0.1.2 • Published 3 years ago

vue-jeditor v0.1.2

Weekly downloads
Last release
3 years ago


A Markdown editor for the Vue framework

How use


npm install vue-jeditor

Introduced the global

import Vue from "vue";

import JEditor from "vue-jeditor";
import "vue-jeditor/dist/src/css/style.css";

<JEditor v-model="value"></JEditor>;
new Vue({
	data() {
		return { value: "" };

Introduce in a separate page

import JEditor from "vue-jeditor";
import "vue-jeditor/dist/src/css/style.css";
components: {
<JEditor v-model="value"></JEditor>
new Vue({
    data() {
       return { value: '' }


fontSizeString14pxfont size
previewBooleantrueWhether the preview area is enabled
fullscreenBooleantrueWhether to enable full screen editing
htmlcodeBooleantrueWhether you can view HTML text
imageUoloadFunctionnullImage upload custom method
fileNameStringfileUpload file field name
fileDataBbject{}Additional parameters that come with uploading
i18nStringenzh-cn: Simplified Chinese, en: English
colorBbjectFont color set
toolbarsBackgroundString#ffffffToolbar background colorseditorBackgroundString#ffffffEdit bar background color
previewBackgroundString#fbfbfbPreview bar background color
imageCompleteFunctionOverride the image button method, which will not show the drop-down option
actionString/File upload address
headersObject{}upload header
tabSizeNumber4tab size
on-successFunctionupload success callback
on-progressFunctionupload progress callback
on-errorFunctionupload error callback
saveFunctionSave method, CRTL + S triggered
hljsObject{}highlight object
languagesObject{}highlight languages object
toolbarsObjectAll on by defaultToolbar options

Toolbar options

toolbars: {
    bold: true,
    italic: true,
    header: true,
    underline: true,
    strikethrough: true,
    mark: true,
    quote: true,
    ol: true,
    ul: true,
    link: true,
    color: true,
    imagelink: true,
    code: true,
    table: true,
    save: true,
    fullscreen: true,
    htmlcode: true,
    preview: true,

Code highlighting

Because the file size is optimized, the VUe-JEditor does not turn on code highlighting by default, or manually if it is needed

According to the need to introduce

import hljs from "highlight.js/lib/core";
import css from "highlight.js/lib/languages/css";
import javascript from "highlight.js/lib/languages/javascript";
import "./src/css/monokai-sublime.css";
new Vue({
	data() {
		return {
			content: text,
			hljs: hljs,
			languages: {
<JEditor v-model="content" :hljs="hljs" :languages="languages" />

Introduced the global

import hljs from "highlight.js/lib/core";
import css from "highlight.js/lib/languages/css";
import javascript from "highlight.js/lib/languages/javascript";
import "./src/css/monokai-sublime.css";
Vue.use(JEditor, { hljs, languages: { javascript, css } });

The introduced monokai-sublime.css file is the highlight theme style file, and you can go to https://highlightjs.org/ to see your favorite themes.