1.0.0 • Published 7 years ago
npm install --save vue-pagination-mini
<div id="app">
import VuePagination from '../dist/vue-pagination.min.js'
export default {
name: 'App',
components: {
methods: {
currentChange (val) {
console.log(`current page is ${val}`);
console.log(`当前页 ${val}`);
sizeChange (val) {
console.log(`pageSize is ${val}`);
console.log(`每页的大小 ${val}`);
Name | Type | Default | optional | Description |
total | Number | 1 | | The total number of data (required) |
pageSize | Number | 10 | | The number of bars displayed per page (required) |
currentPage | Number | 1 | | Current page (required) |
showTotal | Boolean | false | | Displays the attributes of the total number |
showSizes | Boolean | false | | Displays properties that change the size of each page |
showJump | Boolean | false | | Displays the properties of the current page jump |
preText | String | | | The text inside the front page button |
nextText | Boolean | false | | The text inside the back page button |
step | Number | 5 | | Quick page turning step |
color | String | #428bca | | Theme colors |
size | String | small | small/middle/large | Component size |
pageSizes | Array | 10, 20, 30, 50 | | The number of optional values per page. |
Name | Callback | Description |
size-change | Size per page | PageSize is triggered when it changes. |
current-change | The current page currentPage | The currentPage change will trigger. |
名称 | 类型 | 默认值 | 可选值 | 描述 |
total | Number | 1 | | 数据总数 (必填) |
pageSize | Number | 10 | | 每页显示的数量 (必填) |
currentPage | Number | 1 | | 当前的页数 (必填) |
showTotal | Boolean | false | | 显示总数的属性 |
showSizes | Boolean | false | | 显示每页大小的属性 |
showJump | Boolean | false | | 显示跳转的属性 |
preText | String | | | 向前翻页按钮内的文本 |
nextText | Boolean | false | | 向后翻页按钮内的文本 |
step | Number | 5 | | 快速翻页的步长 |
color | String | #428bca | | 主题颜色 |
size | String | small | small/middle/large | 组件的尺寸大小 |
pageSizes | Array | 10, 20, 30, 50 | | 每页显示个数选择器的选项设置 |
Name | Callback | Description |
size-change | 每页条数size | pageSize 改变时会触发 |
current-change | 当前页currentPage | currentPage 改变时会触发 |