vue-smart-widget v0.6.2
Smart widget is a flexible and extensible content container component. It includes header and body part, and widget body includes editbox、content、footer. If you use with grid, it also have a draggable and resizable grid layout, base on Vue2.5.+ & vue-grid-layout.
Both Support Vue 2/Vue 3
Vue 2
npm i vue-smart-widget -S
Vue 3
npm i vue-smart-widget@next -S
Install all the components:
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueSmartWidget from 'vue-smart-widget'
Use widget only:
import Vue from 'vue'
import { SmartWidget } from 'vue-smart-widget'
Vue.component('SmartWidget', SmartWidget)
The SmartWidget is heavily base on vue-grid-layout, you can know about vue-grid-layout
first, maybe you already use in your project.
Use widget only
<smart-widget title="Default Widget">
It's default widget.
Use widget with grid
import Vue from 'vue'
import { SmartWidgetGrid } from 'vue-smart-widget'
Vue.component('SmartWidgetGrid', SmartWidgetGrid)
new Vue({
data () {
return {
layout: [
{ x: 0, y: 0, w: 4, h: 4, i: '0' },
{ x: 4, y: 0, w: 4, h: 4, i: '1' },
{ x: 8, y: 0, w: 4, h: 4, i: '2' }
<smart-widget-grid :layout="layout">
<smart-widget slot="0" simple>
<div class="layout-center">
<h3>Simple Widget Without Header</h3>
<smart-widget slot="1" title="Default Widget">
<div class="layout-center">
<h3>Default Widget With Header</h3>
<smart-widget slot="2" title="Full Screen" fullscreen>
<div class="layout-center">
<h3>Make any widget full screen</h3>
SmartWidget Props
Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted values | Default |
slot | Widget slot, the unique identifier of the widget. refer to SmartWidgetGrid Props | String | - | - |
title | Widget Header Title | String | - | - |
subTitle | Widget Header Sub Title | String | - | - |
padding | padding in Widget Body | Number, Array | - | [12, 20] |
simple | Widget without Header | Boolean | true or false | false |
loading | determine whether it's loading | Boolean | true or false | false |
fullscreen | determine whether have fullscreen button | Boolean | true or false | false |
collapse | determine whether have collapse button, only support smart-widget | Boolean | true or false | false |
refresh | determine whether have refresh button | Boolean | true or false | false |
fixedHeight | determine whether widget body's height is fixed, only support smart-widget | Boolean | true or false | false |
shadow | when to show card shadows | String | always 、hover 、never | always |
translateY | the length of vertically transform | Number | - | 0 |
isActived | determine whether widget is actived | Boolean | true or false | false |
activedColor | the actived widget box-shadow color, usually used with isActived attribute | String | hex color | #0076db |
headerHeight | Widget Header Height(px) | Number | - | 48 |
SmartWidget Methods
Name | Description | Parameters |
move | Every time an item is being moved and changes position | (i, newX, newY) |
moved | Every time an item is finished being moved and changes position | (i, newX, newY) |
resize | Every time an item is being resized and changes size | (i, newH, newW, newHPx, newWPx) |
resized | Every time an item is finished being moved and changes position | (i, newH, newW, newHPx, newWPx) |
container-resized | Every time the grid item/layout container changes size (browser window or other) | (i, newH, newW, newHPx, newWPx) |
on-refresh | Used when the widget need fetching data from ajax methods, usually used with loading attribute | - |
before-fullscreen | Used when the widget before fullscreen, usually used with fullscreen attribute | true or false |
on-fullscreen | Used when the widget is already fullscreen, usually used with fullscreen attribute | true or false |
CSS Selector in SmartWidget
Name | Description |
.smartwidget | The main selector in SmartWidget |
.is-actived | The state of widget is actived |
.vue-grid-item.vue-grid-placeholder | The default css for the placeholder |
SmartWidgetGrid Props
It's similar with vue-grid-layout. Care about the attribute
, The value of layout must be an Array of Object items. Each item must have i, x, y, w and h proprties. especially, the i proprties, it's the unique identifier of the widget item, euqal with widget slot.
Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted values | Default |
layout | This is the initial layout of the grid. | Array | - | required |
responsiveLayouts | This is the initial layouts of the grid per breakpoint if responsive is set to true. | Object | - | {} |
colNum | Says how many columns the grid has. | Number | - | 12 |
rowHeight | Says what is a height of a single row in pixels. | Number | - | 48 |
maxRows | Says what is a maximal number of rows in the grid. | Number | - | Infinity |
margin | Says what are the margins of elements inside the grid. | Array | - | [10, 10] |
draggable | Says if the grids items are draggable. | Boolean | true or false | true |
resizable | Says if the grids items are resizable. | Boolean | true or false | true |
isMirrored | Says if the RTL/LTR should be reversed. | Boolean | true or false | false |
autoSize | Says if the container height should swells and contracts to fit contents. | Boolean | true or false | true |
verticalCompact | Says if the layout should be compact vertically. | Boolean | true or false | true |
preventCollision | Says if grid items will move when being dragged over. | Boolean | true or false | false |
responsive | Says if the layout should be responsive to window width. | Boolean | true or false | false |
breakpoints | Breakpoints defined for responsive layout. Sets widths on wich column number changes. | Object | - | { lg: 1200, md: 996, sm: 768, xs: 480, xxs: 0 } |
cols | Defines number of columns for each breakpoint. | Object | - | { lg: 12, md: 10, sm: 6, xs: 4, xxs: 2 } |
isStatic | Control all widgets won't be draggable, resizable or moved | Boolean | true or false | false |
Slot scopes
Each widget in the grid is resizable,
provide the widget attribute to the children component.
Name | Description | Type |
contentH | Provide the widget body content(widget-body__content ) height | Number |
SmartWidgetGrid Methods
Name | Description | Parameters |
layout-created | Emited on the component created lifecycle hook | newLayout |
layout-before-mount | Emited on the component beforeMount lifecycle hook | newLayout |
layout-mounted | Emited on the component mounted lifecycle hook | newLayout |
layout-ready | Emited when all the operations on the mount hook finish | newLayout |
layout-updated | Every time the layout has finished updating and positions of all grid-items are recalculated | newLayout |
breakpoint-changed | Every time the breakpoint value changes due to window resize | (newBreakpoint, newLayout) |
MIT @xiaoluoboding
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