0.1.0 • Published 8 years ago

vue-dS v0.1.0

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Last release
8 years ago



vue-dS is brief of vue-dataStream, which will make component able to produce data streams, and use these to communicate. kefir is the library used to produce data stream.

If use EventEmiiter, component will have write a lot of $dispatch and events/$on code. And if you want these events maintainable, you should make a rule to name the event, maybe like this.$dispath('ComponentName:ActionName'), and notice you workers about this and hope they follow the guide. And about vuex, it's good for large and complex project, but create many extra actions and store for not that complex project, maybe a little overhead.

So I create vue-dS, and what this all about is: make component's data, of course allowed by component itself, can be fetch by others component any time and anywhere. what data can be fetched can be easily find out by looking the component's data model. This is just like fs of Linux, file can be fetch and modify by anyone if they have proper right. Of course, allow componnet to modify data of other component will make some unpredictable behavior and changes, which will be a bug, and the bug will be very hard to reproduce and debug. And vue-dS will never allow component to modify data directly.

Now you can use vue-dS to make component to send and receive data stream since created, and use these stream to make component more interactiable.



  • $dSBlackList, $dSWhiteList

    Eventy component will have these two private variables to define filter rules, the data of component will be filter by $dSBlackList first, , which will filter when match, and then examine by $dsWhiteList, which will pass when match. You can use either or both.


    name: 'compB',
    template: '<h1>CompB</h1><p>Counter:{{counter}}</p><button @click="counter++">++</button>',
    data() {
        return {
            counter: 1,
            privates: 'x',
            publics: 'y',
            test: {
                a: 1
            $dSBlackList: ['privates'], // this will remove 'privates' from list
            $dSWhiteList: ['publics', 'counter'] // this will only allow 'publics' and 'counter'

// In this case, only 'publics', and 'counter' will be observed, and emit their values to others components
  • $dS

    The private variable $dS have a $ready method to fetch all streams of the component by passing the component name or ds-name. And when the component is start emit data stream, callback passed to $ready will be called, and callback will get an param, which is a object inclued all data passed by $blackList and $whiteList. Each data will have three properties:

    newValue: 'newValue', // current value of property
    oldValue: 'oldValue', // last value of property
    end: fn // a function to stop fetch lastest stream of property


    name: 'compA',
    template: '<h1>com-A</h1><p>counter value in compB(will stop fetch value when larger than 5): {{counterFromB}} {{event}}</p>',
    ready() {
        this.$dS.$ready({name: 'compB'}, compB => {
            compB.counter.onValue(stream => {
                this.counterFromB = stream.newValue; // update number in `compA` when `counter` in `compB` change
                if (stream.newValue > 5) {

        // dsName will be define at `comp-b`: <comp-b ds-name="ds-name-for-compB"></comp-b>
        // comp-b should only have one root element(as recommend by offcial), otherwise will raise a warning, and `vue-ds` will not working on this `comp-b`
        this.$dS.$ready({dsName: 'ds-name-for-compB'}, compB => {
            compB.counter.onValue(stream => {
                this.counterFromB = stream.newValue; // update number in `compA` when `counter` in `compB` change
    data() {
        return {
            counterFromB: 0


vue-dS, 即vue-dataStream缩写。因本插件会在component之间产生持续的数据流,并以此来通信,故取此名称。本插件采用kefir来创建数据流。

该插件是为了解决不同component间的通信问题,目前vue自带的EventEmiiter会产生一堆的$dispatch, events代码, 使原本简单的代码变得繁杂。至于第三方的vuex,在大项目中或许没什么问题,但是在某些项目中,专门建立actions, store显得有点过头了,原本一点代码可以解决的东西变得复杂化了。

这个插件的思想就是,每个component的data就是可随时获取的,每个componentdata是否可被外部component获取由自身来决定。 就像Linux上的文件系统一样,文件本身就是data,而文件可否可被读取修改由文件自身的权限决定。但是有所不同的是项目中不同 component之间如果可以互相修改,就是导致数据变更不确定性,最终导致不明原因的bug的产生。所以本插件只让component间只有读取值,而不会开放修改。



  • vue
  • kefir


  • $dSBlackList, $dSWhiteList



    name: 'compB',
    template: '<h1>CompB</h1><p>Counter:{{counter}}</p><button @click="counter++">++</button>',
    data() {
        return {
            counter: 1,
            privates: 'x',
            publics: 'y',
            test: {
                a: 1
            $dSBlackList: ['privates'], // this will remove 'privates' from list
            $dSWhiteList: ['publics', 'counter'] // this will only allow 'publics' and 'counter'

// In this case, only 'publics', and 'counter' will be observed, and emit their values to others components
  • $dS

    每个component都会有一个私有变量$dS, 该变量提供$ready方法来获取其他component的数据流. $ready方法接收两个参数: options, callback. options内定义name/dsName来指定要获取哪个component的数据流. callback获取一个Object,包含所有component向外传递数据流的properties. 每个property均会有onValue方法,该方法获取变更数据流stream, stream的数据为:

        newValue: 'newValue', // current value of property
        oldValue: 'oldValue', // last value of property
        end: fn // a function to stop fetch lastest stream of property


    name: 'compA',
    template: '<h1>com-A</h1><p>counter value in compB(will stop fetch value when larger than 5): {{counterFromB}} {{event}}</p>',
    ready() {
        this.$dS.$ready('compB', compB => {
            compB.counter.onValue(stream => {
                this.counterFromB = stream.newValue; // update number in `compA` when `counter` in `compB` change
                if (stream.newValue > 5) {

        // dsName will be define at `comp-b`: <comp-b ds-name="ds-name-for-compB"></comp-b>
        // comp-b should only have one root element(as recommend by offcial), otherwise will raise a warning, and `vue-ds` will not working on this `comp-b`
        this.$dS.$ready({dsName: 'ds-name-for-compB'}, compB => {
            compB.counter.onValue(stream => {
                this.counterFromB = stream.newValue; // update number in `compA` when `counter` in `compB` change
    data() {
        return {
            counterFromB: 0