0.1.14 • Published 3 years ago

vue-entity-manager v0.1.14

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Last release
3 years ago


Vue-antity-manager is a tool to help you easily manage your states with vue / vuex. By providing structure and performance. It allows you to reduce the number of server requests with a caching system. It integrates perfectly with your existing architecture and tools you already use in your projects.



npm i vue-entity-manager


yarn add vue-entity-manager


import entityStateManager from "vue-entity-manager";

const manager = entityStateManager("id");

id is the primary or unique key of each entity in your list. If you do not specify a value, id will be the default entry.

export default {
  namespaced: true,
  state: () => ({
    dataEntities: manager.initialState,
    current: {},

   getters: {
    selectAllPostsDataEntities(state) {
      return state.dataEntities;


dataEntities contains the structure used by state-manager it is an arbitrary name. You can manage the structure manually or by using the following function manager.combienToDataEntities( state.dataEntities, entities);

  actions: {
    async fetchFakeAPI(vuexContext, {}) {
      try {
          .then((response) => response.json())
          .then((data) => {
            vuexContext.commit("setFakeAPIPosts", data);
 mutations: {
    setFakeAPIPosts(state, entities) {
      const posts = manager.setAllEntities(entities);
      state.dataEntities = { ...state.dataEntities, ...posts };


 mutations: {
    setFakeAPIPosts(state, entities) {
      const posts = manager.setAllEntities(entities);
      state.dataEntities = manager.combienToDataEntities(


We are talking about details of all requests returned by id and which are not lists. The details have another entry in the dataEntities and are handled separately from the entities.

manager.hasDetails(state.dataEntities, id) allows you to check if the details with a specific id already exist in the store. The http request is no longer executed if the details id = 50 have already been called once.

  actions: {
    async fetchFakeAPIById({ commit, state }, {}) {

      const hasDetails = manager.hasDetails(state.dataEntities, 50);
      if (hasDetails === false) {
        try {
            .then((response) => response.json())

manager.upsertDetails is a curry function you can directly use it as follows manager.upsertDetails(details)(state.dataEntities) or as in the examples below.

 mutations: {
     setFakeAPIPostsDetails(state, details) {
      const posts = manager.upsertDetails(details);
      state.dataEntities = {


 mutations: {
    setFakeAPIPosts(state, entities) {
      const posts = manager.upsertDetails(details);
      state.dataEntities = manager.combienToDataEntities(


If you need to filter a list by another list.

 findPostByCommentsIds({ commit, state, rootState}) {
    const comments = manager.entitiesToArray(rootState.comments.dataEntities);
    const posts = manager.entitiesToArray(state.dataEntities);

    const _posts = compareAndFind(posts, comments)((posts, comment) => post.id === comment.postId)


If you need to combine 2 object lists with an entry key for the second list.

 postWithCommentss({ commit, state, rootState}) {
    const comments = manager.entitiesToArray(rootState.comments.dataEntities);
    const posts = manager.entitiesToArray(state.dataEntities);

    const postAndcomments = manager.compareAndMergeWith(
        "comments" //

Manager Collection Functions

  • initialState : Creates the initial state in the designated entry. eg state.dataEntities.
  • setAllEntities: Structure the entities to be by the suiste added in the state.dataEntities.
  • upserEntity: Add/update an entity in the state.dataEntities.
  • deleteEntity: Delete an entity in the state.dataEntities.
  • upsertManyEntities: Add/update many entities in the state.dataEntities.
  • upsertDetails: Add/update datails in the state.dataEntities.

  • getEntityById: Takes an entity that already exists in the store

  • getDetailsById: Takes an details that already exists in the store

  • hasEntity: Check if the entity already exists in the store.

  • hasDetails: Check if the datails already exists in the store.

  • entitiesToArray: Transform entities into entity list without changing the default structure

  • detailsToArray: Transform entities into entity list without changing the default structure combienToDataEntities: Combine entities or details with state.dataEntities