0.0.5 • Published 6 years ago

vue-selection v0.0.5

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Last release
6 years ago


Selection.js is an simple, lightweight, and modern library for making visual DOM Selections.

Quick demo: https://simonwep.github.io/selection


  • Supports touch devices
  • Simple usage
  • No jQuery
  • Nodejs support
  • Lightweight, 3KB gzipped

Install via npm

$ npm install @simonwep/selection-js --save

Or simply include it via script tag:

<script src="selection.min.js"></script>


const options = {

  // All elemets with the class 'selectable' selectable.
  selectables: ['.selectable']
const selection = Selection.create(options);

It's reccommended to also specify a bounding area for the selection (see 'Options').


const selection = new Selection({  

    // Class for the selection-area-element
    // Default: 'selection-area'
    class: 'selection',

    // px, how many pixels the point should move before starting the selection
    // Default: 0
    startThreshold: 10,

    // Disable the selection functionality for touch devices
    // Default: false
    disableTouch: false,

    // Query selectors from elements from which the siblings can be selected
    // Default: Empty array
    containers: [],

    // Query selectors from elements which can be selected
    // Default: Empty array
    selectables: [],

    // Query selectors for elements from where a selection can be start
    // Default: ['html']
    startareas: [],

    // Query selectors for elements which will be used as boundarys for the selection
    // Default: ['html']
    boundarys: [],

    // Element selection stardet             
    onStart(evt) {

    // Element selection move
    onMove(evt) {
       // Same properties as onStart

    // Element selection stopped
    onStop(evt) {
       // Same properties as onStart

    // Element selection has stardet
    startFilter(evt) {
        evt.selection; // This selection instance
        evt.eventName; // The event name
        evt.element;   // The element from where the user stardet the selection

        // return false to cancel the selection process

    // Element selection has stardet
    selectionFilter(evt) {
        evt.selection; // This selection instance
        evt.eventName; // The event name
        evt.element;   // The element which is in the current selection

        // return true to keep the element


  • selection.option(name:String) - Returns the option by name.
  • selection.option(name:String, value:Mixed) - Set a new option value.
  • selection.disable() - Disable the functionality to make selections.
  • selection.enable() - Enable the functionality to make selections.


start / stop / move event

  • selection:Selection - Current selection object.
  • eventName:String - The event name.
  • areaElement:HTMLElement - The selection element.
  • originalEvent:Event - The original mouse-event.
  • selectedElements:Array[HTMLElements] - Array with currently selected HTMLElements.
  • changedElements:Object
    • added:Array[HTMLElements] - Elements which are added to selectedElements since the last interaction (mousemove).
    • removed:Array[HTMLElements] - Elements which are removed from selectedElements since last interaction (mousemove).

Filter event

  • selection:Selection - Current selection object.
  • eventName:String - The event name.
  • element:HTMLElement - HTMLElement from which the selection starts.

Static methods


  • Selection.create(options:Object):Selection - Creates a new instance.


  • on(el:HTMLElement, event:String, fn:Function) - Attach an event handler function.
  • off(el:HTMLElement, event:String, fn:Function) - Remove an event handler.
  • css(el:HTMLElement):Object - Get all css properties from this element.
  • css(el:HTMLElement, attr:String):Mixed - Get the value from a style property.
  • css(el:HTMLElement, attr:String, val:String) - Set a specific style property.
  • css(el:HTMLElement, attr:Object) - Set multiple style properties.
  • intersects(ela:HTMLElement, elb:HTMLElement):Boolean - Check if an HTMLElement intersects another.
  • selectAll(selector:String|Array):Array - Returns all HTMLElements which were selected by the selector.
  • eventPath(evt:DOMEvent):NodeList - Event.composedPath() ponyfill.