0.1.0 • Published 3 years ago

vue3-tailwind-library v0.1.0

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Last release
3 years ago

DSM Vue 3 Tailwind Components

A monorepo for coordinating the publishing of documentation for the library with Lerna managing the publication of each individual package.


View the Documentation


  1. Commit the repo with a #patch, #minor or #major tag in your commit message.
  2. The documentation will now be automatically built and copied to the live server.


  1. From your local machine, run npm run build:all. This will build the global stylesheet and the individual components
  2. Commit any changes to git (required for lerna publish to work)
  3. Run npm run publish
  4. Lerna will ask you for a semantic version for any components which have changes to publish

DSM Design Ltd