0.2.0 • Published 3 years ago

vue-alerts v0.2.0

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Last release
3 years ago

Installing Vue-Alerts

Vue-Alert is published on npm. You can add it to your project via:


yarn add vue-alerts


npm install vue-alerts

Using Vue-Alerts

To use Vue-Alerts, you'll need to import the plugin.

In main.js, or the JavaScript where initialised Vue, add:

import Vue from 'vue' // Should have already been imported in the file.
import vueAlerts from "vue-alerts"

Then, register the plugin with Vue:

Vue.use(vueAlerts, options)

Once that's done, specify a root Vue Model for the alerts. Please note that you may only register one root VM per application so we would recommend that to be the root VM of your app, i.e. in App.vue:

<div id="app">

  <!-- BEGIN INSERT -->
  <!-- END INSERT -->


You're all set! Now you can refer to the module through:


in any VM.

Presenting an alert with async present()


2actionsArrayObjectNoAn OK button that dismissess the alert
3< Multiple >ObjectNo{}

Additional Parameters

Those configurations can be passed into the function via #3. They're essentially named keyword arguments.

You typically don't need to worry about those additionally configurations.

defaultActionIntegerNonullThe index of action when enter is pressed. If null, then it will become the first action with type cancel. See below.
defaultEscapeActionIntegerNonullThe index of action when escape is pressed. If null, then it will become the first action with type cancel. See below.
preventKeyboardBooleanNotrueWhether we would prevent the keyboard from interaction with the elements on the page
allowMultipleClicksBooleanNofalseAllows the user to click an option (or multiple options) multiple times before it's handled.
immediatelyBooleanNofalseWhether the alert should be presented immediately. If false, the alert will be placed in a presentation queue.


present() will never reject. It resolves after the alert is presented, as it moves to the front of the presentation queue.

When it resolves, it will yield an integer alert identifier. With the identifier, you can:

  • Access the alert info

It's read-only

  • Dismiss the alert.

Documented below. Check out dismiss()


this.$alert.present("Vue-Alerts Message", "Helloworld!", [
    title: "OK",
    type: "cancel",
], {
  preventKeyboard: false

For more examples, check out the demo

Defining the Actions

The actions parameter is an array of objects that defines the type of action and its handler.

General Structure

actions = [
  { action },
  { action },

The Action Object

For each action object, you can define the following properties:

titleStringYesThe name of the action (button)
typeStringYesThis can be one of: cancel, normal or destructive
handlerFunctionDependsFor action with type cancel, the handler will never be called. For all other types, a handler will be required. More explained later.

Handling Action Calls

When a user clicks on an action, the handler will be called with the following parameters:

0IntegerThe identifier of the alert
1IntegerThe index of the action, as defined in actions.

The handler can be either async or sync. In either case, the handler should return a boolean value indicating whether the alert should be automatically dismissed.


async function handler(){
  let response = await SomeAPIRequest()
  if(response.status === true) {
    // return true is not neccessary here. It dismissess by default.
  } else {
    this.$alert.present("Request Failed", response.message)
    return false // Stops the current alert from dismissing

this.$alert.present("Get API?", "Are you sure?", [
    title: "Yes",
    type: "normal",
    handler: handler
    title: "No",
    type: "cancel",

Dismissing an alert programatically with async dismiss()

Note that, by default, the alert will dismiss after an action is clicked and the handler does not return false. You would not need to call dismiss() manually.

However, if for some reasons you want to dismiss the alert programmatically, you can do so by calling dismiss()


0identifierintegerNoThe last alert
1< Multiple >ObjectNo{}

Additional Parameters

immediatelyBooleanNofalseWhether the alert should be presented immediately. If false, the dismissal will be placed in a queue.


present() will never reject. It resolves after the alert is dismissed with a boolean value indicating whether or not the alert was dismissed.


Check out the demo here:


Vue-Alerts is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 .

Copyright @yyjlincoln


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago