1.6.0 • Published 4 years ago

vue-stepper-sh v1.6.0

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4 years ago

Stepper Build Status

Stepper for Vue by the Slow Loris team, with changes by Shahar Yair.

A simple stepper with simple actions such as next, back and finish to perform simple forms.

Live Demo


npm install vue-stepper --save


stepsArray of ObjectsEach object is a step that will be included in the stepper
localeStringDefault: en. Current options: en, es, pt, ja, he, cn, ru , ar.
top-buttonsBooleanDefault: false. If true buttons on the header, at the start and the end of the steps, will be shown for better user experience.
keep-aliveBooleanDefault: true. If true step components won't be destroy in each step change, bue if false they will.
resetBooleanDefault: false. If true the steps will be reset

Steps object properties

iconStringEx.: mail. Name of icons that belong to material-icons library
nameStringName of the step. Each step name MUST be unique
titleStringTitle that will be displayed below the step, on bold.
subtitleStringSubtitle displayed below the title.
componentComponentImported component that will be show on the content area of the step.
completedBooleanIf step is completed or not. If TRUE a done material icon will replace the one given before. Only mark as completed when you want to let know the user that the previous step has been completed

Events emitted by stepper

Event nameWhen
completed-stepTriggered when a step is completed. Completed meaning that current step has been left behind on the step list. Now you can mark your step object as completed if you desire it.
active-stepCurrent active step. It's name and index are exposed on the deployed payload.
stepper-finishedEvent emitted when the user clicks the final button. Now it's time to execute a final callback method
clicking-backTriggered when user clicks the back button to return to a previous step
resetTriggered when the steps have been reset. So now it's pointing to the first step with cleared fields

Events that can be emitted by content component

Event nameWhen
can-continueBy default the next button will be disabled until the event can-continue is triggered with an object containing the property value. Value accepts a boolean, if true next/finish button will be enabled if false disabled. On each next step canContinue variable will be set to false.
change-nextWith this event you can change de state of the clickedNext prop that each step has. Just emit it with the following payload {nextBtnValue: boolean}

Exposed props for step component

currentStepObjectExposes current step for step component


Template example

<section class="section">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="columns">
            <div class="column is-8 is-offset-2">
                <horizontal-stepper :steps="demoSteps" @completed-step="completeStep"
                                    @active-step="isStepActive" @stepper-finished="alert"

Script example

    import HorizontalStepper from 'vue-stepper';

    // This components will have the content for each stepper step.
    import StepOne from './StepOne.vue';
    import StepTwo from './StepTwo.vue';

    export default {
        components: {
            return {
                demoSteps: [
                        icon: 'mail',
                        name: 'first',
                        title: 'Sample title 1',
                        subtitle: 'Subtitle sample',
                        component: StepOne,
                        completed: false

                        icon: 'report_problem',
                        name: 'second',
                        title: 'Sample title 2',
                        subtitle: 'Subtitle sample',
                        component: StepTwo,
                        completed: false
        methods: {
            // Executed when @completed-step event is triggered
            completeStep(payload) {
                this.demoSteps.forEach((step) => {
                    if (step.name === payload.name) {
                        step.completed = true;
            // Executed when @active-step event is triggered
            isStepActive(payload) {
                this.demoSteps.forEach((step) => {
                    if (step.name === payload.name) {
                        if(step.completed === true) {
                            step.completed = false;
            // Executed when @stepper-finished event is triggered
            alert(payload) {

Example of component content that will be displayed on the first step (vuelidate used to validate form).


    <div style="padding: 2rem 3rem; text-align: left;">
        <div class="field">
            <label class="label">Username</label>
            <div class="control">
                <input :class="['input', ($v.form.username.$error) ? 'is-danger' : '']" type="text" placeholder="Text input"
            <p v-if="$v.form.username.$error" class="help is-danger">This username is invalid</p>
        <div class="field">
            <label class="label">Email</label>
            <div class="control">
                <input :class="['input', ($v.form.demoEmail.$error) ? 'is-danger' : '']"  type="text" placeholder="Email input" v-model="form.demoEmail">
            <p v-if="$v.form.demoEmail.$error" class="help is-danger">This email is invalid</p>
        <div class="field">
            <label class="label">Message</label>
            <div class="control">
                <textarea :class="['textarea', ($v.form.message.$error) ? 'is-danger' : '']"  placeholder="Textarea" v-model="form.message"></textarea>


    import {validationMixin} from 'vuelidate'
    import {required, email} from 'vuelidate/lib/validators'

    export default {
        props: ['clickedNext', 'currentStep'],
        mixins: [validationMixin],
        data() {
            return {
                form: {
                    username: '',
                    demoEmail: '',
                    message: ''
        validations: {
            form: {
                username: {
                demoEmail: {
                message: {
        watch: {
            $v: {
                handler: function (val) {
                    if(!val.$invalid) {
                        this.$emit('can-continue', {value: true});
                    } else {
                        this.$emit('can-continue', {value: false});
                deep: true
            clickedNext(val) {
                if(val === true) {
        mounted() {
            if(!this.$v.$invalid) {
                this.$emit('can-continue', {value: true});
            } else {
                this.$emit('can-continue', {value: false});

4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago