0.0.3 • Published 8 years ago

vue-testing v0.0.3

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8 years ago

Vue Testing

Let's make Vue Testing And Mocking Become Easier And Much Fun.


npm install vue-testing inject-loader --save-dev


If you're testing without js-testing you'll realize that you have a long boilerplate code to mock up your component. Let me show you how it looks. It's taken from https://vue-loader.vuejs.org/en/workflow/testing-with-mocks.html

<!-- example.vue -->
  <div class="msg">{{ msg }}</div>

// this dependency needs to be mocked
import SomeService from '../service'

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      msg: SomeService.msg
// example.spec.js

// Import the component and make the injection preparation
const ExampleInjector = require('!!vue?inject!./example.vue')

// Inject and Mock External Resource
const ExampleWithMocks = ExampleInjector({
  // mock it
  '../service': {
    msg: 'Hello from a mocked service!'

it('should render', () => {
  // Render the component manually
  const vm = new Vue({
    template: '<div><test></test></div>',
    components: {
      'test': ExampleWithMocks
  expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.msg').textContent).toBe('Hello from a mocked service!')

Magic Vue Properties

Probably, you'll not get frustated with that code. Cause it's simple. until your component uses vue properties that magically injected by some plugin. For example js-router injects this.$router and this.$route Or jsx injects this.$store. It will throw error variable undefined since we not render the whole app. So, How do you handle it without touching your component code? It needs some effort.

<!-- example.vue -->
  <div class="msg">{{ msg }}</div>

// this dependency needs to be mocked
import SomeService from '../service'

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      msg: SomeService.msg

  created() {
    // Use Magic Properties
    if(this.$route.params === someCondition) this.$router.push('/login')
// example.spec.js

// Import the component and make the injection preparation
const ExampleInjector = require('!!vue?inject!./example.vue')

// Inject and Mock External Resource
const ExampleWithMocks = ExampleInjector({
  // mock it
  '../service': {
    msg: 'Hello from a mocked service!'

// You can inject magic properties this way
ExampleWithMocks.beforeCreate = function () {
  this.$route = { params: {} }
  this.$router = { push: () => {} }

it('should render', () => {
  // Render the component manually
  const vm = new Vue({
    template: '<div><test></test></div>',
    components: {
      'test': ExampleWithMocks

  expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.msg').textContent).toBe('Hello from a mocked service!')

Vuex Helper Function

Oke, let's say that you always pass the router params via props since js-router@2.2.x. But you'll still get the problem when you're using vuex helper function like mapActions, mapStates, mapGetters. Sure, you need write more.

<!-- example.vue -->
  <div class="msg">{{ msg }}</div>

// this dependency needs to be mocked
import SomeService from '../service'

// Vuex Helper Function
import { mapActions } from 'vuex'

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      msg: SomeService.msg

  methods: {
    // Use It!
      test: 'SOME_ACTION'

  created() {
    // Use Magic Properties
    if(this.$route.params === someCondition) this.$router.push('/login')
    // Bind It!
// example.spec.js

// Import the component and make the injection preparation
const ExampleInjector = require('!!vue?inject!./example.vue')

// Inject and Mock External Resource
const ExampleWithMocks = ExampleInjector({
  // mock it
  '../service': {
    msg: 'Hello from a mocked service!'

  'vuex': {
    mapActions: () => {}

// Mock The Method To Put Your Spy
ExampleWithMocks.methods = {
  test: function() {
    return spy

// You can inject magic properties this way
ExampleWithMocks.beforeCreate = function () {
  this.$route = { params: {} }
  this.$router = { push: () => {} }

it('should render', () => {
  // Render the component manually
  const vm = new Vue({
    template: '<div><test></test></div>',
    components: {
      'test': ExampleWithMocks

  expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.msg').textContent).toBe('Hello from a mocked service!')

Let's Make It Simple!

Let's make it simple with js-testing. You'll just need little effort to mock your component constructor. Take a peek.

// example.spec.js

// Import Vue Testing Helpers
import { mockComponent, mount } from 'vue-testing';

// Import the component and make the injection preparation
const ExampleInjector = require('!!vue?inject!./example.vue')

// Mock It!
let Component = mockComponent(ExampleInjector, {

  // You can inject component properties via propsData
  propsData: {
    msg: 'hai'

  // Even You can inject the local state without breaking your beforeCreate function
  // It will save you from mapStates and mapGetters vuex function error in testing
  states: {
    localState: 'hello',
    $route: {
      params: {}
    $router: {
      push: () => {}

  // You can inject the actions to be your local methods!
  // It will save you from mapActions vuex function error in testing
  actions: {
    test: () => spy

  // Default integrated with vuex-saga
  // It will save you from mapSagas vuex-saga function error in testing
  sagas: {
    test: () => {}

  // Mock the external module
  // You can just put all in one scope
  '../service': {
    msg: 'Hello from a mocked service!'
  'jquery': () => {}
  'external-module': {}

describe('ExampleComponent', function () {

  let vm;
  beforeEach(function () {
    // Mount it!
    // Mount it in every test scope. So you'll get fresh component
    vm = mount(Component)

  // Focus On Your Test!
  it('Some Test', function () {
    const actual = vm.$el.querySelector('.msg').textContent
    const expected = 'Hello from a mocked service!'


Have You Tested Your Components? You Should Be~

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MIT Copyright (c) Naufal Rabbani