2.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

vue-inner-image-zoom v2.0.0

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Last release
2 years ago



A Vue component for magnifying an image within its original container. The zoom behavior is triggered on click and the image can be moved by dragging on touch devices and by either dragging or hover panning on non-touch devices. The component supports responsive images and optional fullscreen zoom on mobile.

This component is based on an earlier version built for React.

GitHub Actions npm package


Note: Version 2.0.0 upgrades the component to support Vue 3. To use this package with older versions of Vue, install using npm install vue-inner-image-zoom@1.1.1 or yarn add vue-inner-image-zoom@1.1.1 instead of the instructions below.


npm install vue-inner-image-zoom


yarn add vue-inner-image-zoom


Import the CSS from your node_modules directory using:

import 'vue-inner-image-zoom/lib/vue-inner-image-zoom.css';


Import the component and include in your template:

import InnerImageZoom from 'vue-inner-image-zoom';


export default {
  components: {
    'inner-image-zoom': InnerImageZoom


<inner-image-zoom src="/path/to/image.jpg" zoomSrc="/path/to/zoom-image.jpg" />

This is the simplest usage. For additional examples, visit the demo page.


srcString(Required) URL for the original image.
srcSetStringDefault srcset attribute for a responsive original image.
sizesStringDefault sizes attribute for use with srcset.
sourcesArrayA list of image sources for using the picture tag to serve the appropriate original image (see below for more details).
widthNumberWidth attribute for original image.
heightNumberHeight attribute for original image.
hasSpacerBooleanfalseIf true, gets the original image's aspect ratio based on the width and height props and creates a spacer to prevent cumulative layout shift.
zoomSrcStringURL for the larger zoom image. Falls back to original image src if not defined.
zoomScaleNumber1Multiplied against the natural width and height of the zoomed image. This will generally be a decimal (example, 0.9 for 90%).
zoomPreloadBooleanfalseIf set to true, preloads the zoom image instead of waiting for mouseenter and (unless on a touch device) persists the image on mouseleave.
altStringAlternative text for the original image.
moveTypeStringpanpan or drag. The user behavior for moving zoomed images on non-touch devices.
zoomTypeStringclickclick or hover. The user behavior for triggering zoom. When using hover, combine with zoomPreload to avoid flickering on rapid mouse movements.
fadeDurationNumber150Fade transition time in milliseconds. If zooming in on transparent images, set this to 0 for best results.
fullscreenOnMobileBooleanfalseEnables fullscreen zoomed image on touch devices below a specified breakpoint.
mobileBreakpointNumber640The maximum breakpoint for fullscreen zoom image when fullscreenOnMobile is true.
hideCloseButtonBooleanfalseHides the close button on touch devices. If set to true, zoom out is triggered by tap.
hideHintBooleanfalseHides the magnifying glass hint.
classNameStringCustom classname for styling the component.
afterZoomInFunctionFunction to be called after zoom in.
afterZoomOutFunctionFunction to be called after zoom out.


This prop accepts an array of objects which it uses to create a picture tag and source elements. The component looks for the following optional properties and you can find additional details on responsive images here:

srcSetStringSrcset attribute for source tag.
sizesStringSizes attribute for source tag.
mediaStringAn attribute containing a media condition for use with the srcset.
typeStringAn image MIME type. This is useful for using newer formats like WebP.


Please submit issues or requests here.

Most of the implementation choices for this component are based on use cases I've encountered in the past. For example, I chose a click to zoom trigger because it was requested on previous product detail pages I've worked on. If there's a demand for zoom on hover or other additional functionality, I'd be open to taking a look.

One of my big motivations for adapting this component from the original React Inner Image Zoom was to give Vue a try so don't hesitate to flag any areas in the code or the documentation where I'm not following Vue's best practices.
