1.3.0 • Published 3 years ago

vue3-css-donut-chart v1.3.0

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Last release
3 years ago

Live demo

Live demo can be found on the project page https://dumptyd.github.io/vue-css-donut-chart

Playground https://jsfiddle.net/dumptyd/ujvypcd3/


:black_medium_small_square: No external dependencies.

:black_medium_small_square: Small size footprint. npm bundle size

:black_medium_small_square: High test coverage. Coverage status

:black_medium_small_square: Performs automatic font size recalculation as the size of the donut changes.

:black_medium_small_square: Supports responsive donut and pie charts.

Table of Contents


Install via yarn or npm

yarn add vue-css-donut-chart
npm install vue-css-donut-chart

Registering vue-css-donut-chart

:black_medium_small_square: ES6

import Donut from 'vue-css-donut-chart';
import 'vue-css-donut-chart/dist/vcdonut.css';


:black_medium_small_square: In-browser using CDNs

Using unpkg
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/vue-css-donut-chart@1/dist/vcdonut.css">
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue-css-donut-chart@1"></script>
Using jsDelivr
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue-css-donut-chart@1/dist/vcdonut.css">
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue-css-donut-chart@1/dist/vcdonut.umd.min.js"></script>


Basic usage

With sane defaults in place, basic usage is as simple as passing a sections array with objects containing a value property. This will create a donut with 2 sections that take up 25% each.

  <vc-donut :sections="sections">Basic donut</vc-donut>
  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        sections: [{ value: 25 }, { value: 25 }]

Usage with all the available props

    background="white" foreground="grey"
    :size="200" unit="px" :thickness="30"
    has-legend legend-placement="top"
    :sections="sections" :total="100"
    :start-angle="0" :auto-adjust-text-size="true"
  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        sections: [
          { label: 'Red section', value: 25, color: 'red' },
          { label: 'Green section', value: 25, color: 'green' },
          { label: 'Blue section', value: 25, color: 'blue' }
    methods: {
      handleSectionClick(section, event) {
        console.log(`${section.label} clicked.`);

For brevity, only the section-click event is demonstrated in the above example. You can use all the other section-* events the same way.

Using the component as a pie chart

Making the component look like a pie chart is as simple as setting the thickness to 100.

    :sections="[{ value: 35 }, { value: 15 }, { value: 15 }, { value: 35 }]"

Note: setting thickness to 100 will completely hide the diagram's text or slot content. The content will still be present in the DOM, however it won't be visible for obvious reasons.



sizeNumberNo250Diameter of the donut. Can be any positive value.
unitStringNo'px'Unit to use for size. Can be any valid CSS unit. Use % to make the donut responsive.
thicknessNumberNo20Percent thickness of the donut ring relative to size. Can be any positive value between 0-100 (inclusive). Set this to 0 to draw a pie chart instead.
textStringNoText to show in the middle of the donut. This can also be provided through the default slot.
backgroundStringNo'#ffffff'Background color of the donut. In most cases, this should be the background color of the parent element.
foregroundStringNo'#eeeeee'Foreground color of the donut. This is the color that is shown for empty region of the donut ring.
start-angleNumberNo0Angle measure in degrees where the first section should start.
totalNumberNo100Total for calculating the percentage for each section.
has-legendBooleanNofalseWhether the donut should have a legend.
legend-placementStringNo'bottom'Where the legend should be placed. Valid values are top, right, bottom and left. Doesn't have an effect if has-legend is not true.
auto-adjust-text-sizeBooleanNotrueWhether the font-size of the donut content is calculated automatically to fit the available space.
sectionsArrayNo[]An array of objects. Each object in the array represents a section.
section.valueNumberYesValue of the section. The component determines what percent of the donut should be taken by a section based on this value and the total prop. Sum of all the sections' value should not exceed total, an error is thrown otherwise.
section.colorStringRead descriptionRead descriptionColor of the section. The component comes with 24 predefined colors, so this property is optional if you have <= 24 sections without the color property.
section.labelStringNo'Section <section number>'Name of the section. This is used in the legend as well as the tooltip text of the section.


All the section-* listeners are called with the section object on which the event occurred and the native Event object as arguments respectively. Consider adding a custom property (eg: name) to the section objects to uniquely identify them.

section-clicksection, eventEmitted when a section is clicked.
section-mouseentersection, eventEmitted when the mouseenter event occurs on a section.
section-mouseleavesection, eventEmitted when the mouseleave event occurs on a section.
section-mouseoversection, eventEmitted when the mouseover event occurs on a section.
section-mouseoutsection, eventEmitted when the mouseout event occurs on a section.
section-mousemovesection, eventEmitted when the mousemove event occurs on a section.


default slotIf you want more control over the content of the chart, default slot can be used instead of the text prop.
legendSlot for plugging in your own legend.


Issues https://github.com/dumptyd/vue-css-donut-chart/issues


Code released under MIT license.