slots for custom navigation buttons. It means you can put inside whatever you want – any HTML with text, image, icon etc.


    ... <!-- slides -->
    <template slot="prevButton">prev</template>
    <template slot="nextButton">next</template>


To display a static caption or such like within the gallery, you can use the caption slot.


<agile @after-change="e => currentSlide = e.currentSlide">
    ... <!-- slides -->
    <template slot="caption">{{ captions[currentSlide] }}</template>

export default {
    data () {
        return {
            currentSlide: 0,
            captions: [
                'This is slide 1',
                'This is the second slide',
                'This is a third and final slide',


This option is useful for example for creating a photo gallery with two related slider – one big with only one slide in view and second for navigation with thumbnails.


<agile ref="main" :fade="true">...</agile>

<agile ref="thumbnails" :as-nav-for="[$refs.main]" :slides-to-show="4" autoplay>...</agile>

Important! If you want to use the autoplay mode use it only in one of the related carousels.

v-if & v-show

If you have slides being dynamically loaded, use v-if to show the carousel after the slides are ready. Using v-if is also recommended in other situations if you want to hide/show the slideshow.

It is also possible to use v-show, but you have to use the reload() method.


<button @click="isActive = !isActive">Toggle carousel</button>

<agile v-if="isActive">...</agile>

Nuxt.js && SSR Support

The component uses browser specific attributes (like window and document). However, you can try to render the first view on server side.


// plugins/vue-agile.js

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueAgile from 'vue-agile'

// nuxt.config.js

export default {
    plugins: ['~/plugins/vue-agile'],

    build: {
        transpile: ['vue-agile']

To use component without SSR use the client-only component:

<client-only placeholder="Loading...">

Important! Component rendered on server side has additional CSS class: agile--ssr, so you can use it to add some additional styles or manipulations. For example, I have limited options for setting the first appearance of the slides. By default, the server renders the view and styles, where only the first slide is visible.

.agile--ssr .agile__slides > * {
    overflow: hidden;
    width: 0

.agile--ssr .agile__slides > *:first-child {
    width: 100%

At this stage slides don't have agile__slide class yet, so I use > * instead of this.

If you would like to connect this with params slidesToShow or initialSlide you have to add some custom styles with nth-child param.

Example for :slidesToShow="2"

       > *:nth-child(1),
       > *:nth-child(2)
           width: 50%

Example for :initialSlide="1"

(Slides index starts at 0)

        > *:nth-child(1)
            width: 0

        > *:nth-child(2)
            width: 100%

You can also check nuxt-agile repository and check working demo of vue-agile with Nuxt and SSR.


1. Using component with dynamic content

If content changes, you have to use reload or in some cases, you can use key property: <agile :key="mySlides.length">...</agile> (it'll rebuild the carousel after each change of mySlides length).

2. Support for IE11

Yes, the UMD bundle is built with support for IE11. If you build your app with vue-agile as a dependency yourself be sure you configured babel properly (read more in vue documentation or just use my config for babel).