0.4.0 • Published 4 years ago
vue-image-component v0.4.0
A Vue component to lazy load and display images.
npm install vue-image-component --save
// in app.js
import Vue from 'vue';
Vue.component('vue-img', require('vue-image-component'));
Here is an example with the minimum setup:
<vue-img :full="https://example.com/myImage.png"><vue-img>
This will render an image with a spinner showing up while the image is loading. Alternatively you can pass a small preview image with low quality via the preview-Property:
<vue-img full="https://example.com/myImage.png"
When passing an preview image the component uses progressive image loading. If the image is successfully loaded it will scale in.
Available properties
The following properties are available:
name | required | type | default | description |
full | x | string | - | The image to display. |
preview | string | '' | The image preview to use for `progressive image loading | |
alt | string | '' | The image alternate text. | |
width | string | '120px' | The image width. | |
height | string | 'auto' | The image height. | |
spinner-size | string | '64px' | The spinner size. | |
css | object | {} | Optional css for the image container. | |
link | string | '' | A link where the image should link to. | |
data-src-set | string | '' | The img data src set. Experimental | |
data-sizes | string | '' | The img data sizes. Experimental |