1.0.2 • Published 4 years ago

vue-telegram-plugin v1.0.2

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Last release
4 years ago


# Yarn
yarn add vue-telegram-plugin

# Npm
npm install vue-telegram-plugin


Prepare tdweb library

This plugin using tdweb (Telegram Data Libraty - TDLib in browser), so after installing you have to make all tdweb's files loadable from your server. For example you can copy all file in vue-telegram-plugin/lib folder into the server's public folder.

cp -r node_modules/vue-telegram-plugin/lib/* public/

Create your Telegram Application

For using telegram API you must register an application. You could easily create application at https://my.telegram.org/apps

Loading the plugin

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueTelegram from 'vue-telegram-plugin'

Vue.use(VueTelgram, options)

Available options

NameData TypeDescroption
useTestDCBooleanIf set to true, the Telegram test environment will be used instead of the production environment. Default: true
logVerbosityLevelNumberThe initial verbosity level for the TDLib internal logging (0-1023). Default: 1
jsLogVerbosityLevelNumberThe initial verbosity level of the JavaScript part of the code. Default: 3
useDatabaseBooleanDefault: false. If set to true, the library will maintain a cache of users, basic groups, supergroups, channels and secret chats.
apiIdString(required)Application identifier for Telegram API access, which can be obtained at https://my.telegram.org.
apiHashString(required)Application identifier hash for Telegram API access, which can be obtained at https://my.telegram.org.
system_language_codeStringIETF language tag of the user's operating system language. Default en
database_directoryStringThe path to the directory for the persistent database. Default: /telegramdb

Available methods

Methods that are register on vue $vTelegram instance. For first, call init method to initialize telegram service.

initInitialize telegram service
loginphoneNumber(String)Login with phone number
confirmVerificationCodeverificationCode(String)Confirm the verification code
getMeGet logged user information
searchChats{   query(String),   limit(Number)}Search chat's title match query with limit results
sendMessage{   chatId(String),   message(String) }Send message to chat with chatId
logoutLogout user

Available events

Events that are emmited on the vue $vTelegramBus instance (Event Bus).

// Listening an event.
Vue.$vTelegramBus.on(event, () => {})

// Remove one or move event.
Vue.$vTelegramBus.off(event, () => {})

// Listen for the given event once.
Vue.$vTelegramBus.once(event, () => {})

// Emit an event.
Vue.$vTelegramBus.once(event, ...args)
authorizationStateWaitPhoneNumberTelegram need the user's phone number to authorize. Call $vTelegram.login method to provice the phone number.
authorizationStateWaitCodeTelegram need the the user's authentication code to authorize. Call $vTelegram.confirmVerificationCode method to provice the authenticateion code.
authorizationStateReadyThe user has been successfully authorized. VueTelegram is now ready to use such as $vTelegram.getMe() ...

Auth component

If you don't want to create your auth component you can use VueTelegramAuth that registered global. This component is a dialog contain phone and verification code submit's form to authenticate user. Simple to use no parameters required. To use the component, you have to install ElementUI

<VueTelegramAuth />