2.1.0 • Published 5 years ago

vuejs-paginate v2.1.0

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Last release
5 years ago


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A Vue.js(v2.x+) component to make pagination. Inspired by react-paginate.

Easy to use by providing simple api. And you can customize the style of this component by css.

Online demo



Install the npm package.

$ npm install vuejs-paginate --save

Register the component.

  • ES5
var Paginate = require('vuejs-paginate')
Vue.component('paginate', Paginate)
  • ES6
import Paginate from 'vuejs-paginate'
Vue.component('paginate', Paginate)

Note: For version <= 0.5.0, use Vue.use(Paginate) to register the component after import the package. But recommend to use the latest version now.


Include the source file.

<!-- use the latest release -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vuejs-paginate@latest"></script>
<!-- or use the specify version -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vuejs-paginate@0.9.0"></script>

Register the component.

Vue.component('paginate', VuejsPaginate)


In Vue Template

Basic Usage


Note: In vue template, camelCase and kebab-case are both supported. For example, you can either use prop page-count or pageCount. They are leading to the same result.

So this is also avaliable




export default {
  methods: {
    clickCallback (pageNum) => {

<style lang="css">
.pagination {
.page-item {

Value Binding

Use v-model to set the selected page number. You can programmatically modify the current page by using this.


export default {
  data() {
    return {
      page: 10


Must use kebab-case for props in pure HTML.



Vue.component('paginate', VuejsPaginate)

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  methods: {
    clickCallback: function(pageNum) {


<div id="app">


Name                                       TypeDescription
page-countNumberTotal count of pages. required
page-rangeNumberRange of pages which displayed. default: 3 (Note: It is recommended to use an odd number, so that the same number of pages are displayed before and after the active page. If using an even number, there will be one more page number before the active page than after the current page)
margin-pagesNumberThe number of displayed pages for margins. default: 1
prev-textStringText for the previous button. You can use HTML here. default: Prev
next-textStringText for the next button. You can use HTML here. default: Next
break-view-textStringText for the break view indicator. default: ...
initial-page Deprecated after v2.0.0NumberThe index of initial page which selected. default: 0
force-pageNumberThe page number of overridden selected page.
click-handlerFunctionThe method to call when page clicked. Use clicked page number as parameter.
container-classStringCSS class name for the layout.
page-classStringCSS class name for tag li of each page element.
page-link-classStringCSS class name for tag a of each page element.
prev-classStringCSS class name for tag li of previous element.
prev-link-classStringCSS class name for tag a of previous element.
next-classStringCSS class name for tag li of next element.
next-link-classStringCSS class name for tag a of next element.
break-view-classStringCSS class name for tag li of break view element.
break-view-link-classStringCSS class name for tag a of break view element.
active-classStringCSS class name for active page element. default: active
disabled-classStringCSS class name for disabled page element. default: disabled
no-li-surroundBooleanSupport no li tag surround a tag. default: false
first-last-buttonBooleanSupport buttons to turn to the first and last page. default: false
first-button-textStringText for first button. (Not visible when first-last-button is false. You can use HTML here.) default: 'First'
last-button-textStringText for last button. (Not visible when first-last-button is false. You can use HTML here.) default: 'Last'
hide-prev-nextBooleanHide prev/next button when there is no previous or next page. default: false

Customize inner HTML (experimental)

You can customize the inner HTML of the previous button, next button, and break view indicator, with the slot tag.

Slot names

prevContentPrevious button
nextContentNext button
breakViewContentBreak view indicator

Note Slot of prevContent and nextContent are not supported after v1.9.5. You can directly set the HTML by prev-text and next-text props.



  <span slot="prevContent">Changed previous button</span>
  <span slot="nextContent">Changed next button</span>
  <span slot="breakViewContent">
    <svg width="16" height="4" viewBox="0 0 16 4">
      <circle fill="#999999" cx="2" cy="2" r="2" />
      <circle fill="#999999" cx="8" cy="2" r="2" />
      <circle fill="#999999" cx="14" cy="2" r="2" />



You can see the demo for quickly understand how to use this package.

$ git clone git@github.com:lokyoung/vuejs-paginate.git
$ cd vuejs-paginate
$ npm install
$ npm run demo

Check the code from ./demo/index.html and ./demo/App.vue.